Antimicrobials in an age of resistance

By Jennifer Davis and Celia Marr

Growing numbers of bacterial and viral infections are resistant to antimicrobial drugs, but no new classes of antibiotics have come on the market for more than 25 years. Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria cause at least 700,000 human deaths per year according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Equivalent figures for horses are not available, but where once equine vets would have very rarely encountered antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, in recent years this serious problem is a weekly, if not daily, challenge. 

The WHO has for several years now, designated a World Antibiotic Awareness Week each November and joining this effort, British Equine Veterinary Association and its Equine Veterinary Journal put together a group of articles exploring this problem in horses.

For more information:

How do bacterial populations develop resistance?

Certain types of bacteria are naturally resistant to specific antimicrobials and susceptible to others. Bacteria can develop resistance to antimicrobials in three ways: bacteria, viruses and other microbes, which can develop resistance through genetic mutations or by one species acquiring resistance from another. Widespread antibiotic use has made more bacteria resistant through evolutionary pressure—the “survival of the fittest” principle means that every time antimicrobials are used, susceptible microbes may be killed; but there is a chance that a resistant strain survives the exposure and continues to live and expand. The more antimicrobials are used, the more pressure there is for resistance to develop.

The veterinary field remains a relatively minor contributor to the development of antimicrobial resistance. However, the risk of antimicrobial-resistant determinants traveling between bacteria, animals and humans through the food chain, direct contact and environmental contamination has made the issue of judicious antimicrobial use in the veterinary field important for safeguarding human health. Putting that aside, it is also critical for equine vets, owners and trainers to recognize we need to take action now to limit the increase of antimicrobials directly relevant to horse health.

How does antimicrobial resistance impact horse health?

Fig 1. This mare’s problems began with colic; she underwent surgery to correct a colon torsion (twisted gut). When the gut wall was damaged, bacteria easily spread throughout the body. The mare developed an infection in her surgical incision and in her jugular veins, progressing eventually to uncontrollable infection—resistant to all available antimicrobials with infection of the heart and lungs.

The most significant threat to both human and equine populations is multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli, MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecium, and rising MDR strains of Salmonella spp. and Clostridium difficile. In an analysis of 12,695 antibiograms collected from horses in France between 2012-2016, the highest proportion (22.5%) of MDR isolates were S. aureus. Identification of ESBL E.coli strains that are resistant to all available antimicrobial classes has increased markedly in horses. In a sampling of healthy adult horses at 41 premises in France in 2015, 44% of the horses shed MDR E.coli, and 29% of premises shedding ESBL isolates were found in one third of the equestrian premises. Resistant E. coli strains are also being found in post-surgical patients with increasing frequency.

Fig 2. Rhodococcus equi is a major cause of illness in young foals. It leads to pneumonia and lung abscesses, which in this example has spread through the entire lung. Research from Kentucky shows that antimicrobial resistance is increasingly common in this bacterial species.

Of major concern to stud owners, antimicrobial-resistant strains of Rhodococcus equi have been identified in Kentucky in the last decade, and this bacteria can cause devastating pneumonia in foals. Foals that are affected by the resistant strains are unlikely to survive the illness. One of the leading authorities on R.equi pneumonia, Dr. Monica Venner has published several studies showing that foals can recover from small pulmonary abscesses just as quickly without antibiotics, and has pioneered an “identify and monitor” approach rather than “identify and treat.”  Venner encourages vets to use ultrasonography to quantify the infected areas within the lung and to use repeat scans, careful clinical monitoring and laboratory tests to monitor recovery. Antimicrobials are still used in foals, which are more severely affected, but this targeted approach helps minimize drug use.

What can we do to reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance?

The simple answer is stop using antimicrobials in most circumstances except where this is absolutely avoidable. In training yards, antimicrobials are being over-used for coughing horses. Many cases are due to viral infection, for which antibiotics will have little effect. There is also a tendency for trainers to reach for antibiotics rather than focusing on improving air quality and reducing exposure to dust. Many coughing horses will recover without antibiotics, given time. Although it has not yet been evaluated scientifically, adopting the identify and monitor approach, which is very successful in younger foals, might well translate to horses in training in order to reduce overuse of antimicrobials.

Fig 3. Faced with a coughing horse, trainers will often pressure their vet to administer antibiotics, hoping this will clear up the problem quickly. Many respiratory cases will recover without antibiotics, given rest and good ventilation

Vets are also encouraged to choose antibiotics more carefully, using laboratory results to select the drug that will target specific bacteria most effectively. The World Health Organization has identified five classes of antimicrobials as being critically important, and therefore reserved, antimicrobials in human medicine. The critically important antimicrobials which are used in horses are the cephalosporins (e.g., ceftiofur) and quinolones (e.g., enrofloxacin), and the macrolides, which are mainly used in foals for Rhodococcal pneumonia. WHO and other policymakers and opinion leaders have been urging vets and animal owners to reduce their use of critically important antimicrobials for well over a decade now. Critically important antimicrobials should only be used where there is no alternative, where the disease being treated has serious consequences and where there is laboratory evidence to back up the selection. The British Equine Veterinary Association has produced helpful guidelines and a toolkit, PROTECT-ME, to help equine vets achieve this.

How well are we addressing this problem?

Disappointingly, in a recent review of prescribing behavior of three “reserved” antimicrobials at first-opinion equine practices in the USA and Canada between 2006-2012 published in Equine Veterinary Journal, only 5% of prescriptions for the reserved antimicrobials enrofloxacin, ceftiofur and clarithromycin were informed by culture and sensitivity testing. There was also an overall trend of increased prescribing of enrofloxacin across the study period, and despite increasing awareness of the challenge of antimicrobial resistance, a decreasing proportion of enrofloxacin prescriptions were based on culture and sensitivity results.

Judicious use of antimicrobials for surgical patients

Antimicrobials are commonly used in the perioperative period. In both human and veterinary medicine, antimicrobial use for surgical prophylaxis has been a target for reducing or eliminating inappropriate antimicrobial administration. The British Equine Veterinary Association recommends administration of penicillin pre- and post-operatively for 24 hours for clean surgeries; penicillin and gentamicin pre- and post-operatively for five days for contaminated surgeries; and penicillin and gentamicin pre- and post-operatively for 10 days for complicated surgeries. Furthermore, for uncomplicated contaminated wounds (e.g., hoof abscesses), antimicrobial therapy is not recommended. A 2018 survey of perioperative antimicrobial use among equine practitioners in Australia revealed that most equine vets selected an appropriate antimicrobial agent. However, the dose of penicillin chosen was often suboptimal, and therapy was frequently prolonged beyond recommendations in all scenarios except for castration. 

Judicious use of antimicrobials through appropriate routes of administration

Fig 4. Using antimicrobials as effectively as possible helps to reduce their use overall. For septic arthritis, intravenous regional perfusion of antimicrobials can achieve very high concentrations within a specific limb. This involves placing a temporary tourniquet to reduce blood flow away from the area while the antimicrobial is injected into a nearby blood vessel. The technique is suitable for some but not all antimicrobial drugs.

Due to increasing isolation of MDR organisms, research into local therapy of “reserved” classes of antimicrobials is of interest. Intravenous regional limb perfusion of ceftiofur sodium may be appropriate for septic arthritis but is less clear cut for osteomyelitis. 

Oral and rectal administration of antimicrobials are common means to provide cost-effective and convenient treatment options for owners. However, these routes of administration can lead to variable absorption and therefore have the potential for subtherapeutic concentrations. Rectal administration of some antimicrobials has been explored in order to provide antimicrobials to horses with diseases that prevent oral administration, such as small intestinal problems or to provide an alternative for horses that find drugs unpalatable and go off their feed. Metronidazole is one of the few drugs for which pharmacokinetic data following rectal administration have been published, but the optimal dosing regimens via this route have yet to be determined.

Clinical conclusions

Given the increasing prevalence of resistant bacteria affecting the equine population, judicious use of antimicrobials is necessary. Trainers and vets must work together to implement this, otherwise before long, we will find we have no effective drugs left. Firstly, in any given situation, we should question whether antibiotics are really necessary.

Appropriate antibiotic selection, as well as choosing the correct dose, frequency, duration and route of administration should all be considered. Veterinarians should encourage culture and sensitivity testing to allow for guided and narrow spectrum therapies whenever possible. It is also important to keep up-to-date with the latest information on drug treatment schedules and be prepared to modify and adapt as new information becomes available. Appropriate antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary medicine will ensure the availability and legal use of antimicrobials remains an option for our equine patients.

Experiences with a new surgical technique for ‘Wobblers’ horses

By Lynn Pezzanite

Wobbler syndrome, also known as cervical vertebral compressive myelopathy (CVCM),  is the most common cause of neurological disease in horses and affects many breeds. Although numerous spinal surgeries are performed on humans, this is the only condition of the spinal cord for which surgery in horses is often performed. 

Wobbler syndrome involves compression of the spinal cord due to narrowing or abnormal development of the spine in the neck, which results in neurologic deficits—specifically ataxia. Ataxia is a term used by veterinarians to describe incoordination and inability of an animal to properly place their legs and maintain balance when they are standing and walking. It is easy, therefore, to see why horsemen describe CVCM horses as “wobblers.” CVCM has been described in many breeds, and it was estimated to affect up to 3% of thoroughbreds in one UK study. There is a high prevalence in young male horses, and these horses comprise 75 to 80% of cases. The condition negatively affects athletic performance, and up to 2/3 of horses diagnosed with CVCM are euthanised due to severity of the ataxia or perceived poor response to therapy and subsequent loss of use of the horse. Treatment recommendations are controversial due to the fear that horses cannot recover function when diagnosed with this condition, as well as concerns regarding the cost of treatment, its invasiveness and complications associated with current surgical procedures. Also, at the current time, it is still very unlikely a veterinarian can accurately predict the degree of improvement and prognosis for a specific horse undergoing treatment. Furthermore, veterinarians do not always agree amongst themselves how severe the ataxia is, which makes it even more difficult to measure improvement following treatment and compare treatments. Despite these concerns, there are many horses that do improve and return to athletic use after neck spinal surgery. 

What are the current options for spinal surgery?

The goal of spinal surgery for CVCM is to remove the ability of two vertebral bodies to move by fusing the two adjacent bones together. The result is that over time, the two bones and joints will change in configuration, the fused bones shrink and more space becomes available for the spinal cord. By removing the compression of the spinal cord, neurological function improves. Current surgical treatments for CVCM include methods for ventral interbody fusion: kerf cut cylinders and ventrally placed locking compression plate and dorsal laminectomy (the top portion of the vertebral body is removed entirely to reduce any compression on the spinal cord). Fusion with using the kerf cut cylinder remains the most commonly performed surgical procedure for cervical stabilisation, but this does not provide stability when the spine is in extension. Locking compression plate technologies are difficult to apply due to the shape of the vertebral body and limited flexibility in placement of the fusion construct and the associated screws. Despite great advancements in equine surgery over the past years, these surgical methods for equine cervical stabilisation require specialised equipment and extensive surgeon experience and still have a high risk of complications, including implant migration or failure and vertebral fracture with a high chance of associated horse fatality. 

The goal of spinal surgery for CVCM is to remove the ability of two vertebral bodies to move by fusing the two adjacent bones together

Recent developments in spinal surgery

Because CVCM is relatively common and there is huge interest in returning affected horses to athletic function, there is a demand to develop surgical techniques that are less technically challenging while reducing complications associated with surgery to safely return horses affected by CVCM to their intended use. Overall, there remains room for improvement in surgical treatment of CVCM to both increase biomechanical stability and reduce complications associated with implant placement.

A new technique for spinal surgery

In a recent pilot study by our group at the PreClinical Surgical Research Laboratory at Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO, USA), a new technique using advanced surgical implants known as pedicle screws and connecting rods with an interbody fusion device (IFD) were evaluated as an alternative to current techniques for cervical fusion in horses. The idea to use these novel implants came from human surgery, where interbody fusion devices are considered the standard technique for lumbar spine fusion in people, resulting in improved success rates in neurologic function and return to activity. The IFD device was evaluated initially in four horses, showing that the construct integrated with surrounding bone within eight months and did not result in any severe complications, such as implant failure, migration or fracture (as has been reported with other techniques). In addition, we noted that the polyaxial pedicle screw head allowed for increased screw placement options compared to previously described techniques. In particular, this is an improvement compared to the locking compression plate technology, which is limited by the conformation of the ventral keel of the cervical vertebrae. The results obtained in this pilot study prompted further investigation of polyaxial pedicle screw and rod technology in equine patients clinically affected by CVCM. 

The Colorado team’s results

We found 10 horses at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital that were diagnosed with Wobbler syndrome based on examination and diagnostic imaging including x-rays, myelogram, and CT scan. The owners of the horses approved to have them undergo this new surgery with placement of the IFD and polyaxial pedicle screw and rod construct. The 10 horses were closely followed, and clinical outcomes and owner reports were recorded and described in our recent publication in Equine Veterinary Journal

The breeds of horses treated included warmbloods, Tennessee Walkers, Arabians and quarter horses. No horses in this case population were intended as racehorses. The median age of horses at the time of surgery was two years (24 months, range 12-168). Male horses were overrepresented as is typical for CVCM, with four geldings, four stallions and two mares treated. Preoperative grade of ataxia ranged from 1 to 3 out of 5 based on the Modified Mayhew neurological grading scale. Surgical fusion was performed at one site in three horses and two sites in seven horses. In 6 out of 8 horses with ≥1-year follow-up, ataxia improved by 1–3 grades, with an average improvement of 1.25 grades. In four horses, ataxia improved to grade 0 (normal) or 1 (mild ataxia). In two horses, the gait was unaffected, but neck comfort improved according to owner follow-up. There were no fatal complications associated with the placement of implants. Complications encountered included swelling around the incision site (seroma), pain and fever. Although we found more serious complications including screw breakage in two horses, a vertebral fracture in one horse, and implant infection in one horse, none of these horses required additional surgical procedures to remove the implants. Two horses were euthanised within the first year after surgery. In one horse with severe neurological deficits preoperatively, surgery did not result in improvement of signs; and the horse was euthanised at six weeks postoperatively. The second horse developed upper respiratory tract obstruction immediately following general anesthesia and was euthanised at the time. 

Long-term follow-up with owners was performed by phone and survey consultation. All eight owners for which at least one year follow-up after surgery was available, reported that their horse’s clinical signs and quality of life were improved, and for all horses the level of exercise was increased since surgery. Five horses were being ridden at the time of follow-up, and one additional juvenile horse was beginning training. All four horses that had been ridden before surgery had improved under saddle. Overall, owner satisfaction with the procedure was reported as excellent in five cases or good in two cases, with one owner not responding to the question. All eight owners reported that they were overall positive about the procedure and would recommend this surgery to other horse owners in the future.

This new surgical technique to treat horses with Wobbler syndrome resulted in at least one grade of gait improvement in 6/10 cases and 6/8 cases for which ≥1-year follow-up was available, which is a similar result when compared to other methods. Advantages of this surgical procedure over others to treat this syndrome in horses include that this technique requires less bone removal from the vertebral column and that the implant itself (polyaxial screw head) may be more easily applied to the vertebral body, as its shape can be varied and so can be tailored to each individual horse. Importantly, this technique offers greater stability in two planes (tension and compression), which is not provided by other techniques such as the Bagby basket or kerf cut cylinder. There were no fatal complications related to implant placement in this procedure. This is in contrast to other techniques such as the basket or kerf cut cylinder, where euthanasia of the horse is the more typical outcome if the implant fails and vertebral fracture occurs due to the extent of damage that usually results in spinal cord injury with subsequent severe neurologic signs. In summary, this technique may represent a safer alternative to current techniques of ventral interbody fusion while achieving similar outcomes in performance. Polyaxial pedicle screw and rod systems for cervical fusion should be considered as an alternative to minimise fatal complications associated with surgery while achieving one to three grades of improvement in neurological signs in horses with Wobbler syndrome. However, this study was performed in a small number of horses, so continued study of this method remains critical, as well as further development and optimisation of other surgical techniques that may result in lower frequency of complications and greater neurologic improvement.

Pezzanite, et al, Outcomes after cervical vertebral interbody fusion using an interbody fusion device and polyaxial pedicle screw and rod construct in 10 horses (2015-2019)



Orthopaedic problems in young Thoroughbreds

Helping these future athletes achieve a protective conformation is vital with respect to their welfare, athletic career and sales potential: Orthopaedic conditions have the potential to blight a promising athletic career and prevent young horses reach their full potential. Early diagnosis and management are critical if horses are to be given the best chances of a successful and long career. And this, of course, depends on horsemen being able to pick up on problems as early as possible so they can be dealt with effectively. The Beaufort Cottage Educational Trust is a charity that aims to help disseminate knowledge in the Thoroughbred breeding and racing communities with the ultimate goal of improving horse welfare.

Each year, the charity organizes the Gerald Leigh Memorial lectures which are fantastic resources for horsemen. The lecture series is supported by the Gerald Leigh Trust in honor of Mr. Leigh's passion for the Thoroughbred horse and its health and welfare. Most years, the lectures are presented in person in an event at the UK’s National Horseracing Museum in Newmarket; but for 2021, an in-person gathering was not possible and instead, the lectures are available online. For 2021, the charity chose the theme of orthopaedic problems, which are such a common challenge in young Thoroughbreds.

Angular Limb Deformities: Evaluation and treatment in foals and yearlings

Recognizing, diagnosing and understanding angular limb deviations in young Thoroughbreds are critical skills for horsemen and an important part of both stud management and veterinary care. Angular limb deformities (ALD) refer to deviation of the limb in its frontal plane, or side to side when evaluating the individual from the front or back. A varus deformity is a medial deviation of the limb below the location of the problem (e.g., toeing in), whereas a valgus deformity is a lateral deviation of the limb below the location of the deformity (e.g., toeing out). Angular limb deformities must be distinguished from a flexural limb deformity, which is in the sagittal plane, i.e., from front to back when evaluating the individual from the side.  

Fig 1 left (valgus) (1).jpg
Fig 1 right (varus) (1).jpg

How do ALD occur?

ALD can be both congenital and acquired. Congenital means the condition has been present from birth and causes include incomplete ossification or immaturity of the small cuboidal bones, which make up the hocks and knees as well as weakness of the ligaments supporting the joints and periarticular laxity. These issues tend to result in valgus knees and hocks. We also know that ALD can be inherited and that as a breed, Thoroughbreds tend to be varus (toe in). 

Acquired ALD develop after birth and come about through overloading of the physis (growth plate), which is usually caused either from hard ground, an over-conditioned foal or a combination of the two. The biomechanics of equine limb lead horses to bear more weight through the inside of the leg; therefore, the inside of the growth plate, which is inhibited more than the outside and when there is overloading the net effect is that the foal will toe in.

How do ALD impact a foal’s future career?

Carpal and fetlock injuries in racing Thoroughbreds account for a large majority of the reasons racehorses spend time out of training. Intervening while foals are growing and developing to help them achieve a protective conformation gives them the best chance of maximizing their potential and enjoying their racing career. 

Diagnosis of ALD

Evaluating young stock is certainly best achieved using a team approach involving owners/managers, farriers and veterinarians. Regular evaluation from a young age is key, as is examination of the foal while static and while walking. Severe deviations should also be evaluated radiographically.

Treatment of ALD

Fig 2 (1).jpg

Conservative treatment options can include exercise restriction, corrective farriery and nutritional management. Hoof correction and toe extensions can be extremely helpful in managing foals and yearlings with minor deviations; and farriery can often correct such issues without needing to resort to surgical treatment options.

The surgical treatment of choice for correcting ALD is the transphyseal screw. In general, it achieves the most effective and cosmetic outcome of the surgical options. The procedure involves placing a screw across the growth plate on the side of the leg that is growing too fast. For example, for a foal that is toeing in, the screw is placed on the outside of the leg. This allows the inside of the growth plate to grow faster and so correct the deviation. The screws are placed under a short general anesthetic. The screw does need to be removed to avoid over-correction, but often they can be removed with the horse standing using a mild sedative once the desired correction is achieved.

Osteochondrosis – recent advances and diagnosis

Osteochondrosis is one of the most important developmental diseases in young athletic horses. It occurs in young, large-breed horses, including Thoroughbreds, and can cause a variety of clinical signs. The age at which the disease starts to cause clinical signs varies from a young foal to horses over 10 years old. This is because lesions can remain silent and only cause clinical signs later on in life. But even in the absence of any clinical signs, the pathological lesions will have been present since the horses reached skeletal maturity. 

How does osteochondrosis affect athletes?

Osteochondrosis often starts to cause problems when the horse is put into training—when they are athletically challenged. This age will differ for different populations, starting earlier in Thoroughbred racehorses than in Warmbloods destined for sports horse disciplines. Often the horse will be sound, or can experience different degrees of lameness and may present with joint effusion. This disease affects more than one joint in an individual in over 50% of cases, and it usually occurs in the same joint on the contralateral limb; but it can also affect multiple different joints. 

How does osteochondrosis develop?

In foals, areas of growth cartilage within the joints will continue to ossify (become bone) after birth. When this process is complete and the animal is skeletally mature, a thin layer of normal articular cartilage will remain supported by subchondral bone. Osteochondrosis is caused by a “failure of endochondral ossification,” which simply means the growth cartilage fails to become healthy bone. A defect, with or without a fragment, is then created in the articular surface of the bone. This dynamically changing area is susceptible to trauma or high biomechanical loads. Recent advances in research, carried out in Norway by Dr. Olstad, suggest that failure of endochondral ossification is likely caused by loss of blood supply to these areas of growth cartilage, which prevents it from ossifying. This has been linked to a heritable predisposition, among other factors such as rapid growth, dietary imbalance, exercise, environment and prior joint sepsis.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis

Thorough clinical examination and radiography remain at the forefront of osteochondrosis diagnosis. This disease occurs at joint-specific predilection sites as a result of site-specific biomechanical forces and differences in the age at which that site becomes skeletally mature. For example, in the femoropatellar joint (pictured), the most common site of osteochondrosis is the lateral trochlear ridge of the femur. This is predilected by the thick cartilage surface, later age of maturation/ossification, and by the shear forces the patella exerts on the ridge as the stifle flexes and extends. Ultrasonography can also be very sensitive in detecting osteochondrosis in the stifle. Research performed by Dr. Martel in Canada suggests early detection of subclinical lesions in the stifle have been found in foals aged 27-166 days old.  

Fig 3.jpg

Management of osteochondrosis

Lesions can spontaneously resolve, and the majority will have done so by 12 months old. Otherwise, management recommendations to limit lesion development include keeping horses exclusively at pasture up to 1 year old, not using rough terrain, in large group sizes (>3 brood mares) or in a large pasture size (large pasture size > 1 hectare before 2 weeks old and > 6 hectare before 2 months old). Strict box rest is discouraged, and a convalescence paddock of 33ft x 56ft (10m x 17m) for 60-90 days may help stabilize lesions. 


Gerald Leigh was an incredibly successful Thoroughbred breeder and owner based in the UK. The 2021 lectures honoring his passion for the Thoroughbred provide a useful update for horsemen on two common conditions of the young Thoroughbred and add to the contribution the charitable trust established by Mr. Leigh’s family, which continues to make in supporting the Thoroughbred industry.

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Can we use biomarkers to predict catastrophic racing injuries?

Promising developments in quest to prevent catastrophic racehorse injuriesUniversity of Kentucky study shows association between mRNA biomarkers and catastrophic injuries in Thoroughbred racehorses—a positive step forward in the development of a pre-race screening toolCatastrophic injuries in Thoroughbred racehorses is a top-of-mind concern for the global racing industry and its fans. That sentiment is shared by researchers at the University of Kentucky and their collaborators, who are working to learn more about changes happening at a cellular level that might indicate an injury is lurking before it becomes career or life ending. Could it be possible to identify an early marker or signal in horses at risk of catastrophic injury, allowing for intervention before those injuries happen? And, if so, might this type of detection system be one that could be implemented cost effectively on a large scale?According to Allen Page, DVM, PhD, staff scientist and veterinarian at UK’s Gluck Equine Research Center, the short answer to both questions is that it looks promising. To date, attempts to identify useful biomarkers for early injury detection have been largely unsuccessful. However, the use of a different biomarker technology, which quantifies messenger RNA (mRNA), was able to identify 76% of those horses at risk for a catastrophic injury.  An abstract of this research was recently presented at the American Association of Equine Practitioners’ annual meeting in December 2020 and the full study published January 12 in the Equine Veterinary Journal ( In this initial research—which looked at 21 different mRNA markers selected for their roles in encoding proteins associated with inflammation, bone repair and remodeling, tissue repair and general response to injury—three markers showed a large difference in mRNA levels between injured and non-injured horses. For almost four years, Page and his University of Kentucky colleagues have been analyzing blood samples from almost 700 Thoroughbred racehorses. The samples, collected by participating racing jurisdictions from across the United States, have come from both catastrophically injured and non-injured horses in a quest to better understand changes that might be happening at the mRNA level and if there are any red flags which consistently differentiate horses that suffer a catastrophic injury.According to Page, the ultimate hope is to develop a screening tool that can be used pre-race to identify horses at increased risk for injury. The results of this study, which was entirely funded by the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission’s Equine Drug Research Council, suggest that analysis of messenger RNA expression could be an economical, effective and non-invasive way to identify individual racehorses at risk for catastrophic injury.Joining Page in the research from UK’s Gluck Center are Emma Adam, BVetMed, PhD, DACVIM, DACVS, assistant professor, research and industry liaison, and David Horohov, PhD, chair of the Department of Veterinary Science, director of the Gluck Center and Jes E. and Clementine M. Schlaikjer Endowed Chair.Previous research has shown that many catastrophic injuries occur in limbs with underlying and pre-existing damage, leading to the theory that these injuries occur when damage accumulation exceeds the healing capacity of the affected bones over time. Since many of these injuries have underlying damage, it is likely that there are molecular markers of this that can be detected prior to an injury.The identification of protein biomarkers for these types of injuries has been explored in previous research, albeit with limited success. The focus of this project, measuring messenger RNA, had not yet been explored, however. The overall objective was to determine if horses that had experienced a catastrophic injury during racing would show increased inflammatory mRNA expression at the time of their injury when compared to similar horses who were not injured.The genetic acronyms: A primer on DNA, RNA, mRNA and PCRThis research leverages advances made in genetics during the last several decades, both in a greater understanding of the field as well as in applying that knowledge to specific issues facing the equine industry, including catastrophic breakdown in racehorses.The genetic code of life is made up of genes and regulatory elements encoded by DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, which is found in the nucleus of cells in all living organisms. It is arranged in a double helix structure, similar to a twisted ladder. The rungs of that ladder are nucleotide base pairs, and the ordering of those base pairs results in the specific genetic code called a gene. The genetic code in the genes and the DNA tell the body how to make proteins. RNA (ribonucleic acid) is created by RNA polymerases, which read a section of DNA and convert it into a single strand of RNA in a process called transcription. While all types of RNA are involved in building proteins, mRNA is the one that actually acts as the messenger because it is the one with the instructions for the protein, which is created via a process called translation. In translation, mRNA bonds with a ribosome, which will read the mRNA’s sequence. The ribosome then uses the mRNA sequence as a blueprint in determining which amino acids are needed and in what order. Amino acids function as the building blocks of protein (initially referred to as a polypeptide). Messenger RNA sequences are read as a triplet code where three nucleotides dictate a specific amino acid.  After the entire polypeptide chain has been created and released by the ribosome, it will undergo folding based on interactions between the amino acids and become a fully functioning protein. While looking at inflammation often involves measuring proteins, Page and his collaborators opted to focus on mRNA due to the limited availability of reagents available to measure horse proteins and concerns about how limited the scope of that research focus would be. Focusing on mRNA expression, however, is not without issues. According to Page, mRNA can be extremely difficult to work with. “A normal blood sample from a horse requires a collection tube that every veterinarian has with them. Unfortunately, we cannot use those tubes because mRNA is rapidly broken down once cells in tubes begin to die. Luckily, there are commercially-available blood tubes that are designed solely for the collection of mRNA,” he said.“One of the early concerns people had about this project when we talked with them was whether we were going to try to link catastrophic injuries to the presence or absence of certain genes and familial lines. Not only was that not a goal of the study, [but] the samples we obtain make that impossible,” Page said. “Likewise for testing study samples for performance enhancing drugs. The tubes do an excellent job of stabilizing mRNA at the expense of everything else in the blood sample.”In order to examine mRNA levels, the project relied heavily on the ability to amplify protein-encoding genes using a technique called the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). By using a variety of techniques, samples from the project were first converted back to DNA, which is significantly more stable than mRNA, and then quantified using a specialized machine that is able to determine the relative amount of mRNA initially present in the individual samples. While it is easy to take for granted the abilities of PCR, this Nobel Prize winning discovery has forever changed the face of science and has enabled countless advances in diagnostic testing, including those used in this study.The research into mRNA biomarkers Catastrophic racing and training injuries have long been a target for researchers due to the high societal and welfare impacts on the racing industry. With the nearly universal requirement for necropsies on horses that succumb to these injuries, work by researchers has demonstrated that most horses with catastrophic injuries have pre-existing damage in their legs. This pre-existing damage presents an opportunity to detect injuries before they occur, whether that be with advanced imaging or less invasive techniques, such as screening of blood for injury biomarkers.  Horses eligible for inclusion in the study were Thoroughbreds entered into any race in one of five participating jurisdictions from September 2017 to June 2020. To look at the mRNA, these jurisdictions collected specific blood samples either pre-race or post-race from a selection of non-injured horses or immediately from a horse after a catastrophic injury. Once collected, samples were sent to the Gluck Center where they were analyzed using PCR. The names of horses and sample types (injured, pre-race or post-race) were kept from the researchers until the samples had been fully analyzed.Once the names and dates of samples were revealed, public records were then used to learn more about each horse. Information examined included the horse’s sex, age, race type and whether non-injured horses raced again within three months of the sampled race. For horses who had been catastrophically injured, necropsy results were used to categorize the type of musculoskeletal injury that occurred. “Out of the 21 markers (genes) that were measured, three of them immediately stood out as being able to predict injury. The three individual markers of interest were Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2) and IL-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL1RN). Taken together, the changes seen in all three of these markers suggest that there is increased inflammation in the injured horses and that the inflammation arises from bone, just as was suspected,” Page said.“Based only on these three markers, we were able to correctly identify horses at risk for injury 76% of the time and exclude horses for being at risk 88% of the time,” Page said. “Obviously, we want to maximize those numbers as much as possible, so while there’s room for improvement, this is significantly better than any other option currently available.”One of the limitations of the study was that horses were only sampled once, so there was no ability to identify changes in individual horses over a period of time. Once horses start being sampled repeatedly on a regular basis with this testing, Page said he believes the ability to identify at-risk horses will improve dramatically.What does the future hold?“Since the ultimate hope is to develop a commercially-viable screening tool that can be used pre-race to identify horses at increased risk for injury, we anticipate adding multiple other markers with a new study that is just getting started,” Page said.As part of the new study, also funded by the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, Page and two Gluck Center colleagues, James MacLeod, VMD, PhD, John S. and Elizabeth A. Knight chair and director of UK Ag Equine Programs, and Ted Kalbfleisch, PhD, associate professor, plan to utilize RNA-sequencing, a relatively new technology, to expand their search to all of the approximately 22,000 protein-coding genes horses have. This will dramatically increase the likelihood that they will be able to identify additional markers for horses at risk of injury. They plan to do this by using the large number of samples that have already been collected, further leveraging their initial research and decreasing the amount of time it will take to complete their new study.“We are really excited about this new project and the promise that it holds,” Page said. “In our first study, we drove the data because we had to select which mRNA markers we wanted to examine. In our new study, the RNA-sequencing data is really what will be driving us.”While that project is ongoing, Page and his colleagues continue to refine and improve upon the various laboratory steps required to isolate and analyze mRNA. Guided by the hope of providing the racing industry with a high-throughput screening tool, the group has employed multiple robotic platforms that can already handle 100 samples per day and be easily scaled up to handle more.“As a researcher, I see it as being my job to provide practical and reliable solutions to the horse racing industry,” Page said. “I know that change can be scary, but we can all agree that something needs to change to help better protect racehorses and the jockeys who ride them. Ultimately, the racing industry will decide when it wants to give this screening tool a chance. I’m confident that, when the industry is ready, we will be too.” The full study published in the Equine Veterinary Journal can be found here:

By Holly Wiemers

University of Kentucky study shows association between mRNA biomarkers and catastrophic injuries in Thoroughbred racehorses— a positive step forward in the development of a pre-race screening tool.

Catastrophic injuries in Thoroughbred racehorses is a top-of-mind concern for the global racing industry and its fans. That sentiment is shared by researchers at the University of Kentucky and their collaborators, who are working to learn more about changes happening at a cellular level that might indicate an injury is lurking before it becomes career or life ending. Could it be possible to identify an early marker or signal in horses at risk of catastrophic injury, allowing for intervention before those injuries happen? And, if so, might this type of detection system be one that could be implemented cost effectively on a large scale?

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According to Allen Page, DVM, PhD, staff scientist and veterinarian at UK’s Gluck Equine Research Center, the short answer to both questions is that it looks promising.

Allen Page

Allen Page

To date, attempts to identify useful biomarkers for early injury detection have been largely unsuccessful. However, the use of a different biomarker technology, which quantifies messenger RNA (mRNA), was able to identify 76% of horses at risk for a catastrophic injury. An abstract of this research was recently presented at the American Association of Equine Practitioners’ annual meeting in December 2020 and the full study published January 12 in the Equine Veterinary Journal (

In this initial research—which looked at 21 different mRNA markers selected for their roles in encoding proteins associated with inflammation, bone repair and remodeling, tissue repair and general response to injury— three markers showed a large difference in mRNA levels between injured and non-injured horses.

For almost four years, Page and his University of Kentucky colleagues have been analyzing blood samples from almost 700 Thoroughbred racehorses. These samples, collected by participating racing jurisdictions from across the United States, have come from both catastrophically injured and non-injured horses in a quest to better understand changes that might be happening at the mRNA level and if there are any red flags which consistently differentiate horses that suffer a catastrophic injury. …

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Roarers - surgery for recurrent laryngeal neuropathy -impact and outcomes

ROARERS - surgery for recurrent laryngeal neuropathy – impact and outcomes Safia Barakzai BVSc MSc DESTS Dipl.ECVS  Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN), more commonly known as ‘roaring’, ‘laryngeal paralysis’ and ‘laryngeal hemiplegia’ is a disorder affecting primarily the left recurrent laryngeal nerve in horses >15hh. This nerve supplies the muscles that open and close the left side of the larynx. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve is also now proven to be affected, but only very mildly, thus affected horses very rarely show signs of right-sided dysfunction.   Horses with RLN become unable to fully open (abduct) the left side of their larynx. During exercise they then make abnormal inspiratory noise due to collapse of both the vocal fold(s) and the left arytenoid cartilage (figure 1), and airflow to the lungs can become severely obstructed in advanced cases. There is a proven genetic component to RLN, but in many cases the disease progresses over months or years. The age at which clinical signs become apparent is highly variable. Foals can show endoscopic and pathologic evidence of RLN, but some horses do not develop clinical disease until >10 years old.  Severity of disease can be reasonably estimated using endoscopy in the resting horse (grades 1-4), but the gold standard for assessing this disease is endoscopy during exercise, when the high negative pressure—generated when breathing—test the affected laryngeal muscle, which is trying its best to resist the ‘suction’ effect of inspiration (Fig. 1). During exercise, RLN is graded from A to D, depending on how much the left side of the larynx can open (Table 1).   Figure 1: Horse undergoing exercising endoscopy to ascertain how the left arytenoid performs when the airway is under pressure. Inset photos show resting (top) and then exercising endoscopy (bottom) of a larynx with grade D arytenoid collapse (green arrow) with additional deformation of the arytenoid cartilage shape and bilateral vocal fold collapse (red arrows). Laryngeal grade at exerciseDefinitionAppearance of larynx endoscopicallyAFull abduction of the arytenoid cartilages during inspiration   BPartial abduction of the affected arytenoid cartilages (between full and the resting position)   CAbduction held at the resting position DCollapse into the contralateral half of the rima glottidis during inspiration     Table 1: Grades A-D of laryngeal abduction during exercise. Figures c/o F. Rossignol. Treatment of RLNTraditionally, left-sided ventriculocordectomy (‘Hobday’/ventriculectomy plus vocal-cordectomy surgery) and laryngoplasty (‘tie-back’) surgeries have been used to treat the disorder, depending on which structures are collapsing and how severely. The intended use of the horse, the budget available and other concerns of the owner/trainer also come into play. New techniques of providing a new nerve supply (‘re-innervating’) to the affected muscle are now being trialled in clinical cases. Pacing the muscle with an implanted electronic device has also been attempted in research cases.   VentriculocordectomyVentriculocordectomy is commonly now referred to as a ‘Hobday’ operation; however, the ‘Hobday’ actually only refers to removal of the blind ending sac that constitutes the laryngeal ventricle. Currently, surgeons tend to remove the vocal cord as well as the ventricle, because it is vocal cord collapse that creates the ‘whistling’ noise. It is a relatively straightforward surgery to perform with minimal risks and complications for the patient. In the last 15 years, there has been a shift to performing it in a minimally invasive way, using a diode laser under endoscopic guidance in the standing sedated horse rather than with the conventional method, via an open laryngotomy incision on the underside of the neck with the horse under a general anaesthetic. However, transendoscopic laser surgery is technically difficult with a very steep learning curve for the surgeon. All ventriculocordectomies are not equal (Fig. 2) and for both laser and ‘open surgery’ methods, incomplete resection of the fold can leave behind enough tissue to cause ongoing respiratory noise and/or airway obstruction after surgery.1,2,3   Figure 2: Two horses after ventriculocordectomy surgery. The horse on the left has an excellent left-sided ventriculocordectomy, with complete excision of the vocal fold tissue (black arrow). The right cord is intact, but the right ventricle has been removed (‘Hobday’). The horse on the right has bilaterally incomplete vocalcordectomies, with much of the vocal fold tissue left behind (green arrows).    Sports horses, hunters and other non-racehorses were often previously recommended to have a ventriculocordectomy performed rather than a laryngoplasty, even if they had severe RLN. This decision was often made on the grounds of cost, but also due to fear of complications associated with laryngoplasty (‘tie-back’ surgery). A new study has shown that for horses with severe RLN, a unilateral ventriculocordectomy is actually extremely unlikely to eliminate abnormal noise in severely affected horses, because the left arytenoid cartilage continues to collapse.3  The authors recommended that laryngoplasty plus ventriculocordectomy is a better option than ventriculocordectomy alone for all grade C and D horses if resolution of abnormal respiratory noise and significant improvement of the cross sectional area of the larynx are the aims of surgery.3    Advancements in laryngoplasty (‘tie-back’) surgery Laryngoplasty is indeed one of the most difficult procedures that equine surgeons perform,  and suffice to say that with such an advanced surgery, using a registered specialist veterinary surgeon that has considerable experience in airway surgery will likely minimise the chances of a negative outcome. Laryngoplasty surgery has an unjustified poor reputation in my opinion, but major improvements have occurred in the last few years. The persistently coughing horse with regurgitation of food from its nostrils after laryngoplasty should be a thing of the past. Refinements to the surgical technique of laryngoplasty, better knowledge of the anatomy around the arytenoid cartilage and new surgical methods to deal with dysphagic horses (coughing/nasal discharge) after laryngoplasty surgery all contribute to this.   Laryngoplasty was traditionally performed under general anaesthesia, however Rossignol et al. 4 first described the technique in standing sedated horses in 2015, and most upper airway surgeons now perform laryngoplasty with the horse standing (Fig. 3), as long as the patient is amenable. Results in standing cases have been equivalent to those performed under general anaesthesia.4  Figure 3: Laryngoplasty (tie-back) being performed in standing sedated horses.  Complications after laryngoplastyGradual loss of surgical abduction (opening) of the larynx occurs in 100% of cases to some degree after laryngoplasty. The average post-operative long-term loss of abduction is 1 grade1,2 (out of 5 grades), and this degree does not significantly affect the long-term result. However, in some cases, more profound abductory loss does occur. Although a wider degree of abduction logically creates a larger cross section of the airway, it has been shown that in UK National Hunt horses, there is no significant difference in racing performance of horses that had moderate (Grade 3 of 5) post-operative abduction compared to those with wide (Grades 1 and 2) abduction.5 It would appear that providing stability to the left arytenoid cartilage is the most important factor in removing respiratory noise and improving airway function, and not simply the degree of abduction present.   In the majority of horses, respiratory noise during exercise is significantly improved after surgery, but some ongoing respiratory noise is not uncommon. Until recently, noise was often blamed on ‘failure’ of the tieback surgery. However, the first papers1,2,6 showing results of exercising endoscopy in horses after laryngoplasty have been eye opening and indicate that other noise-causing abnormalities are often present in horses after laryngoplasty.  These include right vocal fold collapse, soft palate issues and ary-epiglottic fold collapse.  True surgical failure (i.e., an unstable and non-abducted cartilage) is definitely associated with noise but is fairly rare. The conclusion of these three studies was that a) exercising endoscopy is absolutely key to investigate such cases and b) in many cases, post-operative noise can be improved further with a relatively simple standing surgery rather than having to repeat the tie-back. Preliminary results of an ongoing study funded by the Horserace Betting Levy Board correlating sound recordings of horses after laryngoplasty with grade of abduction after laryngoplasty shore up these findings.7    Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing food) and coughing are uncommon after laryngoplasty, but occasionally horses can be severely affected; and the cough becomes so bad that it does affect the horse’s quality of life (approx. 3.5% of cases).8  In mild cases that only cough during exercise, withholding feed from horses for several hours prior to exercise can be a simple way to successfully manage them. In the past, the only way to manage a severely coughing horse after laryngoplasty was to surgically remove the sutures that hold the larynx open.  This should be left as long as possible after the initial surgery to allow adhesions to form and keep the abducted arytenoid in an open position. Suture removal is reported to fully resolve coughing in two thirds of cases.8 Once the suture is removed, 50% of cases will experience significant loss of abduction of the left arytenoid cartilage8 (i.e., any benefit of the laryngoplasty may be lost). A new alternative to suture removal is to surgically section any adhesions that have formed around the suture which may have ‘adhered’ the cranial oesophageal diverticulum to the other tissues around the suture, causing distortion of this top part of the oesphagus. Because the suture is not removed, the left arytenoid stays in the open position. This method certainly does relieve clinical signs of coughing in some cases, but it is not known yet whether this is a useful long-term resolution or whether new adhesions will form over time. The simple recent anatomic description of the cranial oesophageal diverticulum9 is probably the most groundbreaking revelation, which has decreased the incidence of post-operative coughing after tie-back surgery. With surgeon education about the anatomy of the upper oesophageal diverticulum, it is easy to avoid this structure and thus drastically reduce risks of both post-operative dysphagia/coughing and surgical site infection. Another new and exciting minimally invasive solution for horses that cough after laryngoplasty has also recently been described by Professor Ducharme from Cornell University. It is suitable for horses that have a ventral glottic defect (i.e., the left and right arytenoids meet during a swallow), but food may enter the trachea through the gap where the vocal cordectomy(ies) has been performed. The procedure involves bulking of this area with a solid ‘filler’ material, injected under endoscopic guidance, and has shown very promising outcomes in the first cases. Results have not been published at the present time.   Treatments that restore function of the weakened laryngeal muscleSeveral research groups  are searching for a more physiologic method of restoring function of the muscle that controls laryngeal opening (crico-arytenoideus dorsalis muscle, or CAD). In the past, grafts consisting of a piece of strap muscle, and the nerve that supplies it has been implanted in the affected CAD.10 This technique works well in theory but is very technically challenging, and it seemed that only a few surgeons worldwide had success with it. Using an electronic pacemaker implanted in the horse’s neck (functional electrical stimulation, or FES) to stimulate the abductor branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve has been shown to be successful in small numbers of experimental cases.11-13 There appear to be unresolved issues with high cost and with keeping the electrodes in place. For racehorses, the pacer could potentially be interfered with externally and used to manipulate racing performance, thus approval from regulatory bodies seems unlikely. These factors have prevented these implants being used in clinical cases, in the UK at least.   Direct re-innervation of the diseased CAD muscle with a cervical nerve implant14 has shown good preliminary results in clinical cases, particularly those with less severe RLN. When re-innervation and electrical pacing are combined, results are thought to be more reliable (J Perkins personal communication), and this is probably the best bet for the future. As for any novel surgical technique, questions still remain for the success rate of re-innervation procedures, including the degree of abduction that can be obtained (usually only partial abduction is achieved) and the loss of muscle mass is likely to occur when the horse is rested for any period of time, because higher speed exercise is required to ‘pace’ the cervical nerve.   In summary, our assessment and understanding of current treatments for RLN is ongoing. Refinements to surgeries, including understanding why complications/failures occur and how best to treat them are evolving fast. In the near future, more functional treatments will hopefully become more affordable and available, but like all new surgical techniques, long-term results in large numbers of clinical cases need to be evaluated before the true ‘success’ rate is known.  ReferencesDavidson, E.J., Martin, B.B., Rieger, R.H., Parente E.J. (2009)  Exercising videoendoscopic evaluation of 45 horses with respiratory noise and/or poor performance after laryngoplasty. Vet. Surg 39, 942-948.Barnett, T.P., Dixon, P.M., Parkin, T.D.H. and Barakzai, S.Z. (2011) Long-term exercising video-endoscopic examination of the upper airway following laryngoplasty surgery: A prospective cross-sectional study of 41 horses. Equine Vet J. 45,,593Barakzai S.Z., Wells, J., Parkin, T. Cramp, P. (2019) Overground endoscopic findings and respiratory sound analysis in horses with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy after unilateral laser ventriculocordectomy. Equine Vet J. 51, 185-191 Rossignol F, Vitte A, Boening J, Maher M, Lechartier A, Brandenberger O, Martin-Flores M, Lang H, Walker W, Ducharme N. (2015) Laryngoplasty in standing horses Vet Surg 44 341-347 Barakzai, S.Z., Boden, L.A. and Dixon, P.M. (2009b) Postoperative race performance is not correlated with degree of surgical abduction after laryngoplasty in National Hunt Thoroughbred racehorses. Vet. Surg. 38, 934-940.  Leutton, J.L. and Lumsden, J.M. (2015) Dynamic respiratory endoscopic findings pre and post-laryngoplasty in Thoroughbreds. Equine vet. J. 47, 531-6Barakzai S.Z., Parkin, T. Cramp, P. Ongoing HBLB research study.  Correlation of arytenoid abduction and other exercising endoscopic findings with respiratory noise in horses after laryngoplasty.   Fitzharris LE, Lane JG, Allen KJ. (2019) Outcomes of horses treated with removal of a laryngoplasty prosthesis. Veterinary Surgery. 48, 465-72. Brandenberger O, Pamela H, Robert C, Martens A, Vlaminck L, Wiemer P, Barankova K, Van Bergen T, Brunsting J, Ducharme N, Rossignol F (2016) Anatomical description of the boundary of the proximal equine esophagus and its surgical implications on prosthetic laryngoplasty in horses. Veterinary Surgery 45:6 E1-E22. Fulton, I.C., Anderson, B.A., Stick, J.A., Robertson, J.T. (2012). Larynx. In: Equine Surgery. Eds. Auer, J. and Stick, J.A. Pub. Elservier, St Louis, Missouri. Pp 592-623.Ducharme NG, Cheetham J, Sanders I, Hermanson JW, Hackett RP, Soderholm LV, Mitchell LM. (2010) Considerations for pacing of the cricoarytenoid dorsalis muscle by neuroprosthesis in horses. Equine Vet J. 42(6):534-40. Cheetham J, Perkins JD, Jarvis JC, Cercone M, Maw M, Hermanson JW, Mitchell LM, Piercy RJ, Ducharme NG. (2015) Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Denervated Laryngeal Muscle in a Large Animal Model. Artif Organs. 39:876-85.  Cheetham J, Regner A, Jarvis JC, Priest D, Sanders I, Soderholm LV, Mitchell LM, Ducharme NG. (2011) Functional electrical stimulation of intrinsic laryngeal muscles under varying loads in exercising horses. PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e24258. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024258. Rossignol F, Brandenberger O, Perkins JD, Marie JP, Mespoulhès-Rivière C, Ducharme NG. (2018) Modified first or second cervical nerve transplantation technique for the treatment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses. Equine Vet J.  50,457-464. 

By Safia Barakzai

Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN), more commonly known as “roaring”, “laryngeal paralysis” and “laryngeal hemiplegia” is a disorder affecting primarily the left recurrent laryngeal nerve in horses >15hh. This nerve supplies the muscles that open and close the left side of the larynx. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve is also now proven to be affected, but only very mildly, thus affected horses very rarely show signs of right-sided dysfunction. Horses with RLN become unable to fully open (abduct) the left side of their larynx. During exercise they then make abnormal inspiratory noise due to collapse of both the vocal fold(s) and the left arytenoid cartilage (Fig. 1), and airflow to the lungs can become severely obstructed in advanced cases. There is a proven genetic component to RLN, but in many cases the disease progresses over months or years. The age at which clinical signs become apparent is highly variable. Foals can show endoscopic and pathologic evidence of RLN, but some horses do not develop clinical disease until >10 years old. Severity of disease can be reasonably estimated using endoscopy in the resting horse (grades 1-4), but the gold standard for assessing this disease is endoscopy during exercise, when the high negative pressure—generated when breathing—test the affected laryngeal muscle, which is trying its best to resist the “suctio”’ effect of inspiration (Fig. 1).

Horse undergoing exercising endoscopy to ascertain how the left arytenoid performs when the airway is under pressure. Inset photos show resting (top) and then exercising endoscopy (bottom) of a larynx with grade D arytenoid collapse (green arrow) with additional deformation of the arytenoid cartilage shape and bilateral vocal fold collapse (red arrows).

Horse undergoing exercising endoscopy to ascertain how the left arytenoid performs when the airway is under pressure. Inset photos show resting (top) and then exercising endoscopy (bottom) of a larynx with grade D arytenoid collapse (green arrow) with additional deformation of the arytenoid cartilage shape and bilateral vocal fold collapse (red arrows).

During exercise, RLN is graded from A to D, depending on how much the left side of the larynx can open (Table 1).

• Treatment of RLN

TABLE 1: Grades A-D of laryngeal abduction during exercise. Figures c/o F. Rossignol.

TABLE 1: Grades A-D of laryngeal abduction during exercise. Figures c/o F. Rossignol.

Traditionally, left-sided ventriculocordectomy (“Hobday”/ ventriculectomy plus vocal-cordectomy surgery) and laryngoplasty (“tie-back”) surgeries have been used to treat the disorder, depending on which structures are collapsing and how severely. The intended use of the horse, the budget available and other concerns of the owner/trainer also come into play. New techniques of providing a new nerve supply (“re-innervating”) to the affected muscle are now being trialled in clinical cases. Pacing the muscle with an implanted electronic device has also been attempted in research cases.


Ventriculocordectomy is commonly now referred to as a “Hobday” operation; however, the “Hobday” actually only refers to removal of the blind ending sac that constitutes the laryngeal ventricle. Currently, surgeons tend to remove the vocal cord as well as the ventricle, because it is vocal cord collapse that creates the “whistling” noise. It is a relatively straightforward surgery to perform with minimal risks and complications for the patient. In the last 15 years, there has been a shift to performing it in a minimally invasive way, using a diode laser under endoscopic guidance in the standing sedated horse rather than with the conventional method, via an open laryngotomy incision on the underside of the neck with the horse under a general anesthetic. However, transendoscopic laser surgery is technically difficult with a very steep learning curve for the surgeon. All ventriculocordectomies are not equal (Fig. 2) and for both laser and ‘open surgery’ methods, incomplete resection of the fold can leave behind enough tissue to cause ongoing respiratory noise and/or airway obstruction after surgery.

Two horses after ventriculocordectomy surgery. The horse on the left has an excellent left-sided ventriculocordectomy, with complete excision of the vocal fold tissue (black arrow). The right cord is intact, but the right ventricle has been removed (‘Hobday’). The horse on the right has bilaterally incomplete vocalcordectomies, with much of the vocal fold tissue left behind (green arrows).

Two horses after ventriculocordectomy surgery. The horse on the left has an excellent left-sided ventriculocordectomy, with complete excision of the vocal fold tissue (black arrow). The right cord is intact, but the right ventricle has been removed (‘Hobday’). The horse on the right has bilaterally incomplete vocalcordectomies, with much of the vocal fold tissue left behind (green arrows).

Sports horses, hunters and other non-racehorses were often previously recommended to have a ventriculocordectomy performed rather than a laryngoplasty, even if they had severe RLN. This decision was often made on the grounds of cost, but also due to fear of complications associated with laryngoplasty (‘tie-back’ surgery). A new study has shown that for horses with severe RLN, a unilateral ventriculocordectomy is actually extremely unlikely to eliminate abnormal noise in severely affected horses, because the left arytenoid cartilage continues to collapse.3 The authors recommended that laryngoplasty plus ventriculocordectomy is a better option than ventriculocordectomy alone for all grade C and D horses if resolution of abnormal respiratory noise and significant improvement of the cross sectional area of the larynx are the aims of surgery.3

Advancements in laryngoplasty (‘tie-back’) surgery

Laryngoplasty is indeed one of the most difficult procedures that equine surgeons perform, and suffice to say that with such an advanced surgery, using a registered specialist veterinary surgeon that has considerable experience in airway surgery will likely minimise the chances of a negative outcome. Laryngoplasty surgery has an unjustified poor reputation in my opinion, …

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The differences between a healthy / unhealthy biome. We learn how gene sequencing technology can reveal common gastrointestinal disease.

Gastrointestinal diseases and upsets are common inThoroughbred racehorses, causing discomfort, lossof performance and even mortality. Every commongastrointestinal disease can be linked back todisturbances (dysbiosis) of the gut bacteria. Currently, new genetechnology is driving research at an intense rate, providing newinsights into the equine microbial community (1) and providingboth trainer and the vet with a powerful and accurate analyticaltool to improve health and manage disease.The gastrointestinal tract of the horse is colonized by trillionsof microorganisms, which includes 1,000-1,500 different species,making up around 95% of the biome; the other 5% are made upof archaea, protozoa, fungi and viruses. Though most studiesconcentrate on identifying species of bacteria and linking to healthand disease. Other members of the biome have equally importantroles to play. In the racehorse, a major player is the Enterobacteriaphage PhiX174, which is a bacterial virus that protects the horseagainst E-coli.(2)The microbial community has co-evolved with the host, performingessential and vital activities such as the extraction of energy andnutrients from foodstuff, synthesis of vitamins, interaction withthe immune system and cross talk with the brain, which is thoughtto affect temperament and behavior. Taxonomic and functionalcompositions of the gut microbiome are rapidly becoming viableindicators of horse health and disease.Each member of the microbial community has a different butsynergistic role, which is beneficial to the health of the horse;e.g., the fungi break down the indigestible parts of forage plants,such as the polysaccharides, while the ciliate protozoa contributeto the process by producing a wide range of enzymes that thehorse is unable to make, impacting and benefitting the immunesystem. Microbial fermentation of cellulose, hemicellulose andlignin reduces the structural and non-structural plant wallmaterial into carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids) and lipids,and produces volatile and short chain fatty acids,(2a) which are theprimary source of energy for the horse. The bacteria contributethe most to the degradation of ingested food, producing thefinal components of the fermentation process, which are acetic,propionic and butyric acid, methane and carbon dioxide.The gastrointestinal tract of the horse is sensitive to change,stress, environment and medication, which cause imbalances ordysbiosis.(3) Establishing or profiling a healthy baseline in thehorse is difficult as variations exist between individuals, breeds,diets and locations; the Thoroughbred racehorse is a very differentanimal to the Shetland pony or an Irish Draught. Fitness trainingalters the microbiome further; for these reasons it is importantto study the Thoroughbred as a population separate from otherbreeds and to analyze, where possible, racehorses training in asimilar environment and location.With this in mind, since 2017 there has been an ongoing projectto study and profile the microbial populations of over 1,000racehorses based in Newmarket, throughout the racing season;and the data produced has been used to develop profiles of thedifferences between a healthy/unhealthy biome. The projectutilizes the cutting-edge Illumina MiSeq technology, which is themost accurate and up-to-date, preferred by genomic researchersaround the world.THE BIOME IN HEALTHELITE RACEHORSES HAVE HIGHER LEVELSOF A SUPER-PHYLUM BACTERIAQuestions asked...Elite racehorses are trained to achieve peak fitness, but is itpossible that they can gain an extra edge from the input of thehind gut bacteria?How different is the microbiome of a Grade 1 horse, and is itpossible to identify the bacteria responsible for the extra edge?Answers found...Human scientists have known for some timethat the microbiome of an elite human athleteis different,(4) with faster metabolic pathways(amino acids and carbohydrates) and higherlevels of fecal metabolites (microbial-producedshort-chain fatty acids) acetate, propionateand butyrate associated with enhanced muscle fitness. The humanand elite equine athlete do share similar microbial profiles, havinghigher percentages of the bacteria that manufacture short-chainfatty acids and higher levels of the super-phylum verrucomicrobia;these increase as the season/training progresses.What is known about this super-phylum?It has two main members: Methylacidiphilaceae and Akkermansia1Verrucomicrobia Methylacidiphilaceae thrive and proliferateon the ammonia produced from the degradation of starchand protein,(5) whereas starch produces very high levels of ammonia.The bacteria make enzymes (ammonia monooxygenase),(6) whichconvert ammonia into nitric oxide.(7) The nitric oxide has threemajor benefits to a racehorse:a. Helps repair and renew the gut wall (8)b. Enhances performance and increases exercise tolerance (9)c. Improves vascular function and metabolism (10)2Verrucomicrobia Akkermansia is a mucus-eating specialist,living and thriving within the gut wall, digesting mucinfrom the mucosal lining (10a) with a unique ability to metabolisegalactose and melibiose (11) for energy. Akkermansia in thehuman biome significantly increases the numbers of metabolicpathways. Horses with gastric ulcers have very low levels,perhaps indicating its function in both performance and disease.Comparing percentages of the super-phylum among otherbreeds/locations/environments gave good insight into howimportant and relevant verrucomicrobia is to the racehorse.Verrucomicrobia varied significantly from group to group;the lowest levels were found in the sedentary and/or companionanimal group which was comprised of 250 horses (gently hackedor unridden companions). The Carneddau are an ancient herd ofwild horses that graze freely in themountains of Snowdonia, and the Pottokasare from Spain. The CCI-L group was madeup of 10 horses eventing at InternationalOne Day Event Level.The non-group horses were based inNewmarket and analyzed at the heightof the flat season in July, while the Gr1horses started the season (Feb) withlevels of 10%; these levels increased asthe season continued until finally levelingout at 23% in July through to Septemberwhen the testing finished.Why the horses diagnosed with EquineGlandular Gastric Disease having lowerlevels of verrucomicrobia is unknownat this time, horses with EGGD had acompletely different profile to the healthyGr1 horses. See Figs 3 and 4.(The Gr1 horses had a much higherdiversity; and at genus level, they hadmany more groups of bacteria. Increaseddiversity is thought to be an indication ofstability and homeostasis.)The profound effect ofantibiotics on the microbiomeof the Thoroughbred racehorseThe intestinal bacterial community isintimately linked through countlessmetabolic pathways and chemical andphysical signaling processes.(12) Theuse of an antimicrobial causes a changein the bacteria species, driving changesto the normal functions of the biome andreducing the bacteria that benefit the hostwhilst increasing those linked to infections,inflammation and disease.(12a)Fig 5 is a replication taken fromIllumina BaseSpace of the MiSeq analysisof the microbiome of a horse one weekprior to using antibiotics. The internalcircles of the sunburst chart representdifferent taxonomic classifications (i.e.,kingdom, phylum, class, order, family,genus and species), while the lines denotethe different types of bacteria.Fig 6 In the same horse, one week laterafter the use of antibiotics, the microbiomehas altered as follows:a) 6.3% reduction in the number ofindividual species.b) 1.5% reduction in biodiversitycalculated using the Shannon Index,which measures both the number ofspecies and percentages of each withinthe biome (diversity and richness).c) Altered microbial populationi) 56% increase in spirochaetes, partof the core equine biome, spirochaetesproduce formate, succinate and acetate;higher levels of formate have beenlinked to dysbiosis. Spirochaetesfeed on short-chain fatty acids, folicacid, biotin, niacinamide, thiamine,pyridoxal and carbohydrates; higherpercentages within the biome reduceimportant nutrients and energysupply to the horse.(13)ii) 14.7% decrease in proteobacteria,though the phyla proteobacteriacontain some of the most well-knownpathogens such as Rickettsia,Escherichia, Salmonella, Vibrio,Helicobacter and Campylobacter andthe cause of equine diseases such asGlanders. Other members of thediverse and important proteobacteriagroup attack unwanted invadingbacteria, playing a big part inmaintaining stability and homeostasiswithin the anaerobic environment.They also make contributions to thenutrition of the host (the horse) throughtheir ability to process nitrogen.d) 17% increase in clostridium specieslinked to enterocolitis.(14)e) 50% increase in archaea, linked to poorproductivity and performance.(15)THERAPIES & INTERVENTIONSFecal transplantsThere has been a huge increase in interest in fecal matter transplants for horses,(16)following its success in treating C. difficile in humans when compared to the use ofantibiotics. The main result of the transplant was an increase in microbial diversity.Other gastrointestinal inflammatory conditions of horses are now being consideredas suitable for treatment.(17)PrebioticsPrebiotics stimulate, feed and encourage the growth of microorganisms, especially thosethat are beneficial, many horses with gastrointestinal disorders have either low or nobacteria associated with good health. Loss of diversity is also common among horseswith dysbiosis or gastrointestinal disease. Stabilizing and improving the biome can alsoinclude improving forage quality, specific foodstuff and a different feeding routine.(18)Prebiotics containing fructooligosaccharide (FOS) or mannanoligosaccharides improvedDM, CP and NDF digestibility in horses fed high-fibre diets and have reduced dysbiosisin microbial populations, improving levels of beneficial propionate and butyrate.Probiotics are commonly used in horses as a therapy to treat or prevent gastrointestinaldiseases, orally introducing live bacteria able to benefit the health of the biome. Benefitsinclude the inhibition of “bad” bacteria and an enhanced immune system response, thoughit is difficult to compare data due to the different live species used and differences indiets. The most successful appear to be Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus andSaccharomyces yeast, all of which improve DM, CP and NDF digestibility of high-fiber diets.SUMMARYThe gastrointestinal tract of the Thoroughbred racehorse is home to a complex microbialcommunity that changes in health and disease and alters throughout the racing season andtraining regime. New sequencing technology allows insights into a previously unknownworld, understanding the microbial communities that have such a strong influence onperformance, fitness, health and temperament is a rapidly emerging science.References1) De Almeida, M. L. M., Feringer, W. H., Júnior, J.R. G. C., Rodrigues, I. M., Jordao, L. R., Fonseca, M.G., ... & de Macedo Lemos, E. G. (2016). Intenseexercise and aerobic conditioning associatedwith chromium or L-carnitine supplementationmodified the fecal microbiota of fillies. PloS one,11(12).2) Nobrega, F. L., Costa, A. R., Kluskens, L. D., &Azeredo, J. (2015). Revisiting phage therapy: newapplications for old resources. Trends inmicrobiology, 23(4), 185-191.2a) Dougal, K., de la Fuente, G., Harris, P. A.,Girdwood, S. E., Pinloche, E., & Newbold, C. J.(2013). Identification of a core bacterial communitywithin the large intestine of the horse. PloS one, 8(10).3) Banse, H. E., & Andrews, F. M. (2019). Equineglandular gastric disease: prevalence, impact andmanagement strategies. Veterinary Medicine:Research and Reports, 10, 69.4) Barton, W., Penney, N. C., Cronin, O., Garcia-Perez, I., Molloy, M. G., Holmes, E., ... & O’Sullivan,O. (2018). The microbiome of professionalathletes differs from that of more sedentarysubjects in composition and particularly at thefunctional metabolic level. Gut, 67(4), 625-6335) Geor, R. J., Coenen, M., & Harris, P. (2013).Equine applied and clinical nutrition E-book: Health,welfare and performance. Elsevier Health Sciences6) Junier, P., Molina, V., Dorador, C., Hadas, O., Kim,O. S., Junier, T., ... & Imhoff, J. F. (2010).Phylogenetic and functional marker genes tostudy ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms (AOM)in the environment. Applied microbiology andbiotechnology, 85(3), 425-440.7) Khadem, A. F., Pol, A., Wieczorek, A.,Mohammadi, S. S., Francoijs, K. J., Stunnenberg, H.G., ... & den Camp, H. J. O. (2011). Autotrophicmethanotrophy in Verrucomicrobia:Methylacidiphilum fumariolicumSolV uses theCalvin-Benson-Bassham cycle for carbon dioxidefixation. Journal of bacteriology, 193(17), 4438-44468) Lanas, A. (2008). Role of nitric oxide in thegastrointestinal tract. Arthritis research & therapy,10(2), S4.9) Mosher, S. L., Sparks, S. A., Williams, E. L.,Bentley, D. J., & Mc Naughton, L. R. (2016).Ingestion of a nitric oxide enhancing supplementimproves resistance exercise performance. TheJournal of Strength & Conditioning Research,30(12), 3520-3524.10) Jones, A. M. (2014). Dietary nitratesupplementation and exercise performance.Sports medicine, 44(1), 35-45.10a) Schroeder, B. O. (2019). Fight them or feedthem: how the intestinal mucus layer manages thegut microbiota. Gastroenterology report, 7(1), 3-12.11) Stein, L. Y., Roy, R., & Dunfield, P. F. (2001).Aerobic methanotrophy and nitrification:processes and connections. e LS.12) Yoon, M. Y., & Yoon, S. S. (2018). Disruption ofthe gut ecosystem by antibiotics. Yonsei medicaljournal, 59(1), 4-12.12a) Modi, S. R., Collins, J. J., & Relman, D. A.(2014). Antibiotics and the gut microbiota. TheJournal of clinical investigation, 124(10), 4212-4218.13) Stanton, T. B., & Canale-Parola, E. (1980).Treponema bryantii sp. nov., a rumen spirochetethat interacts with cellulolytic bacteria. Archivesof Microbiology, 127(2), 145-156.14) Stewart (2013) Clostridia-associatedEnterocolitis in Horses , Department of ClinicalSciences, John Thomas Vaughan Large AnimalTeaching Hospital, College of Veterinary Medicine,Auburn University15) Murru, F., Fliegerova, K., Mura, E., Mrázek, J.,Kopečný, J., & Moniello, G. (2018). A comparisonof methanogens of different regions of the equinehindgut. Anaerobe, 54, 104-110.16) Mullen, K. R., Yasuda, K., Divers, T. J., & Weese,J. S. (2018). Equine faecal microbiota transplant:current knowledge, proposed guidelines andfuture directions. Equine Veterinary Education,30(3), 151-160.17) Laustsen, L., Edwards, J., Smidt, H., van Doorn,D., & Lúthersson, N. (2018, August). Assessmentof Faecal Microbiota Transplantation on HorsesSuffering from Free Faecal Water. In Proceedingsof the 9th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition,Swedish University of Agricultural Science,Uppsala, Sweden (pp. 16-18).18) Coverdale, J. A. (2016). HORSE SPECIESSYMPOSIUM: Can the microbiome of the horse bealtered to improve digestion?. Journal of animalscience, 94(6), 2275-2281.

By Carol Hughes PhD

Gastrointestinal diseases and upsets are common in Thoroughbred racehorses, causing discomfort, loss of performance and even mortality. Every common gastrointestinal disease can be linked back to disturbances (dysbiosis) of the gut bacteria. Currently, new gene technology is driving research at an intense rate, providing new insights into the equine microbial community (1) and providing both trainer and the vet with a powerful and accurate analytical tool to improve health and manage disease. The gastrointestinal tract of the horse is colonized by trillions of microorganisms, which includes 1,000-1,500 different species, making up around 95% of the biome; the other 5% are made up of archaea, protozoa, fungi and viruses. Though most studies concentrate on identifying species of bacteria and linking to health and disease. Other members of the biome have equally important roles to play. In the racehorse, a major player is the Enterobacteria phage PhiX174, which is a bacterial virus that protects the horse against E-coli.(2) The microbial community has co-evolved with the host, performing essential and vital activities such as the extraction of energy and nutrients from foodstuff, synthesis of vitamins, interaction with the immune system and cross talk with the brain, which is thought to affect temperament and behavior. Taxonomic and functional compositions of the gut microbiome are rapidly becoming viable indicators of horse health and disease. Each member of the microbial community has a different but synergistic role, which is beneficial to the health of the horse; e.g., the fungi break down the indigestible parts of forage plants, such as the polysaccharides, while the ciliate protozoa contribute to the process by producing a wide range of enzymes that the horse is unable to make, impacting and benefitting the immune system. Microbial fermentation of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin reduces the structural and non-structural plant wall material into carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids) and lipids, and produces volatile and short chain fatty acids,(2a) which are the primary source of energy for the horse. The bacteria contribute the most to the degradation of ingested food, producing the final components of the fermentation process, which are acetic, propionic and butyric acid, methane and carbon dioxide. The gastrointestinal tract of the horse is sensitive to change, stress, environment and medication, which cause imbalances or dysbiosis.(3)

Fig 1: Image of the analysis of the microbiome of a Grade 1 horse, compared to a non-group horse.

Fig 1: Image of the analysis of the microbiome of a Grade 1 horse, compared to a non-group horse.

Establishing or profiling a healthy baseline in the horse is difficult as variations exist between individuals, breeds, diets and locations; the Thoroughbred racehorse is a very different animal to the Shetland pony or an Irish Draught. Fitness training alters the microbiome further; for these reasons it is important to study the Thoroughbred as a population separate from other breeds and to analyze, where possible, racehorses training in a similar environment and location. With this in mind, since 2017 there has been an ongoing project to study and profile the microbial populations of over 1,000 racehorses based in Newmarket, throughout the racing season; and the data produced has been used to develop profiles of the differences between a healthy/unhealthy biome. The project utilizes the cutting-edge Illumina MiSeq technology, which is the most accurate and up-to-date, preferred by genomic researchers around the world.


Questions asked...

Elite racehorses are trained to achieve peak fitness, but is it possible that they can gain an extra edge from the input of the hind gut bacteria?

How different is the microbiome of a Grade 1 horse, and is it possible to identify the bacteria responsible for the extra edge?

Answers found...

Human scientists have known for some time that the microbiome of an elite human athlete is different,(4) with faster metabolic pathways (amino acids and carbohydrates) and higher levels of fecal metabolites (microbial-produced short-chain fatty acids) acetate, propionate and butyrate associated with enhanced muscle fitness. The human and elite equine athlete do share similar microbial profiles, having higher percentages of the bacteria that manufacture short-chain fatty acids and higher levels of the super-phylum verrucomicrobia; these increase as the season/training progresses. What is known about this super-phylum? It has two main members: Methylacidiphilaceae and Akkermansia

1) Verrucomicrobia Methylacidiphilaceae thrive and proliferate on the ammonia produced from the degradation of starch and protein,(5) whereas starch produces very high levels of ammonia. The bacteria make enzymes (ammonia monooxygenase),(6) which convert ammonia into nitric oxide.(7) The nitric oxide has three major benefits to a racehorse:

a. Helps repair and renew the gut wall (8)

b. Enhances performance and increases exercise tolerance (9)

c. Improves vascular function and metabolism (10)

Screenshot 2021-02-25 at 10.13.10.png

2) Verrucomicrobia Akkermansia is a mucus-eating specialist, living and thriving within the gut wall, digesting mucin from the mucosal lining (10a) with a unique ability to metabolise galactose and melibiose (11) for energy. Akkermansia in the human biome significantly increases the numbers of metabolic pathways. Horses with gastric ulcers have very low levels, perhaps indicating its function in both performance and disease. …

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Outlook for stem cell therapy - its role in tendon regeneration - different treatments for horse tendon injuries

Outlook for Stem Cell Therapy: Role in Tendon Regeneration(1943/2000 words)Tendon injuries occur very commonly in racing thoroughbreds and account for 46% of all limb injuries. The superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) is the most at risk of injury due to the large strains that are placed upon it at the gallop. Studies have reported that the SDFT experiences strains of up to 11-16% in a galloping a thoroughbred, which is very close to the 12-21% strain that causes the SDFT to completely rupture in a laboratory setting.An acute tendon injury leads to rupture of the collagen fibres and total disruption of the well organised tendon tissue (Figure 1). There are three phases to tendon healing: an inflammatory phase that lasts for around one week, where new blood vessels bring in large numbers of inflammatory blood cells to the damaged site—a proliferative phase that lasts for a few weeks, where the tendon cells rapidly multiply and start making new collagen to replace the damaged tissue; and a remodelling phase that can last for many months, where the new collagen fibres are arranged into the correct alignment and the newly made structural components are re-organised.Figure 1. A) The healthy tendon consists predominantly of collagen fibres (light pink), which are uniformly arranged with tendon cells (blue) evenly interspersed and relatively few blood vessels (arrows). B) After an injury the collagen fibres rupture, the tissue becomes much more vascular, promoting the arrival of inflammatory blood cells. The tendon cells themselves also multiply to start the process of rebuilding the damaged structure.After a tendon injury occurs, horses need time off work with a period of box rest. Controlled exercise is then introduced, which is built up slowly to allow a very gradual return to work. This controlled exercise is an important element of the rehabilitation process, as evidence suggests that exposing the tendon to small amounts of strain has positive effects on the remodelling phase of tendon healing. However, depending on the severity of the initial injury, it can take up to a year before a horse can return to racing. Furthermore, when tendon injuries heal, they repair by forming scar tissue instead of regenerating the normal tendon tissue. Scar tissue does not have the same strength and elasticity as the original tendon tissue, and this makes the tendon susceptible to re-injury when the horse returns to work. The rate of re-injury depends on the extent of the initial injury and the competition level that the horse returns to, but re-injury rates of up to 67% have been reported in racing thoroughbreds. The long periods of rest and the high chance of re-injury therefore combine to make tendon injuries the most common veterinary reason for retirement in racehorses. New treatments for tendon injuries aim to reduce scar tissue formation and increase healthy tissue regeneration, thereby lowering the risk of horses having a re-injury and improving their chance of successfully returning to racing.Over the past 15 years, the use of stem cells to improve tendon regeneration has been investigated. Stem cells are cells which have the remarkable ability to replicate themselves and turn into other cell types. Stem cells exist from the early stages of development all the way through to adulthood. In some tissues (e.g., skin), where cells are lost during regular turnover, stem cells have crucial roles in normal tissue maintenance. However, in most adult tissues, including the tendon, adult stem cells and the tendon cells themselves are not able to fully regenerate the tissue in response to an injury. In contrast, experimental studies have shown that injuries to fetal tissues including the tendon, are capable of undergoing total regeneration in the absence of any scarring. At the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket, we have an ongoing research project to identify the differences between adult and fetal tendon cells and this is beginning to shed light on why adult cells lead to tendon repair through scarring, but fetal cells can produce tendon regeneration. Understanding the processes involved in fetal tendon regeneration and adult tendon repair might enable new cell based and/or therapeutic treatments to be developed to improve tendon regeneration in adult horses.In many tissues, including fat and bone marrow, there is a population of stem cells known as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These cells can turn into cells such as bone, cartilage and tendon in the laboratory, suggesting that they might improve tendon tissue regeneration after an injury. MSC-based therapies are now widely available for the treatment of horse tendon injuries. However, research has demonstrated that after injection into the injured tendon, MSCs do not turn into tendon cells. Instead, MSCs produce factors to reduce inflammation and encourage better repair by the tissue’s own cells. So rather than being the builders of new tendon tissue, MSCs act as the foreman to direct tissue repair by other cell types. Although there is some positive data to support the clinical application of MSCs to treat tendon injuries in horses, placebo controlled clinical trial data is lacking. Currently, every horse is treated with its own MSCs. This involves taking a tissue biopsy (most often bone marrow or adipose tissue), growing the cells for 2-4 weeks in the laboratory and then injecting them into the site of injury. This means the horse must undergo an extra clinical procedure. There is inherent variation in the product, and the cells cannot be injected immediately after an injury when they may be the most beneficial.To allow the prompt treatment of a tendon injury and to improve the ability to standardise the product, allogeneic cells must be used. This means isolating the cells from donor horses and using them to treat unrelated horses. Experimental and clinical studies in horses, mice and humans suggest that this is safe to do with MSCs, and recently an allogeneic MSC product was approved for use in the EU for the treatment of joint inflammation in horses. These cells are isolated from the circulating blood of disease-screened donor horses and are partially turned into cartilage cells in the laboratory. They are then available “off the shelf” to treat unrelated animals. Allogeneic MSC products for tendon injuries are not yet available, but this would provide a significant step forward as it would allow horses to be treated immediately following an injury. However, MSCs exhibit poor survival and retention in the injured tendon and improvements to their persistence in the injury site, and with a better understanding of how they aid tissue regeneration, they are required to enable better optimised therapies in the future.Our research has previously derived stem cells from very early horse embryos (termed embryonic stem cells, ESCs. Figure 2). ESCs can grow in the laboratory indefinitely and turn into any cell type of the body. These properties make them exciting candidates to provide unlimited numbers of cells to treat a wide range of tissue injuries and diseases. Our experimental work in horses has shown that, in contrast to MSCs, ESCs demonstrate high survival rates in the injured tendon and successfully turn into tendon cells. This suggests that ESCs can directly contribute to tissue regeneration.Figure 2. A) A day 7 horse embryo used for the isolation of ESCs. Embryos at this stage of development have reached the mare’s uterus and can be flushed out non-invasively. B) “Colonies” of ESCs can grow forever in the laboratory.To understand if ESCs can be used to aid tendon regeneration, they must be shown to be both safe and effective. In a clinical setting, ESC-derived tendon cells would be implanted into horses that were unrelated to the original horse embryo from which the ESCs were derived. The recipient horse may therefore recognise the cells as “foreign” and raise an immune response against them. Using laboratory models, we have shown that ESCs which have been turned into tendon cells do not appear recognisable by the immune cells of unrelated horses. This may be due to the very early developmental stage that ESCs originate from, and it suggests that they would be safe to transplant into unrelated horses.To determine if ESCs would be effective and improve tendon regeneration, without the use of experimental animals, we have established a laboratory system to make “artificial” 3D tendons (Figure 3). ESC-tendon cells can produce artificial 3D tendons just as efficiently as adult and fetal cells, and this system allows us to make detailed comparisons between the different cell types. The 3D cellular environment more closely resembles the tendons present in the adult horse, thus providing a more physiological relevant experimental model system. This system has demonstrated that ESC-tendon cells more closely resemble fetal tendon cells than adult tendon cells. This may make them more likely to initiate the regenerative healing process that occurs in fetal tendons, rather than the scarring process that occurs in adult tendons. However, this will only truly be ascertained by performing placebo-controlled clinical trials and following up treated horses over time to determine if an ESC-treatment increases the number of horses that return to work and/or reduces the number of horses that suffer from re-injury.Figure 3. Artificial 3D tendons grown in the laboratory are used to study different sources of tendon cells and help us work out how safe and effective an ESC-based therapy will be. A) Artificial 3D tendons are 1.5 cm in length. B) a highly magnified view of a section through an artificial tendon showing well-organised collagen fibres in green and tendon cells in blue.ESC-tendon cells have other unique properties that may enable them to produce better tendon tissue regeneration. For example, in the early stages following a tendon injury there is a significant increase in inflammation. Inflammation is likely to contribute to the poor tissue regeneration that occurs because it has profound negative consequences for adult tendon cells. We have demonstrated that adult tendon cells cannot produce artificial tendons efficiently when exposed to inflammation (Figure 4). In contrast, we found that ESC-tendon cells behaved normally when exposed to inflammation due to a lack of certain receptors for inflammatory signals on their surface. This means that tendon cells derived from ESCs may provide a useful source of cells for clinical transplantation into the injured tendon, as they are unlikely to suffer any negative effects from being placed into an inflamed environment. Furthermore, it opens up the possibility of further studies to understand more about how ESC-tendon cells protect themselves from different inflammatory signals, allowing for the development of new drug treatments that could be used to protect adult tendon cells following a tendon injury. Protecting tendon cells from inflammation could help to improve the regeneration of healthy tendon tissue, thereby reducing the risk of re-injury and allowing more horses to remain in active work.Figure 4. Adult tendon cells exposed to inflammation can no longer make well organised artificial tendons. However, ESC-tendon cells do not have the receptors for some of these inflammation signals and so produce well organised artificial tendons even in the presence of inflammation.Many treatments for horse tendon injuries have been tested over the years, and to date none of them have resulted in significant improvements in re-injury rates compared to the standard use of box rest and controlled exercise alone. Stem cell therapies could allow us to shift the balance between tendon repair and regeneration, ultimately reducing the risk of re-injury and allowing more horses to return to successful racing careers. There is scope to improve the current MSC-based therapies and research to harness the potential of ESCs for tendon regeneration is ongoing, but we hope that it will have a significant impact on horse welfare in the future.

By Dr Debbie Guest

Tendon injuries occur very commonly in racing thoroughbreds and account for 46% of all limb injuries. The superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) is the most at risk of injury due to the large strains that are placed upon it at the gallop. Studies have reported that the SDFT experiences strains of up to 11-16% in a galloping a thoroughbred, which is very close to the 12-21% strain that causes the SDFT to completely rupture in a laboratory setting.  

Screenshot 2020-10-24 at 13.05.48.png

An acute tendon injury leads to rupture of the collagen fibres and total disruption of the well organised tendon tissue (Figure 1). There are three phases to tendon healing: an inflammatory phase that lasts for around one week, where new blood vessels bring in large numbers of inflammatory blood cells to the damaged site—a proliferative phase that lasts for a few weeks, where the tendon cells rapidly multiply and start making new collagen to replace the damaged tissue; and a remodelling phase that can last for many months, where the new collagen fibres are arranged into the correct alignment and the newly made structural components are re-organised.

Figure 1. A) The healthy tendon consists predominantly of collagen fibres (light pink), which are uniformly arranged with tendon cells (blue) evenly interspersed and relatively few blood vessels (arrows). B) After an injury the collagen fibres rupture, the tissue becomes much more vascular, promoting the arrival of inflammatory blood cells. The tendon cells themselves also multiply to start the process of rebuilding the damaged structure.

Figure 1. A) The healthy tendon consists predominantly of collagen fibres (light pink), which are uniformly arranged with tendon cells (blue) evenly interspersed and relatively few blood vessels (arrows). B) After an injury the collagen fibres rupture, the tissue becomes much more vascular, promoting the arrival of inflammatory blood cells. The tendon cells themselves also multiply to start the process of rebuilding the damaged structure.

After a tendon injury occurs, horses need time off work with a period of box rest. Controlled exercise is then introduced, which is built up slowly to allow a very gradual return to work. This controlled exercise is an important element of the rehabilitation process, as evidence suggests that exposing the tendon to small amounts of strain has positive effects on the remodelling phase of tendon healing. However, depending on the severity of the initial injury, it can take up to a year before a horse can return to racing. Furthermore, when tendon injuries heal, they repair by forming scar tissue instead of regenerating the normal tendon tissue. Scar tissue does not have the same strength and elasticity as the original tendon tissue, and this makes the tendon susceptible to re-injury when the horse returns to work. The rate of re-injury depends on the extent of the initial injury and the competition level that the horse returns to, but re-injury rates of up to 67% have been reported in racing thoroughbreds. The long periods of rest and the high chance of re-injury therefore combine to make tendon injuries the most common veterinary reason for retirement in racehorses. New treatments for tendon injuries aim to reduce scar tissue formation and increase healthy tissue regeneration, thereby lowering the risk of horses having a re-injury and improving their chance of successfully returning to racing.

Over the past 15 years, the use of stem cells to improve tendon regeneration has been investigated. Stem cells are cells which have the remarkable ability to replicate themselves and turn into other cell types. Stem cells exist from the early stages of development all the way through to adulthood. In some tissues (e.g., skin), where cells are lost during regular turnover, stem cells have crucial roles in normal tissue maintenance. However, in most adult tissues, including the tendon, adult stem cells and the tendon cells themselves are not able to fully regenerate the tissue in response to an injury. In contrast, experimental studies have shown that injuries to fetal tissues including the tendon, are capable of undergoing total regeneration in the absence of any scarring. At the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket, we have an ongoing research project to identify the differences between adult and fetal tendon cells and this is beginning to shed light on why adult cells lead to tendon repair through scarring, but fetal cells can produce tendon regeneration. Understanding the processes involved in fetal tendon regeneration and adult tendon repair might enable new cell based and/or therapeutic treatments to be developed to improve tendon regeneration in adult horses.

In many tissues, including fat and bone marrow, there is a population of stem cells known as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These cells can turn into cells such as bone, cartilage and tendon in the laboratory, suggesting that they might improve tendon tissue regeneration after an injury. MSC-based therapies are now widely available for the treatment of horse tendon injuries. However, research has demonstrated that after injection into the injured tendon, MSCs do not turn into tendon cells. Instead, MSCs produce factors to reduce inflammation and encourage better repair by the tissue’s own cells. So rather than being the builders of new tendon tissue, MSCs act as the foreman to direct tissue repair by other cell types. Although there is some positive data to support the clinical application of MSCs to treat tendon injuries in horses, placebo controlled clinical trial data is lacking. Currently, every horse is treated with its own MSCs. This involves taking a tissue biopsy (most often bone marrow or adipose tissue), growing the cells for 2-4 weeks in the laboratory and then injecting them into the site of injury. This means the horse must undergo an extra clinical procedure. There is inherent variation in the product, and the cells cannot be injected immediately after an injury when they may be the most beneficial. 

To allow the prompt treatment of a tendon injury and to improve the ability to standardise the product, allogeneic cells must be used. This means isolating the cells from donor horses and using them to treat unrelated horses. Experimental and clinical studies in horses, mice and humans suggest that this is safe to do with MSCs, and recently an allogeneic MSC product was approved for use in the EU for the treatment of joint inflammation in horses. These cells are isolated from the circulating blood of disease-screened donor horses and are partially turned into cartilage cells in the laboratory. They are then available “off the shelf” to treat unrelated animals. Allogeneic MSC products for tendon injuries are not yet available, but this would provide a significant step forward as it would allow horses to be treated immediately following an injury. However, MSCs exhibit poor survival and retention in the injured tendon and improvements to their persistence in the injury site, and with a better understanding of how they aid tissue regeneration, they are required to enable better optimised therapies in the future.

Our research has previously derived stem cells from very early horse embryos (termed embryonic stem cells, ESCs. Figure 2). ESCs can grow in the laboratory indefinitely and turn into any cell type of the body. These properties make them exciting candidates to provide unlimited numbers of cells to treat a wide range of tissue injuries and diseases. Our experimental work in horses has shown that, in contrast to MSCs, ESCs demonstrate high survival rates in the injured tendon and successfully turn into tendon cells. This suggests that ESCs can directly contribute to tissue regeneration.

Figure 2. A) A day 7 horse embryo used for the isolation of ESCs. Embryos at this stage of development have reached the mare’s uterus and can be flushed out non-invasively. B) “Colonies” of ESCs can grow forever in the laboratory.

Figure 2. A) A day 7 horse embryo used for the isolation of ESCs. Embryos at this stage of development have reached the mare’s uterus and can be flushed out non-invasively. B) “Colonies” of ESCs can grow forever in the laboratory.

To understand if ESCs can be used to aid tendon regeneration, they must be shown to be both safe and effective. In a clinical setting, ESC-derived tendon cells would be implanted into horses that were unrelated to the original horse embryo from which the ESCs were derived. The recipient horse may therefore recognise the cells as “foreign” and raise an immune response against them. Using laboratory models, we have shown that ESCs which have been turned into tendon cells do not appear recognisable by the immune cells of unrelated horses. This may be due to the very early developmental stage that ESCs originate from, and it suggests that they would be safe to transplant into unrelated horses. 

To determine if ESCs would be effective and improve tendon regeneration, without the use of experimental animals, we have established a laboratory system to make “artificial” 3D tendons (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Artificial 3D tendons grown in the laboratory are used to study different sources of tendon cells and help us work out how safe and effective an ESC-based therapy will be. A) Artificial 3D tendons are 1.5 cm in length. B) a highly magnified view of a section through an artificial tendon showing well-organised collagen fibres in green and tendon cells in blue.

Figure 3. Artificial 3D tendons grown in the laboratory are used to study different sources of tendon cells and help us work out how safe and effective an ESC-based therapy will be. A) Artificial 3D tendons are 1.5 cm in length. B) a highly magnified view of a section through an artificial tendon showing well-organised collagen fibres in green and tendon cells in blue.

ESC-tendon cells can produce artificial 3D tendons just as efficiently as adult and fetal cells, and this system allows us to make detailed comparisons between the different cell types. …

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Don’t test your luck - equine stomach ulcer diagnosis deserves a proven treatment


In association with

Ulceration of the stomach is a common health problem among athletic horses around the world. The reported prevalence of ulcers in racing Thoroughbred or Standardbred horses is high, commonly quoted between 55% and 90%.1 The economic impact of this disease is difficult to calculate because the impact on athletic performance has not been accurately determined. However, there are well-defined costs attributable to diagnosis, medication and the labor required for treatment.

When it comes to cost associated with ulcer medication, it is often said that “the most expensive treatments are the ones that don’t work.” Proton pump inhibitors, of which omeprazole is considered the best studied in horses, make up one of the most commonly used classes of drugs for equine gastric ulcers. But while there are several omeprazole products on the market, are they all created equal? The simple answer is no.

Animal drugs are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in specific species to treat particular conditions. To be legally marketed, animal drugs, with few exceptions, must meet the FDA’s stringent safety and efficacy standards. However, many animal drugs are manufactured and sold by compounding pharmacies, and as such are not FDA-approved brand-name drugs.

Compounded drugs can serve an important medical need for patients in certain circumstances, but they do not have the same safety, quality and effectiveness assurances as FDA-approved drugs. In addition, the FDA does not review the manufacturing methods used to make them or the accuracy of their labeling. Therefore, poor compounding practices can result in serious drug quality problems — such as bacterial or fungal contamination, or drugs that have either too much or too little active ingredient(s) — which can lead to serious patient injury and death. The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) advises: “Limit the use of compounded drugs to unique needs in specific patients.”2

There have been various headlines, articles, and research studies over the years regarding improperly compounded medications and their associated risks to horse health and welfare, and their financial implications. When it comes to stability and efficacy, compounded omeprazole products often don’t measure up. Compounded and illegally manufactured omeprazole products often have safety, efficacy, and production quality control problems like incomplete filling of syringes, air pockets, and variations in homogeneity (see Figure 1.).3

Figure 1. Radiographs of compounded and illegal omeprazole products shows inadequate syringe fill and air pockets in the products. From Wallace M. Radiographic Evaluation of Compounded and Illegal Over-the-counter Omeprazole Products (Abstract E47). ACVIM 2017

Figure 1. Radiographs of compounded and illegal omeprazole products shows inadequate syringe fill and air pockets in the products. From Wallace M. Radiographic Evaluation of Compounded and Illegal Over-the-counter Omeprazole Products (Abstract E47). ACVIM 2017

While it is vital to take every step to protect your horse's gastric health, it is a good idea to look closely when considering compounded omeprazole products. In laboratory testing, some compounded omeprazole products contained as little as 6% of their labeled value (see Figure 2.).4

In a 60-day in-vitro study comparing five compounded pastes to Gastrogard® (omeprazole), compounded formulations started as low as 63% of labeled concentration on day 0 and fell to as low as 17% on day 60.5 GASTROGARD concentrations remained stable and at label concentration throughout the study.

Figure 2. Active omeprazole vs. label claim in 10 compounded products

Figure 2. Active omeprazole vs. label claim in 10 compounded products

In another study involving 32 adult racehorses in active training, results suggested that while administration of Gastrogard® (omeprazole) was effective in promoting healing of gastric ulcers in these horses, administration of the compounded omeprazole suspension was ineffective.6

GASTROGARD is one of the most widely used prescription medications and the only FDA-approved oral formulation of omeprazole available in the United States for horses.

The omeprazole in GASTROGARD is specially protected allowing it to reach the site of absorption in the small intestine so that it can suppress gastric acid production to a level that allows ulcers to heal.7

In addition to premarket review, FDA-approved animal drugs are subject to requirements once they are on the market. For instance, manufacturers must submit adverse event reports — including reports of product defects — and provide information to the FDA related to safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality throughout the product’s lifetime. These reports allow the FDA to continue to monitor the safety and effectiveness of the drug after approval. Unlike manufacturers of FDA-approved animal drugs, compounders are not required to report adverse events and product defects.

What are the advantages of FDA-approved drugs?8

• Safety and efficacy based on thorough scientific review

• Meet quality, purity and potency specifications

• Continual monitoring ensures product performance

• Consistent manufacturing standards

Furthermore, FDA believes it is critically important to disclose risk information of prescription drugs appropriately and effectively to healthcare professionals and consumers. Important safety information of the drug can be found in its entirety on the package label and/or package insert. GASTROGARD is labeled for use in horses and foals 4 weeks of age and older. The safety of GASTROGARD paste has not been determined in pregnant or lactating mares. GASTROGARD is not to be used in horses intended for human consumption. 

Knowledge is power when it comes to deciding whether to use compounded versus FDA-approved drugs. Do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian about the medications being used in your horses. At the end of the day, your horse’s health and welfare is worth becoming as educated as possible about gastric health, and how to best manage it.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: GASTROGARD safety has not been determined in pregnant or lactating mares. For use in horses and foals 4 weeks of age and older. Keep this and all drugs out of the reach of children. In case of ingestion, contact a physician. Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

For prescribing information, click here.


1 Sykes BW, Hewetson M, Hepburn RJ, Luthersson N, Tamzali Y. European College of Equine Internal Medicine Consensus Statement — Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome in Adult Horses. J Vet Intern Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;29(5):1288-99.

2 Equine Veterinary Compounding Guidelines. 2005. Available at: Accessed Dec. 17, 2009.

3 Wallace M. Radiographic Evaluation of Compounded and Illegal Over-the-counter Omeprazole Products (Abstract E47). ACVIM 2017. Available at: Accessed May 28, 2020. 

4 Data on file.

5 Stanley SD, Knych HK. Comparison of Pharmaceutical Equivalence for Commercially Available Preparations of Omeprazole. AAEP Proceedings. 2011;57:63.

6 Nieto JE, Spier S, Pipers FS, Stanley S, Aleman MR, Smith DC, Snyder JR. Comparison of Paste and Suspension Formulations of Omeprazole in the Healing of Gastric Ulcers in Racehorses in Active Training. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2002 Oct 15;221(8):1139-43.

7 GASTROGARD product label.

8 Animal Health Institute and American Veterinary Medical Association and American Veterinary Distributors Association. Veterinary Compounding. Available at: Accessed Feb. 9, 2012.



Minimizing serious fractures of the racehorse fetlock

Minimising serious fractures of the racehorse fetlockLink to EVJ article: Colgate, PHL Ramzan and CM Marr.In March 2020, a symposium was held in Newmarket, UK, aiming to devise measures which could be used internationally to reduce the risk of catastrophic fracture associated with the fetlock joint. The meeting was supported by the Gerald Leigh Charitable Trust, the Beaufort Cottage Charitable Trust and the Jockey Club with additional contributions from a number of industry stakeholders. On the first day a panel of international experts made up of academic professors, Chris Whitton (Melbourne, Australia), Sue Stover (Davis, California), Chris Kawcak (Colorado), Tim Parkin (Glasgow) and Peter Muir (Wisconsin); experienced racehorse clinicians, Ryan Carpenter (Santa Anita) and Peter Ramzan (Newmarket); imaging experts, Sarah Powell (Newmarket) and Mathieu Spriet (Davis, California); and vets with experience in racing regulatory bodies, Scott Palmer (New York) and Chris Riggs (Hong Kong) joined forces to discuss risk assessment protocols, particularly those based on imaging features which might indicate increased risk of imminent fracture. This was followed by a wider discussion with a diverse invited audience of veterinary and industry stakeholders on how our current knowledge of fracture pathophysiology and risk factors for injury could be used to target risk assessment protocols. A report of the workshop outcomes was recently published in Equine Veterinary Journal.<< EVJ logo near here>>The importance of risk reductionWith the ethics of the racing industry now in the public spotlight, there is recognition that together veterinary and horseracing professionals must strive to realise an improvement in equine injury rates. Intervention through risk profiling programmes, primarily based on training and racing metrics, has a proven track record; and the success of a racing risk management program in New York gives evidence that intervention can and will be successful.The fetlock of the thoroughbred racehorse is subjected to very great loads during fast work and racing, and over the course of a training career this can result in cumulative changes in the bone underlying the articular cartilage (‘subchondral’ bone) that causes lameness and may in some circumstances lead to fracture. Fracture propagation involving the bones of the fetlock (cannon, pastern or proximal sesamoid bones) during fast work or racing can have catastrophic consequences, and while serious musculoskeletal injuries are a rare event when measured against race starts, there are obviously welfare and public interest imperatives to reduce the risk to racehorses even further. The dilemma that faces researchers and clinicians is that ‘fatigue’ injuries of the subchondral bone at some sites within the fetlock can be tolerated by many racehorses in training while others develop pathology that tips over into serious fracture. Differentiating horses at imminent risk of raceday fracture from those that are ‘safe’ to run has not proven particularly easy based on clinical grounds to date, and advances in diagnostic imaging offer great promise.Profiling to inform risk assessmentRisk profiling examines the nature and levels of threat faced by an individual and seeks to define the likelihood of adverse events occurring. Catastrophic fracture is usually the end result of repetitive loading, but currently there are no techniques that can accurately determine that a bone is becoming fatigued until some degree of structural failure has actually occurred. However, diagnostic imaging has clear potential to provide information about pathological changes which indicate the early stages of structural damage.Previous research has identified a plethora of epidemiological factors associated with increased risk of serious catastrophic musculoskeletal injury on the racetrack. These can be distilled into race, horse and management-related risk factors that could be combined in statistical models to enable identification of individual horses that may be at increased risk of injury.In North America, the Equine Injury Database compiles fatal and non-fatal injury information for thoroughbred racing in North America. Since 2009, equine fatalities are down 23%; and important risk factors for injury have been identified, and this work has driven ongoing improvement.The problem with all statistics-based models created so far for prediction of racehorse injury is that they have limited predictive ability due to the low prevalence of racetrack catastrophic events. If an event is very rare, and a predictive tool is not entirely accurate, many horses will be incorrectly flagged up as at increased risk. At the Newmarket Fetlock workshop, Prof Tim Parkin shared his work on a model which was based on data from over 2 million race starts and almost 4 million workout starts. Despite the large amount of data used to formulate the model, Tim Parkin suggested that if we had to choose between two horses starting in a race, this model would only correctly identify the horse about to sustain a fracture 65% of the time. Furthermore, the low prevalence of catastrophic injury means it will always be difficult to predict, regardless of which diagnostic procedure is employed.Where do the solutions lie?One possible strategy to overcome the inherent challenge of predicting a rare event involves serial testing. Essentially with this approach, a sequence of tests is carried out to refine sub-populations of interest and thus improve the predictive ability of the specific tests applied. An additional consideration in the design of any such practical profiling system would have to be the ability to speedily come to a decision. For example, starting with a model based on racing and training metrics such as number of starts and length of lay-off periods, as well as information about the risk associated with any particular track or racing jurisdiction, entries could be screened to separate those that are not considered to be at increased risk of injury from a smaller sub-group of horses that warrant further evaluation and will progress to Phase 2. The second phase of screening would be something relatively simple. Although not yet available, there is hope that blood tests for bone biomarkers or genetic profiles could be used to further distil horses into a second sub-group. This second sub-group might then be subjected to more detailed veterinary examination, and from that a third sub-group, involving a very small and manageable number of horses flagged as potentially at increased risk, would undergo advanced imaging. The results of such diagnostic imaging would then allow vets to make evidence-based decisions on whether or not there is sufficient concern to prompt withdrawal of an individual from a specific race from a health and welfare perspective. Of course there are other considerations which limit the feasibility of such a system, including availability of diagnostic equipment and whether or not imaging can be quickly and safely performed without use of sedation or other drugs, which are prohibited near to a race start.Diagnostic techniques for fetlock injury risk profilingCurrently there is no clear consensus on the interpretation of images from all diagnostic imaging modalities, and important areas of uncertainty exist. Although a range of imaging modalities are available, each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and advances in technology currently outstrip our accumulation of published evidence on which to base interpretation of the images obtained.<< box 1 near here>>Interpretation is easy when the imaging modality shows an unequivocal fracture such as a short fissure in a cannon bone. Here the decision is simple: the horse has a fracture and must stop exercising. Many cases, however, demonstrate less clearly defined changes that may be associated with bone fatigue injury.Currently radiography remains the most important imaging modality in fetlock bone risk assessment. With wide availability and the knowledge gained by more advanced imaging techniques refining the most appropriate projections to use; radiography represents a relatively untapped resource that through education of primary care vets could immediately have a profound impact on injury mitigation. The most suitable projection with which to detect prodromal condylar fracture pathology in the equine distal limb is the flexed dorsopalmar (forelimb) or plantarodorsal (hindlimb) projection. On this projection, focal radiolucency in the parasagittal groove, whether well or poorly defined, with or without increased radio-opacity in the surrounding bone, should be considered representative of fracture pathology unless evidence from other diagnostic imaging modalities demonstrates otherwise.<< fig 1 near here>>Computed Tomography (CT) excels at identification of structural changes and is better than radiography at showing very small fissures in the bone. However, additional research is needed to determine specific criteria for interpretation of the significance of small lesions in the parasagittal groove with respect to imminent risk of serious injury. There are good indications that fissure lesion size and proximal sesamoid bone volumetric measurements have the potential to be useful criteria for prediction of condylar and proximal sesamoid bone fractures respectively. With technological advancement, it is likely that CT will be more widely used in quantitative risk analysis in the future.<< fig 2 near here>>Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has the ability to detect alterations in the fluid content of bones, which allows assessment of acute, active changes. Indeed standing, low-field MRI has been shown to be capable of detecting bone abnormalities not readily identifiable on radiography and has been successfully used for injury mitigation in racehorse practice for some time. However, when used for evaluation of cartilage and subchondral bone lesions, there is a relatively high likelihood of false positive results.Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a relatively new technique in the veterinary field which relies on similar principles to scintigraphy and provides information on how bone is functioning, enabling it to differentiate between active and inactive structural damage. Early results suggest PET is extremely sensitive, but as with MRI and CT, there is an urgent need to determine the relevance of imaging abnormalities detected in the identification and prediction of individuals at increased risk of serious fetlock injury.Lessons to be learnt from human sports medicineA presentation on the programmes carried out on elite human athletes from Dr Rod Jaques, Director of Medical Services at the English Institute of Sport (EIS), put into sharp focus both the progress equine racecourse veterinary safety assessments have made but also the direction future efforts must take. In elite sports overseen by the EIS, there is a predetermined pathway from diagnosis of any medical condition to management of the condition identified and return of the athlete to competition. The entire pathway is implemented by independent bodies to ensure protocols are followed and athletes fully informed of the consequences of abnormal findings prior to participation.Whilst veterinary assessment and regulatory pathways are in place in many racing jurisdictions globally, transparency about the process and standardisation across countries is lacking. For optimal assessment and accurate identification of horses which are and are not fit to run, there is a need for participation and respect amongst all stakeholders, underpinned by effective education and communication between parties so that trust is built. The workshop participants agreed that primary care vets should be encouraged to share pertinent veterinary history, where deemed necessary, and within the limits of client confidentiality. This maximises information available to racecourse veterinary assessment teams and assists them in making decisions in the interests of equine welfare. Equally, owners, trainers and other stakeholders must understand their obligation to comply with the risk assessment process if they wish to enter a horse in a race. They must also respect the decisions made by regulatory vets and appreciate that these decisions are formulated based on the information and findings available at a specific point in time. Confidence in the pre-race risk assessment process will increase with greater transparency, improved communication and evidence-based decision making.Workshop outcomesIt is clear that further research is needed to enhance knowledge in areas that will advance catastrophic fracture prevention through identification of horses with high immediate risk. The workshop identified several key areas where action is needed:The workshop members have contacted veterinary associations internationally to provide training resources to help improve standards in radiography.More effort is needed to educate horsemen on how serious fatigue injury develops progressively. Identification of early signs will provide the opportunity for prevention of further progression through appropriate modification of athletic activity.In light of the current lag between technological advancements in diagnostic imaging and knowledge of the significance of lesions identified, there is a need to share anonymised medical data as a research tool.Finally, it is clear that advanced diagnostic imaging in particular is a fast-moving field, and periodic revision of recommendations will be required in the future.

By VA Colgate, PHL Ramzan & CM Marr

Minimizing serious fractures of the racehorse fetlock

In March 2020, a symposium was held in Newmarket, UK, aiming to devise measures which could be used internationally to reduce the risk of catastrophic fracture associated with the fetlock joint. The meeting was supported by the Gerald Leigh Charitable Trust, the Beaufort Cottage Charitable Trust and the Jockey Club with additional contributions from a number of industry stakeholders. On the first day a panel of international experts made up of academic professors, Chris Whitton (Melbourne, Australia), Sue Stover (Davis, California), Chris Kawcak (Colorado), Tim Parkin (Glasgow) and Peter Muir (Wisconsin); experienced racehorse clinicians, Ryan Carpenter (Santa Anita) and Peter Ramzan (Newmarket); imaging experts, Sarah Powell (Newmarket) and Mathieu Spriet (Davis, California); and vets with experience in racing regulatory bodies, Scott Palmer (New York) and Chris Riggs (Hong Kong) joined forces to discuss risk assessment protocols, particularly those based on imaging features which might indicate increased risk of imminent fracture. This was followed by a wider discussion with a diverse invited audience of veterinary and industry stakeholders on how our current knowledge of fracture pathophysiology and risk factors for injury could be used to target risk assessment protocols. A report of the workshop outcomes was recently published in Equine Veterinary Journal.

The importance of risk reduction

With the ethics of the racing industry now in the public spotlight, there is recognition that together veterinary and horseracing professionals must strive to realise an improvement in equine injury rates. Intervention through risk profiling programmes, primarily based on training and racing metrics, has a proven track record; and the success of a racing risk management program in New York gives evidence that intervention can and will be successful. 

The fetlock of the thoroughbred racehorse is subjected to very great loads during fast work and racing, and over the course of a training career this can result in cumulative changes in the bone underlying the articular cartilage (‘subchondral’ bone) that causes lameness and may in some circumstances lead to fracture. Fracture propagation involving the bones of the fetlock (cannon, pastern or proximal sesamoid bones) during fast work or racing can have catastrophic consequences, and while serious musculoskeletal injuries are a rare event when measured against race starts, there are obviously welfare and public interest imperatives to reduce the risk to racehorses even further. The dilemma that faces researchers and clinicians is that ‘fatigue’ injuries of the subchondral bone at some sites within the fetlock can be tolerated by many racehorses in training while others develop pathology that tips over into serious fracture. Differentiating horses at imminent risk of raceday fracture from those that are ‘safe’ to run has not proven particularly easy based on clinical grounds to date, and advances in diagnostic imaging offer great promise.

Profiling to inform risk assessment

Risk profiling examines the nature and levels of threat faced by an individual and seeks to define the likelihood of adverse events occurring. Catastrophic fracture is usually the end result of repetitive loading, but currently there are no techniques that can accurately determine that a bone is becoming fatigued until some degree of structural failure has actually occurred. However, diagnostic imaging has clear potential to provide information about pathological changes which indicate the early stages of structural damage. 

Previous research has identified a plethora of epidemiological factors associated with increased risk of serious catastrophic musculoskeletal injury on the racetrack. These can be distilled into race, horse and management-related risk factors that could be combined in statistical models to enable identification of individual horses that may be at increased risk of injury. 

In North America, the Equine Injury Database compiles fatal and non-fatal injury information for thoroughbred racing in North America. Since 2009, equine fatalities are down 23%; and important risk factors for injury have been identified, and this work has driven ongoing improvement.

The problem with all statistics-based models created so far for prediction of racehorse injury is that they have limited predictive ability due to the low prevalence of racetrack catastrophic events. If an event is very rare, and a predictive tool is not entirely accurate, many horses will be incorrectly flagged up as at increased risk. At the Newmarket Fetlock workshop, Prof Tim Parkin shared his work on a model which was based on data from over 2 million race starts and almost 4 million workout starts. Despite the large amount of data used to formulate the model, Tim Parkin suggested that if we had to choose between two horses starting in a race, this model would only correctly identify the horse about to sustain a fracture 65% of the time. Furthermore, the low prevalence of catastrophic injury means it will always be difficult to predict, regardless of which diagnostic procedure is employed. 

Where do the solutions lie?

A radiograph showing a racing thoroughbred’s fetlock joint. The arrow points to a linear radiolucency in the parasagittal groove of the lower cannon bone—a finding that is frequently detectable before progression to serious injury.

A radiograph showing a racing thoroughbred’s fetlock joint. The arrow points to a linear radiolucency in the parasagittal groove of the lower cannon bone—a finding that is frequently detectable before progression to serious injury.

One possible strategy to overcome the inherent challenge of predicting a rare event involves serial testing. Essentially with this approach, a sequence of tests is carried out to refine sub-populations of interest and thus improve the predictive ability of the specific tests applied. An additional consideration in the design of any such practical profiling system would have to be the ability to speedily come to a decision. For example, starting with a model based on racing and training metrics such as number of starts and length of lay-off periods, as well as information about the risk associated with any particular track or racing jurisdiction, entries could be screened to separate those that are not considered to be at increased risk of injury from a smaller sub-group of horses that warrant further evaluation and will progress to Phase 2. The second phase of screening would be something relatively simple. Although not yet available, there is hope that blood tests for bone biomarkers or genetic profiles could be used to further distil horses into a second sub-group. This second sub-group might then be subjected to more detailed veterinary examination, and from that a third sub-group, involving a very small and manageable number of horses flagged as potentially at increased risk, would undergo advanced imaging. The results of such diagnostic imaging would then allow vets to make evidence-based decisions on whether or not there is sufficient concern to prompt withdrawal of an individual from a specific race from a health and welfare perspective. Of course there are other considerations which limit the feasibility of such a system, including availability of diagnostic equipment and whether or not imaging can be quickly and safely performed without use of sedation or other drugs, which are prohibited near to a race start. 

Diagnostic techniques for fetlock injury risk profiling

Currently there is no clear consensus on the interpretation of images from all diagnostic imaging modalities, and important areas of uncertainty exist. Although a range of imaging modalities are available, each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and advances in technology currently outstrip our accumulation of published evidence on which to base interpretation of the images obtained.  

Interpretation is easy when the imaging modality shows an unequivocal fracture such as a short fissure in a cannon bone. Here the decision is simple: the horse has a fracture and must stop exercising. Many cases, however, demonstrate less clearly defined changes that may be associated with bone fatigue injury. 

Currently radiography remains the most important imaging modality in fetlock bone risk assessment. With wide availability and the knowledge gained by more advanced imaging techniques refining the most appropriate projections to use; radiography represents a relatively untapped resource that through education of primary care vets could immediately have a profound impact on injury mitigation. The most suitable projection with which to detect prodromal condylar fracture pathology in the equine distal limb is the flexed dorsopalmar (forelimb) or plantarodorsal (hindlimb) projection. On this projection, focal radiolucency in the parasagittal groove, whether well or poorly defined, with or without increased radio-opacity in the surrounding bone, should be considered representative of fracture pathology unless evidence from other diagnostic imaging modalities demonstrates otherwise. 

Computed Tomography (CT) excels at identification of structural changes and is better than radiography at showing very small fissures in the bone. However, additional research is needed to determine specific criteria for interpretation of the significance of small lesions in the parasagittal groove with respect to imminent risk of serious injury. There are good indications that fissure lesion size and proximal sesamoid bone volumetric measurements have the potential to be useful criteria for prediction of condylar and proximal sesamoid bone fractures respectively. With technological advancement, it is likely that CT will be more widely used in quantitative risk analysis in the future. 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has the ability to detect alterations in the fluid content of bones, which allows assessment of acute, active changes. Indeed standing, low-field MRI has been shown to be capable of detecting bone abnormalities not readily identifiable on radiography and has been successfully used for injury mitigation in racehorse practice for some time. However, when used for evaluation of cartilage and subchondral bone lesions, there is a relatively high likelihood of false positive results.  

PET is the most recent advance in diagnostic imaging. It is being developed in California and, when combined with CT, provides information on bone activity and structure. In these three images of the same fetlock, from different aspects, the orange spots indicate increased activity in the proximal sesamoid bone, which is a potential precursor to more serious injury.Image courtesy of Dr M. Spriet, University of California, Davis.

PET is the most recent advance in diagnostic imaging. It is being developed in California and, when combined with CT, provides information on bone activity and structure. In these three images of the same fetlock, from different aspects, the orange spots indicate increased activity in the proximal sesamoid bone, which is a potential precursor to more serious injury.

Image courtesy of Dr M. Spriet, University of California, Davis.

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Bleeders - facts- fiction - future - treatment - of exercise-induced haemorrhages

By Dr. David MarlinWe are now approaching half a century since Bob Cook pioneered the use of the flexible fibreoptic endoscope, which allowed examination of the respiratory tract in the conscious horse. One of the important outcomes of this technique was that it opened the door to the study of “bleeding” or exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH).But nearly 50 years on the irony is perhaps that whilst we have become good at describing the prevalence of EIPH and some of the factors that appear to increase the severity of EIPH within individual horses, we still lack a clear understanding of the condition and how to manage it.I use the term manage rather than treat or prevent as our knowledge of EIPH must show us that EIPH cannot be stopped entirely; it is a consequence of intense exercise. The other irony is that in the past 50 years, by far the majority of research into the management of EIPH has focused on the use of the diuretic furosemide. Whilst we have good evidence from controlled studies that furosemide reduces the severity of EIPH on a single occasion, we still lack good evidence to suggest that furosemide is effective when used repeatedly during training and or racing; and there is also evidence to the contrary. Let’s review some basic facts about EIPH, which should not be contentious.• EIPH is the appearance of blood in the airways associated with exercise.• EIPH occurs as a result of moderate to intense exercise. In fact, EIPH has been found after trotting when deep lung wash (bronchoalveolar lavage or BAL) is done after exercise.• EIPH most often involves the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) but can sometimes and less commonly be due to the rupture of larger blood vessels.• The smallest blood vessels are extremely thin. Around 1/100th the thickness of a human hair. But this extremely thin membrane is also what allows racehorses such as Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds and Arabs to use oxygen at such a high rate and is a major reason for their athleticism.• EIPH is a progressive condition. The chance of seeing blood in the trachea after exercise increases with time in racing.• EIPH is variable over time, even when horses are scoped after the same type of work.• If you ‘scope a horse after three gallops in a row, you can expect to see blood in the trachea on at least one occasion.• EIPH damage to the lungs starts at the back and top, and over time moves forward and down and is approximately symmetrical.• Following EIPH the lung becomes fibrotic (as scar tissue), stiffer and does not work as well. The iron from the blood is combined with protein and stored permanently in the lung tissue where it can cause inflammation.• High blood pressure within the lung is a contributing factor in EIPH. Horses with higher blood pressure appear to suffer worse EIPH.• There is also evidence that upper airway resistance and breathing pattern can play a role in EIPH.• Airway inflammation and poor air quality may increase the severity of EIPH within individual horses.• Increasing severity of EIPH appears to have an increasing negative effect on performance.• Visible bleeding (epistaxis) has a very clear and marked negative effect on performance. In order to make progress in the management of EIPH (i.e., to minimize the severity of EIPH in each individual), there are certain steps that trainers can take based on the information we have to date. These include:• Ensuring good air quality in stables • Regular respiratory examination and treatment of airway inflammation • Reduced intensity of training during periods of treatment for moderate to severe airway inflammation• Extended periods of rest and light work with a slower return to work for horses following viral infection• Addressing anything that increases upper airway resistance (e.g., roaring, gurgling)• Avoiding intense work in cold weather• Avoiding extremes of going• Limiting number of training days in race preparation and increasing interval between races.FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES IN UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING EIPHWe have to accept EIPH as a normal consequence of intense exercise in horses. Our aim should be to reduce the severity to a minimum in each individual horse. However, there are areas in which we still need a much greater scientific understanding.What actually causes the capillaries to leak or rupture?If you ask any vet, scientist or informed trainer what is the cause of EIPH, they will give the phrase “pulmonary capillary stress-failure”.But this is simply a description of what happens—NOT an explanation or a mechanism. EIPH and pulmonary capillary stress-failure are both descriptions of what’s happening. We know high blood pressure makes the capillaries stiff. But what makes them actually rupture? A balloon filled with water may be distended and under a lot of stress. But a pin prick will actually make it burst. The pin is the cause.Assessing EIPHAt present the most common way to assess the severity of EIPH in horses in training and racing is by ‘scoping 30-40 minutes after exercise and scoring the amount of blood in the trachea. This is a crude method, and when we see a horse that has a score of 1 after one gallop and a 3 after the next gallop, we don’t know whether this is due to differences in how quickly the blood has moved from the periphery of the lung into the trachea or due to a true difference in the amount of bleeding. We know our ‘scoping scores vary from gallop to gallop; we just don’t know why.BAL (deep lung wash) is not the answer either. It will pick up blood when there is none to be seen in the trachea (i.e., it’s a more sensitive technique), but with BAL we are looking atrelatively small areas of the lung. What we need is a technique that will allow us to image the whole lung and map the blood that is in the airways and not in the blood vessels so we can assess volume and distribution of hemorrhage.

By Dr. David Marlin

We are now approaching half a century since Bob Cook pioneered the use of the flexible fibreoptic endoscope, which allowed examination of the respiratory tract in the conscious horse. One of the important outcomes of this technique was that it opened the door to the study of “bleeding” or exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH).

But nearly 50 years on the irony is perhaps that whilst we have become good at describing the prevalence of EIPH and some of the factors that appear to increase the severity of EIPH within individual horses, we still lack a clear understanding of the condition and how to manage it.

I use the term manage rather than treat or prevent as our knowledge of EIPH must show us that EIPH cannot be stopped entirely; it is a consequence of intense exercise. The other irony is that in the past 50 years, by far the majority of research into the management of EIPH has focused on the use of the diuretic furosemide. Whilst we have good evidence from controlled studies that furosemide reduces the severity of EIPH on a single occasion, we still lack good evidence to suggest that furosemide is effective when used repeatedly during training and or racing; and there is also evidence to the contrary. Let’s review some basic facts about EIPH, which should not be contentious.

• EIPH is the appearance of blood in the airways associated with exercise.

• EIPH occurs as a result of moderate to intense exercise. In fact, EIPH has been found after trotting when deep lung wash (bronchoalveolar lavage or BAL) is done after exercise.

• EIPH most often involves the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) but can sometimes and less commonly be due to the rupture of larger blood vessels.

• The smallest blood vessels are extremely thin. Around 1/100th the thickness of a human hair. But this extremely thin membrane is also what allows racehorses such as Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds and Arabs to use oxygen at such a high rate and is a major reason for their athleticism.

• EIPH is a progressive condition. The chance of seeing blood in the trachea after exercise increases with time in racing.

• EIPH is variable over time, even when horses are scoped after the same type of work.

• If you ‘scope a horse after three gallops in a row, you can expect to see blood in the trachea on at least one occasion.

• EIPH damage to the lungs starts at the back and top, and over time moves forward and down and is approximately symmetrical.

• Following EIPH the lung becomes fibrotic (as scar tissue), stiffer and does not work as well. The iron from the blood is combined with protein and stored permanently in the lung tissue where it can cause inflammation.

• High blood pressure within the lung is a contributing factor in EIPH. Horses with higher blood pressure appear to suffer worse EIPH.

• There is also evidence that upper airway resistance and breathing pattern can play a role in EIPH.

• Airway inflammation and poor air quality may increase the severity of EIPH within individual horses.

• Increasing severity of EIPH appears to have an increasing negative effect on performance.

• Visible bleeding (epistaxis) has a very clear and marked negative effect on performance. In order to make progress in the management of EIPH (i.e., to minimize the severity of EIPH in each individual), there are certain steps that trainers can take based on the information we have to date. These include:

• Ensuring good air quality in stables • Regular respiratory examination and treatment of airway inflammation • Reduced intensity of training during periods of treatment for moderate to severe airway inflammation

• Extended periods of rest and light work with a slower return to work for horses following viral infection

• Addressing anything that increases upper airway resistance (e.g., roaring, gurgling)

• Avoiding intense work in cold weather

• Avoiding extremes of going


• Limiting number of training days in race preparation and increasing interval between races.


We have to accept EIPH as a normal consequence of intense exercise in horses. Our aim should be to reduce the severity to a minimum in each individual horse. However, there are areas in which we still need a much greater scientific understanding.

What actually causes the capillaries to leak or rupture?

If you ask any vet, scientist or informed trainer what is the cause of EIPH, they will give the phrase “pulmonary capillary stress-failure”. But this is simply a description of what happens—NOT an explanation or a mechanism. EIPH and pulmonary capillary stress-failure are both descriptions of what’s happening. We know high blood pressure makes the capillaries stiff. But what makes them actually rupture? A balloon filled with water may be distended and under a lot of stress. But a pin prick will actually make it burst. The pin is the cause.

Assessing EIPH

At present the most common way to assess the severity of EIPH in horses in training and racing is by ‘scoping 30-40 minutes after exercise and scoring the amount of blood in the trachea. This is a crude method, and when we see a horse that has a score of 1 after one gallop and a 3 after the next gallop, we don’t know whether this is due to differences in how quickly the blood has moved from the periphery of the lung into the trachea or due to a true difference in the amount of bleeding. We know our ‘scoping scores vary from gallop to gallop; we just don’t know why.BAL (deep lung wash) is not the answer either. It will pick up blood when there is none to be seen in the trachea (i.e., it’s a more sensitive technique), but with BAL we are looking atrelatively small areas of the lung. What we need is a technique that will allow us to image the whole lung and map the blood that is in the airways and not in the blood vessels so we can assess volume and distribution of hemorrhage.

Furosemide is not the answer

Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 17.04.30.png
Fig 3e.jpg

A number of well-conducted and well-written scientific studies have shown conclusively that furosemide is effective in reducing the severity of EIPH in individual horses when used ONE time! We lack convincing studies that prove furosemide works as well when used one to two times a week for two to three months. In fact, several studies suggest that furosemide becomes less effective with regular use, such as the return to previous performance of horses after initial racing and improved performance on furosemide. In human medicine, repetitive administration of furosemide induces short-term (braking phenomenon, acute diuretic resistance) and longterm (chronic diuretic resistance) tolerance (i.e., if you give the same dose repeatedly, the body becomes tolerant and you get less and less urine production). A study in horses from Michigan State University in 2017 showed horses develop tolerance to furosemide. Why, when we have had nearly 50 years of research into EIPH with more published studies devoted to furosemide than any other aspect, do we still not know if furosemide is effective when used on a regular basis?

Is EIPH really blood?…

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Bowed tendons - different treatment options - new ultrasound technology - ultrasound tissue characterization

Overstrain injuries to the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) are among the most common musculoskeletal injuries for all athletic equine disciplines but account for a significant amount of wastage in the Thoroughbred (TB) racehorse.Treatment options for such ‘bowed tendons’ are many and varied, but all have a couple of things in common: time out of training; expense and no guarantee of success.It makes sense then, that prevention of injury should always be the goal, and failing that, a method to optimally guide rehabilitation is needed.Unfortunately, limitations of current imaging diagnostics have restricted their use for accurately monitoring the tendon.A new ultrasound technology, however, called ultrasound tissue characterization, may get us one step closer to achieving the goals of injury prevention and optimal rehabilitation.What would the ideal tendon imaging modality allow us to do?Monitor the effects of exercise on the tendonEarly detection of overstrain injuriesBe able to stage the lesion, i.e., determine the level of degenerative change within the tendon structureFine-tune therapyGuide rehabilitationWhy are tendon injuries so tricky?A normal healthy tendon is made from aligned organized tendon bundles. (Figure 1) Deterioration of this structure ranges on a spectrum from complete disruption (core lesion) to more minor changes, but all affect the ability of the tendon to function optimally.Degenerative changes within the tendon matrix are not uniform—meaning that not all overstrain injuries to the SDFT are represented by the same level of deterioration or structural change, so there is not a one-size-fits-all pathology or diagnosis, and therefore there cannot be a cure-all treatment.Most tendon injuries have a sneaky onset with tendon degeneration developing initially without clinical signs, so problems start without you or your horse even knowing about them. Often by the time you realize there is a problem, tendon matrix degradation has already begun.Staging the structural integrity of the tendon or classifying the extent of structural deterioration present is, therefore, imperative—not only for optimal therapy selection and appropriate rehabilitation guidance but also if prevention of injury is ever to be achieved.Why isn’t conventional ultrasound enough?Unfortunately, although conventional ultrasound has historically been used to evaluate equine tendon, limitations have restricted its ability to accurately monitor tendon structure, predict injury or guide rehabilitation.Clinical improvement is usually not accurately correlated with changes in imaging status using conventional ultrasound, especially in the later stages of healing with conventional ultrasound not demonstrating enough sensitivity to determine the type of tendon tissue under investigation.So, while regular ultrasound can easily demonstrate the presence of a core lesion when it first appears, by about two months post injury, its capacity to provide information regarding the health of the tendon is limited. Because of its inability to interpret the integrity of the underlying tendon structure accurately, along with inconsistencies in imaging, reliance on operator skills and the inherent lack of ability of a 2D conventional ultrasound image to fully decipher a 3D tendon structure, its ability to reliably evaluate and monitor the SDFT following the initial acute period is severely restricted. What is ultrasound tissue characterization?Ultrasound tissue characterization is a relatively new technique intended to alleviate some of the problems encountered with conventional ultrasound by improving objective tendon characterization. It does this by providing a 3D reconstruction of the tendon and by classifying and then quantifying tendon tissue into one of four color-coded echo types based on the integrity of the tendon structure.It can assess in detail the structural integrity of the tendon; it can discriminate a variety of pathological states and is sensitive enough to detect the effect of changing loads on the tendon within days.What do the colors mean? (Figure 2)Green (type 1 echoes) are normal, well-aligned and organized tendon bundles, and at least 85-90% of this echo type should be found in a healthy tendon (SDFT). Blue (type 2 echoes) are areas of wavy or swollen tendon bundles. They can represent remodeling and adapting tendon or inferior repair. Red (type 3 echoes) represents fibrillar tissue (the smaller basic unit or building block of tendon). This echo type can represent partial rupture of the tendon where they reflect breakdown of normal structure or they can represent initial healing as the tendon begins to rebuild. Black (type 4 echoes) are areas of cells or fluid and represent core lesions where no normal tendon tissue exists.How is ultrasound tissue characterization currently used?The aim of ultrasound tissue characterization is not to replace conventional ultrasound but on the contrary, it is recommended to perform an evaluation with both conventional B mode ultrasound and ultrasound tissue characterization to achieve a complete picture of tendon health.Currently it is used successfully in elite human athletes such as NBA and soccer players to monitor the health of their tendons (Achilles tendon and patellar tendons) and to guide exercise regimens post injury.In the equine field, it is used in elite sport horses as part of routine maintenance evaluations to direct exercise, to monitor tendon health and guide rehabilitation following an injury.How does it work?It consists of a standard linear ultrasound probe mounted onto a motorized tracking device (Figure 3). Due to the sensitivity of this equipment, the limbs should be clipped in order to obtain good quality images.The probe moves non-invasively and automatically down the tendon from top to bottom over a 12-cm scanning distance (Figure 4): As it does so, transverse images are captured at regular distances and stored in real time in a high-capacity laptop for processing. Images are automatically recorded every 0.2 mm to generate a 3D tendon volume made up of 600 images. This precise spatial ‘stacking’ of images is simply not possible to achieve with conventional ultrasound and is fundamental to the ultrasound tissue characterization technology. Image acquisition takes approximately 45 seconds. (Figure 5)This tendon volume can subsequently be used for visualization of the tendon in 3D, for tissue characterization (to determine the structural composition of the tendon) and for quantification of tendon matrix integrity. (Figure 6)The color-coded echo types provide objective information regarding the integrity of the tendon matrix and reflect the underlying tendon health. Ultrasound tissue characterization can discriminate between healthy normal tendon, adaptive/remodeling tendon and injured/healing tendon—often in cases where conventional ultrasound appears unremarkable in appearance. (Figure 7)The key to this technology is to perform successive evaluations. This allows comparison of differences in tendon structure between scans. Such consecutive examinations, along with clinical data and history, allow veterinarians to determine if a tendon is static, adaptive, healing or degenerating; and this information enables changes in training intensity to be made accordingly. (Figure 8)ResearchPublished research has reported correlation of ultrasound tissue characterization echo types with histological studies, meaning they correspond to postmortem findings.Numerous peer-reviewed research studies exist, documenting the ability of ultrasound tissue characterization to evaluate and monitor tendons both in human and equine athletes.Research has reported ultrasound tissue characterization to be highly reproducible with the ability to detect subtle changes in tendon structure in response to exercise loads in both human and equine athletes—something not possible utilizing conventional imaging modalities.Two studies specific to the TB racehorse exist both demonstrate the ability of ultrasound tissue characterization to monitor changes in tendon structure.How can it be used in the racehorse?RehabilitationIt is widely accepted that complete removal of load on tendons post injury is deleterious for tendon health, and the complete removal of exercise is only advocated in the very acute inflammatory phase following a tendon injury. Appropriately progressive loading of the tendon is desired to stimulate remodeling and healing, and this is where ultrasound tissue characterization is proving to be most useful.Typically, an exercise regimen post injury follows a generic format using clinical signs and conventional ultrasound as the only methods of assessment. But because most early tendon degradation is silent and conventional ultrasound struggles to decipher the integrity of the tendon unless a lesion is present, it has been traditionally difficult to precisely guide exercise regimens during rehabilitation.By providing real-time information regarding the integrity of the tendon matrix, ultrasound tissue characterization, in contrast, allows veterinarians to take advantage of the limited-time window of opportunity that exists for appropriate tendon remodeling after injury. By mapping the ultrastructure of the healing tendon and its remodeling response to exercise at each step in the rehabilitation regimen, it allows optimization of the most vital tool we have in our rehabilitation arsenal: exercise.While ultrasound tissue characterization technology is groundbreaking in its ability to non-invasively evaluate tendon structure and aid in tendon rehabilitation, it must be remembered that once a tendon is injured it will always be inferior to an uninjured tendon. Scar tissue will always be scar tissue. So, while green echoes are the goal (normal and aligned tendon bundles) and represent success for a rehabilitating tendon, they still just represent scar tissue—albeit aligned appropriately and in the best state to combat the strains of training and racing. This technology doesn’t remove the risk of reinjury in the bowed tendon, and it doesn’t provide information regarding its biochemical makeup. It simply tells us if the tendon is structurally normal; and by doing so, it improves our ability to monitor and guide healing. It provides veterinarians the best opportunity, currently, to adjust and tailor exercise regimens for the specific needs of the individual tendon and horse, allowing for informed decisions regarding the tendon’s capacity for performance. (Figure 9)The Future: Injury Prediction?While the current scientific literature seems to support the use of ultrasound tissue characterization to guide rehabilitation and monitor the effects of changing loads during training on the tendon, numerous anecdotal accounts from clinical practice. And both human and equine also report the ability of ultrasound tissue characterization to warn of impending injury. Although human research is currently ongoing to definitively confirm this, further equine research is needed to determine the specifics of any predictive capabilities it may have in the TB racehorse. For now, however, the evidence suggests that ultrasound tissue characterization can reliably and accurately be used to help guide rehabilitation of injured tendons—in both humans and horses—often resulting in a more successful return from injury.Referencesvan Schie HT, Bakker EM, Jonker AM and van Weeren PR. Efficacy of computerized discrimination between structure-related and non-structure-related echoes in ultrasonographic images for the quantitative evaluation of the structural integrity of superficial digital flexor tendons in horses. Am J Vet Res 2001; 62(7): 1159-1166.van Schie HT, Bakker EM, Cherdchutham W, Jonker AM, van de Lest CH, van Weeren PR. Monitoring of the repair process of surgically created lesions in equine superficial digital flexor tendons by use of computerized ultrasonography. Am J Vet Res. 2009; 70(1): 37-48.Docking SI, Rosengarten SD, Cook J. Achilles tendon structure improves on UTC imaging over a 5-month pre-season in elite Australian football players. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015.Docking SI. Tendon structure changes after maximal exercise in the Thoroughbred horse: use of ultrasound tissue characterization to detect in vivo tendon response. Vet J. 2012 Dec;194(3):338-342.S. Plevin, J. McLellan, H. van Schie, T. Parkin. Ultrasound tissue characterization of the superficial digital flexor tendons in juvenile Thoroughbred racehorses during early race training. Equine Veterinary Journal.Jarrod Antflick. Management of Tendinopathies with Ultrasound Tissue Characterization. SportEX Medicine 2014;61(July):26-30.

By Sarah Plevin

Overstrain injuries to the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) are among the most common musculoskeletal injuries for all athletic equine disciplines but account for a significant amount of wastage in the Thoroughbred (TB) racehorse.

Treatment options for such ‘bowed tendons’ are many and varied, but all have a couple of things in common: time out of training; expense and no guarantee of success.

It makes sense then, that prevention of injury should always be the goal, and failing that, a method to optimally guide rehabilitation is needed.

Unfortunately, limitations of current imaging diagnostics have restricted their use for accurately monitoring the tendon.

A new ultrasound technology, however, called ultrasound tissue characterization, may get us one step closer to achieving the goals of injury prevention and optimal rehabilitation.

What would the ideal tendon imaging modality allow us to do?

  • Monitor the effects of exercise on the tendon

  • Early detection of overstrain injuries

  • Be able to stage the lesion, i.e., determine the level of degenerative change within the tendon structure

  • Fine-tune therapy

  • Guide rehabilitation

Why are tendon injuries so tricky?

Figure 1: Functionally normal healthy aligned tendon bundles.

Figure 1: Functionally normal healthy aligned tendon bundles.

  • A normal healthy tendon is made from aligned organized tendon bundles. (Figure 1) Deterioration of this structure ranges on a spectrum from complete disruption (core lesion) to more minor changes, but all affect the ability of the tendon to function optimally.

  • Degenerative changes within the tendon matrix are not uniform—meaning that not all overstrain injuries to the SDFT are represented by the same level of deterioration or structural change, so there is not a one-size-fits-all pathology or diagnosis, and therefore there cannot be a cure-all treatment.

  • Most tendon injuries have a sneaky onset with tendon degeneration developing initially without clinical signs, so problems start without you or your horse even knowing about them. Often by the time you realize there is a problem, tendon matrix degradation has already begun.

  • Staging the structural integrity of the tendon or classifying the extent of structural deterioration present is, therefore, imperative—not only for optimal therapy selection and appropriate rehabilitation guidance but also if prevention of injury is ever to be achieved.


Why isn’t conventional ultrasound enough?

  • Unfortunately, although conventional ultrasound has historically been used to evaluate equine tendon, limitations have restricted its ability to accurately monitor tendon structure, predict injury or guide rehabilitation. 

  • Clinical improvement is usually not accurately correlated with changes in imaging status using conventional ultrasound, especially in the later stages of healing with conventional ultrasound not demonstrating enough sensitivity to determine the type of tendon tissue under investigation. 

  • So, while regular ultrasound can easily demonstrate the presence of a core lesion when it first appears, by about two months post injury, its capacity to provide information regarding the health of the tendon is limited. Because of its inability to interpret the integrity of the underlying tendon structure accurately, along with inconsistencies in imaging, reliance on operator skills and the inherent lack of ability of a 2D conventional ultrasound image to fully decipher a 3D tendon structure, its ability to reliably evaluate and monitor the SDFT following the initial acute period is severely restricted. 

What is ultrasound tissue characterization?

Ultrasound tissue characterization is a relatively new technique intended to alleviate some of the problems encountered with conventional ultrasound by improving objective tendon characterization. It does this by providing a 3D reconstruction of the tendon and by classifying and then quantifying tendon tissue into one of four color-coded echo types based on the integrity of the tendon structure.

It can assess in detail the structural integrity of the tendon; it can discriminate a variety of pathological states and is sensitive enough to detect the effect of changing loads on the tendon within days.

What do the colors mean? (Figure 2)

Figure 2: Color-coded ultrasound tissue characterization echo types represent the stability of echo pattern over contiguous images related to tendon matrix integrity.

Figure 2: Color-coded ultrasound tissue characterization echo types represent the stability of echo pattern over contiguous images related to tendon matrix integrity.

Green (type 1 echoes) are normal, well-aligned and organized tendon bundles, and at least 85-90% of this echo type should be found in a healthy tendon (SDFT). Blue (type 2 echoes) are areas of wavy or swollen tendon bundles. They can represent remodeling and adapting tendon or inferior repair. Red (type 3 echoes) represents fibrillar tissue (the smaller basic unit or building block of tendon). This echo type can represent partial rupture of the tendon where they reflect breakdown of normal structure or they can represent initial healing as the tendon begins to rebuild. Black (type 4 echoes) are areas of cells or fluid and represent core lesions where no normal tendon tissue exists. 

How is ultrasound tissue characterization currently used?

The aim of ultrasound tissue characterization is not to replace conventional ultrasound but on the contrary, it is recommended to perform an evaluation with both conventional B mode ultrasound and ultrasound tissue characterization to achieve a complete picture of tendon health.

Currently it is used successfully in elite human athletes such as NBA and soccer players to monitor the health of their tendons (Achilles tendon and patellar tendons) and to guide exercise regimens post injury.

Figure 3: Ultrasound tissue characterization tracker frame with attached ultrasound probe.

Figure 3: Ultrasound tissue characterization tracker frame with attached ultrasound probe.

In the equine field, it is used in elite sport horses as part of routine maintenance evaluations to direct exercise, to monitor tendon health and guide rehabilitation following an injury.  

How does it work?

It consists of a standard linear ultrasound probe mounted onto a motorized tracking device (Figure 3). Due to the sensitivity of this equipment, the limbs should be clipped in order to obtain good quality images.

The probe moves non-invasively and automatically down the tendon from top to bottom over a 12-cm scanning distance (see Introphoto) …

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PET scanning - reduces catastrophic fractures - latest advance in equine imaging - designed to image horse legs

By Mathieu Spriet, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis

PET: the latest advance in equine imagingMathieu Spriet, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis<< EVJ new logo near here>>Santa Anita Park, the iconic Southern California racetrack, currently under public and political pressure due to a high number of horse fatalities during the 2019 season, announced in December 2019 the installation of a PET scanner specifically designed to image horse legs. It is hoped that this one-of-a-kind scanner will provide information about bone changes in racehorses to help prevent catastrophic breakdowns.What is PET?PET stands for positron emission tomography. Although this advanced form of imaging only recently became available for horses, the principles behind PET imaging have been commonly used at racetracks for many years. PET is a nuclear medicine imaging technique, similar to scintigraphy, which is more commonly known as “bone scan”. For nuclear imaging techniques, a small dose of radioactive tracer is injected to the horse, and the location of the tracer is identified with a camera in order to create an image. The tracers used for racehorse imaging are molecules that will attach to sites on high bone turnover, which typically occurs in areas of bone subject to high stress. Both scintigraphic and PET scans detect “hot spots” that indicate—although a conventional X-ray might not show anything abnormal in a bone—there are microscopic changes that may develop into more severe injuries.Development of PET in CaliforniaThe big innovation with the PET scan is that it provides 3D information, whereas the traditional bone scan only acquires 2D images. The PET scan also has a higher spatial resolution, which means it is able to detect smaller changes and provide a better localisation of the abnormal sites. PET’s technological challenge is that to acquire the 3D data in horses, it is necessary to use a ring of detectors that fully encircles the leg.The first ever equine PET scan was performed at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California in 2015. At the time, a scanner designed to image the human brain was used (PiPET, Brain-Biosciences, Inc.). This scanner consists of a horizontal cylinder with an opening of 22cm in diameter. Although the dimensions are convenient to image the horse leg, the configuration required the horse be anesthetised in order to fit the equipment around the limb.<< Fig 1 near here>>The initial studies performed on anesthetised horses with the original scanner demonstrated the value of the technique. A first study, published in Equine Veterinary Journal, demonstrated that PET showed damage in the equine navicular bone when all other imaging techniques, including bone scan, MRI and CT did not recognise any abnormality.<< Figure 2>> near hereA pilot study looking at the racehorse fetlock, also published in Equine Veterinary Journal, showed that PET detects hot spots in areas known to be involved in catastrophic fractures. This confirmed the value of PET for racehorse imaging, but the requirement for anesthesia remained a major barrier to introducing the technology at the racetrack. To overcome this, LONGMILE Veterinary Imaging, a division of Brain-Biosciences Inc, in collaboration with the University of California Davis, designed a scanner which could image standing horses. To do this, the technology had to be adapted so that the ring of detectors could be opened and positioned around the limb.With the support from the Grayson Jockey Club Research Foundation, the Southern California Equine Foundation and the Stronach Group, this unique scanner became a reality and, after the completion of an initial validation study in Davis, the scanner was installed at Santa Anita Park in December 2019.PET at the racetrackThe new PET scanner has been used to image the equine limb from the foot to the knee. The current main focus at the racetrack is fetlock imaging, as the majority of catastrophic breakdown in racehorses affects this area. The UC Davis pilot study highlighted the value of PET for detecting abnormalities in the proximal sesamoid bones—the two small bones at the back of the cannon bone—that are commonly involved in catastrophic fractures. Previous necropsy research on horses which suffered breakdowns has shown that changes can be present in the bones prior to the development of major injuries. The goal of the Californian PET project is to detect these warning signs in order to avoid training and racing horses at high risk for catastrophic breakdown.<<Figure 3 near here>>Alternative imaging techniquesOther imaging techniques are available for examining equine bone. Scintigraphic bone scans are doing an excellent job at detecting stress fractures of the humerus or tibia, and this has helped markedly decrease catastrophic injuries in these areas. Bone scan is also used for fetlocks; but “hot fetlocks” are common on bone scan, and the lower resolution 2D images often do not allow to truly determine whether horses are at high risk of fractures or have normal bone adaptation to training.MRI is used for fetlock imaging too, and MRI scanners designed for imaging standing horses have been available for over 15 years. Several large racing centers are equipped with such scanners, and MRI excels in particular at detecting changes in the cannon bone that precede condylar fractures. MRI can detect areas of bone densification, or even accumulation of fluid in the bone, typically indicative of microtrauma that can weaken the bone.Computed tomography (CT) has also recently been used for standing imaging of the fetlock. At the moment, there are a few centers equipped with a CT scanner allowing standing fetlock imaging, but they are only available at, for example, New Bolton Center, Pennsylvania - USA, and the University of Melbourne, Australia. CT uses X-rays to create 3D images. Similar to MRI, CT can detect areas of bone densification or areas of bone loss.PET’s advantagesThe big advantage of PET is what is called “sensitivity”—the ability to detect early and subtle findings. This is because PET detects changes at the molecular level before structural changes have occurred. MRI and CT rely on changes in the density and shape of the structures they are imaging; i.e., structural change must have occurred before these techniques can identify that the bone is abnormal. MRI and CT might miss early information that a PET scan can detect; but they provide complementary information, and these techniques will be important to further characterise abnormalities found on PET. For these reasons, PET and MRI or CT can be combined: a PET image is “fused” on an MRI or a CT, combining the sensitivity of PET with the anatomical detail of the other imaging tool.<< Figure 5 near here>>As PET is a newly available modality at the racetrack, there is still a lot to learn. The goal of the first year at Santa Anita is to image as many horses as possible and compare with the PET information with bone scan or MRI information. The pilot study at Davis and the initial cases at Santa Anita tend to show that it is normal to see some bone activity in specific areas of the fetlock, e.g., the palmar condyles; but the presence of hot spots in other areas, for example in the middle of the sesamoid bones, is an abnormal finding that could be an indicator of higher risk of fracture.Other roles for PETIn addition to its use in racehorses, PET has been used in over a 100 sport horses at UC Davis in the last three years. All these scans have been performed with horses under anesthesia and combined to a CT. The main reason to perform a PET scan is either when other imaging modalities do not find a reason to explain a lameness or to better understand changes seen with other modalities. PET is a “functional” technique; this means that a hot spot indicates an area where an injury is active. MRI can meet difficulties distinguishing between scar tissue and active injury, but PET is the ideal modality for this. The majority of the work done in sport horses has used the same bone tracer as in racehorses. The most common injuries found with this tracer in sport horses result in navicular disease and early arthritis (joint disease).PET is not restricted to imaging; with an alternative tracer, it can be used to look at injuries in the soft tissues. This is something that is not possible with scintigraphy, and the soft tissue tracer has been used successfully to identify tendon injuries—distinguishing between active and inactive tendon lesions. Another important area of interest where the soft tissue tracer has been used is for the assessment of laminitis. This disease is extremely complex, and PET is bringing new information about laminitis, which hopefully will help find new ways to fight this serious life-threatening disease.PET in the futureThe development of equine PET is the biggest step forward in horse imaging since the introduction of equine MRI over 20 years ago. The development of the standing system has considerably facilitated the use of the technique. PET is currently at the forefront of the solutions proposed to improve racehorse safety, but PET will also help with other important health issues in horses.

Santa Anita Park, the iconic Southern California racetrack, currently under public and political pressure due to a high number of horse fatalities during the 2019 season, announced in December 2019 the installation of a PET scanner specifically designed to image horse legs. It is hoped that this one-of-a-kind scanner will provide information about bone changes in racehorses to help prevent catastrophic breakdowns.

What is PET?

Figure 1: The first equine PET was performed in 2015 at the University of California Davis on a research horse laid down with anesthesia. The scanner used was a PET prototype designed for the human brain (piPET, Brain- Biosciences Inc., Rockville, MD).

Figure 1: The first equine PET was performed in 2015 at the University of California Davis on a research horse laid down with anesthesia. The scanner used was a PET prototype designed for the human brain (piPET, Brain- Biosciences Inc., Rockville, MD).

PET stands for positron emission tomography. Although this advanced form of imaging only recently became available for horses, the principles behind PET imaging have been commonly used at racetracks for many years. PET is a nuclear medicine imaging technique, similar to scintigraphy, which is more commonly known as “bone scan”. For nuclear imaging techniques, a small dose of radioactive tracer is injected to the horse, and the location of the tracer is identified with a camera in order to create an image. The tracers used for racehorse imaging are molecules that will attach to sites on high bone turnover, which typically occurs in areas of bone subject to high stress. Both scintigraphic and PET scans detect “hot spots” that indicate—although a conventional X-ray might not show anything abnormal in a bone—there are microscopic changes that may develop into more severe injuries.

Development of PET in California

Santa Anita_ 6N2A9803.jpg

The big innovation with the PET scan is that it provides 3D information, whereas the traditional bone scan only acquires 2D images. The PET scan also has a higher spatial resolution, which means it is able to detect smaller changes and provide a better localisation of the abnormal sites. PET’s technological challenge is that to acquire the 3D data in horses, it is necessary to use a ring of detectors that fully encircles the leg. 

The first ever equine PET scan was performed at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California in 2015. At the time, a scanner designed to image the human brain was used (PiPET, Brain-Biosciences, Inc.). This scanner consists of a horizontal cylinder with an opening of 22cm in diameter. Although the dimensions are convenient to image the horse leg, the configuration required the horse be anesthetised in order to fit the equipment around the limb. 

The initial studies performed on anesthetised horses with the original scanner demonstrated the value of the technique. A first study, published in Equine Veterinary Journal, demonstrated that PET showed damage in the equine navicular bone when all other imaging techniques, including bone scan, MRI and CT did not recognise any abnormality.

A pilot study looking at the racehorse fetlock, also published in Equine Veterinary Journal,  showed that PET detects hot spots in areas known to be involved in catastrophic fractures.

Figure 2: These are images from the first horse image with PET. From left to right, PET, CT, MRI, and bone scan. The top row shows the left front foot that has a severe navicular bone injury. This is shown by the yellow area on the PET image and abnormalities are also seen with CT, MRI and bone scan. The bottom row is the right front foot from the same horse, the PET shows a small yellow area that indicates that the navicular bone is also abnormal. The other imaging techniques however did not recognize any abnormalities.

Figure 2: These are images from the first horse image with PET. From left to right, PET, CT, MRI, and bone scan. The top row shows the left front foot that has a severe navicular bone injury. This is shown by the yellow area on the PET image and abnormalities are also seen with CT, MRI and bone scan. The bottom row is the right front foot from the same horse, the PET shows a small yellow area that indicates that the navicular bone is also abnormal. The other imaging techniques however did not recognize any abnormalities.

This confirmed the value of PET for racehorse imaging, but the requirement for anesthesia remained a major barrier to introducing the technology at the racetrack. To overcome this, LONGMILE Veterinary Imaging, a division of Brain-Biosciences Inc, in collaboration with the University of California Davis, designed a scanner which could image standing horses. To do this, the technology had to be adapted so that the ring of detectors could be opened and positioned around the limb. 

With the support from the Grayson Jockey Club Research Foundation, the Southern California Equine Foundation and the Stronach Group, this unique scanner became a reality and, after the completion of an initial validation study in Davis, the scanner was installed at Santa Anita Park in December 2019.

Figure 3: The two images on the left are bone scan images from a 4-year-old Thoroughbred racehorse. The images on the right are 3D projection of PET images of the same fetlock. The bone scan revealed an abnormality at the bottom of the cannon bone. The PET scan confirmed this abnormality and helped better localize it. In addition, several other abnormalities were found on the PET scan in the sesamoid bones.

Figure 3: The two images on the left are bone scan images from a 4-year-old Thoroughbred racehorse. The images on the right are 3D projection of PET images of the same fetlock. The bone scan revealed an abnormality at the bottom of the cannon bone. The PET scan confirmed this abnormality and helped better localize it. In addition, several other abnormalities were found on the PET scan in the sesamoid bones.

PET at the racetrack

The new PET scanner has been used to image the equine limb from the foot to the knee. The current main focus at the racetrack is fetlock imaging, as the majority of catastrophic breakdown in racehorses affects this area. The UC Davis pilot study highlighted the value of PET for detecting abnormalities in the proximal sesamoid bones—the two small bones at the back of the cannon bone—that are commonly involved in catastrophic fractures. Previous necropsy research on horses which suffered breakdowns has shown that changes can be present in the bones prior to the development of major injuries. The goal of the Californian PET project is to detect these warning signs in order to avoid training and racing horses at high risk for catastrophic breakdown.

Alternative imaging techniques

Other imaging techniques are available for examining equine bone. Scintigraphic bone scans are doing an excellent job at detecting stress fractures of the humerus or tibia, and this has helped markedly decrease catastrophic injuries in these areas. Bone scan is also used for fetlocks; but “hot fetlocks” are common on bone scan, and the lower resolution 2D images often do not allow to truly determine whether horses are at high risk of fractures or have normal bone adaptation to training.

Figure 4: The MILE-PET scanner (LONGMILE Veterinary imaging, Rockville, MD) is the first PET scanner specifically designed to image standing horses. An openable ring of detectors allows easy positioning and safe scanning.

Figure 4: The MILE-PET scanner (LONGMILE Veterinary imaging, Rockville, MD) is the first PET scanner specifically designed to image standing horses. An openable ring of detectors allows easy positioning and safe scanning.

MRI is used for fetlock imaging too, and MRI scanners designed for imaging standing horses have been available for over 15 years. Several large racing centers are equipped with such scanners, and MRI excels in particular at detecting changes in the cannon bone that precede condylar fractures. MRI can detect areas of bone densification, or even accumulation of fluid in the bone, typically indicative of microtrauma that can weaken the bone.

Computed tomography (CT) has also recently been used for standing imaging of the fetlock. At the moment, there are a few centers equipped with a CT scanner allowing standing fetlock imaging, but they are only available at, for example, New Bolton Center, Pennsylvania - USA, and the University of Melbourne, Australia. CT uses X-rays to create 3D images. Similar to MRI, CT can detect areas of bone densification or areas of bone loss. …

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Colic – effects of inflammation

By Dr. Zofia Lisowski

Overview of colic

Colic is a term used to describe the display of abdominal pain in a horse. It is the most common emergency in horses with four to ten out of every 100 horses likely to experience at least one episode of colic each year. It is also the single most common cause of equine mortality. In the U.S., one study showed that Thoroughbreds were more likely to develop colic1 than other breeds. It is of great welfare concern to horse owners, and with the estimated costs associated with colic in the U.S. exceeding $115 million per year2 and the average cost of a horse undergoing colic surgery requiring a resection being approximately $8,3703, it is also a significant economic issue for horse owners. 

Horses with abdominal pain show a wide range of clinical signs, ranging from flank watching and pawing the ground in mild cases, to rolling and being unable to remain standing for any significant period of time in more severe cases. There are numerous (over 50) specific causes of colic. In general, colic occurs as a result of disruption to the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract. This may be attributable to mechanical causes such as an obstruction (constipation), distension (excess gas) or a volvulus (twisted gut). It may also have a functional cause, whereby the intestine doesn’t work as normal in the absence of an associated mechanical problem; for example, equine grass sickness is associated with a functional derangement of intestinal motility due to loss of nerves within the intestine. 

Management of colic depends on the cause and can necessitate either a medical or surgical approach. Most horses with colic will either improve spontaneously or with simple medical treatment alone; however, a significant proportion may need more intensive medical treatment or surgery. Fortunately, due to improvements in surgical techniques and post-operative management, outcomes of colic surgery have improved over the past few decades with up to 85% of horses surviving to discharge. Crucially for the equine Thoroughbred racehorse population, several studies focused on racehorses that had undergone colic surgery and survived to discharge, reporting that 63-73% returned to racing. Furthermore, surgical treatment did not appear to negatively impact athletic performance. A similar finding was also seen in the general sport horse population.

Despite significant advancement in colic surgery per se, complications following surgery can have a significant impact on post-operative survival and return to athletic function. Common post-operative complications include:

  1. Complications at the site of the incision (surgical wound)

Infection: Infections at the surgical incision site are relatively common. Antibiotics are usually administered before surgery and after surgery. Infections are not normally severe but can increase treatment costs. Horses that develop infections are at greater risk of developing an incisional hernia.  

Hernia: Incisional hernias occur when the abdominal wall muscles fail to heal, leaving a “gap.” Hernia size can vary from just a few centimeters, up to the full length of the incision. Most hernias will not require further treatment; but in more severe cases, further surgery may be required to repair the hernia.

  1. Complications within the abdomen

Hemoperitoneum: A rare complication where there is blood within the abdomen from bleeding at the surgical site.

Anastomosis complications: The anastomosis site is where two opposing ends of intestine that have been opened are sutured back together again. It is important that at this site no leakage of intestinal contents occurs. Leakage or breakdown at this site can lead to peritonitis, which is inflammation or infection within the abdominal cavity and is a potentially life-threatening complication. 

Adhesions: Scar tissue can form within the abdomen following abdominal surgery. Occasionally this may cause further colic episodes.

Further colic episodes

Further colic episodes can occur following surgery. These can occur days to months following discharge.


In some rare cases, horses may develop sepsis in response to toxins released by damaged intestines.


This is a rare complication. It can develop as a result of infections with C. difficile or Salmonella. As a consequence, some horses may need to be treated in isolation to ensure infection doesn’t spread to other horses or humans.

Post-operative ileus 

Post-operative ileus is one of the potential post-operative complications that can lead to a significant increase in hospital stay duration, increased treatment costs and is also associated with reduced survival rates. Post-operative ileus is a condition that affects the muscle function in the intestinal wall. The intestine is a long tube-like structure that has a muscular wall throughout its entire length from the esophagus to the anus. The function of this muscle is to contract in waves to mix and move food along the length of the intestinal tract, within which digestion occurs and nutrients are absorbed, terminating in the excretion of waste material as feces. In post-operative ileus these contractions stop and thus intestinal contents are not moved throughout the intestinal tract. In most cases, it is transient and lasts for up to 48 hours following surgery; however, in some cases it can last longer. A build-up of fluid develops within the intestine as a result of the lack of propulsion. This stretches the intestines and stomach, resulting in pain and the horse’s inability to eat. Unlike humans, the horse is unable to vomit; consequently, this excess fluid must be removed from the stomach by other means, otherwise there is a risk of the stomach rupturing with fatal consequences. Post-operative ileus may occur in up to 60% of horses undergoing abdominal surgery and mortality rates as high as 86% have been reported. Horses in which the small intestine manipulated is extensively manipulated during surgery and those that require removal of segments of intestine are at higher risk. Despite the significant risk of post-operative ileus following colic surgery in horses, there is a lack of studies investigating the mechanisms underpinning this condition in horses; consequently, the precise cause of this condition in horses is not fully known. 

What causes the intestine to stop functioning? …








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Indiana's New "Biological Samples" Testing Law: Integrity Assured Or Invasive Overreach?

By Peter J. Sacopulos

From House Bill To Horse Law

On May 1, 2019, Governor Eric Holcomb signed Indiana House Bill 1196 into law. The statute, which took effect on July 1 of this year, directs the Indiana Horse Racing Commission (IHRC) to adopt a variety of new rules and procedures governing horse racing within the state. 

Governor Holcomb and Indiana State Representative Bob Cherry, who introduced HB 1196 to the legislature, are Republicans. However, the bill enjoyed broad bipartisan support—a rarity in current American politics. In fact, the final version sailed through both chambers, receiving not a single “nay” vote in the House and a mere three “nays” in the Senate. 

HB 1196 is something of an equine regulatory smorgasbord. Examples of its provisions include officially changing references to the IHRC’s “secretary” to “executive director,” altering the way breed advisory committee members are appointed, specifying that certain funds be directed to the Indiana-sired horses program, and the creation of new privacy protections to guard the personal information required on license applications.

Items like these, as well as several others included in HB 1196, are unlikely to cause ripples within the racing community. However, the new law also includes provisions designed to enhance and expand the Commission’s ability to detect, police and reduce the use of banned substances. And while this is undoubtedly a worthwhile cause, a two-word term used in the drug-testing language of HB 1196 has the potential to negatively impact horses and trainers for years to come, with consequences that may spread well beyond the borders of Indiana. 

Two Words, Too Broad?

The two-word term is “biological sample.” It is legally defined in the statue as follows:

“Biological sample” refers to any fluid, tissue or other substance obtained from a horse through an internal or external means to test for foreign substances, natural substances at abnormal levels, and prohibited medications. The term includes blood, urine, saliva, hair, muscle tissue collected at a necropsy, semen, and other substances appropriate for testing as determined by the commission. 

This definition goes well beyond the longstanding blood, saliva, urine, and more recently, hair, samples routinely collected from Thoroughbred competitors for analysis. It is also disturbingly open-ended. Indeed, the phrase: “…and other substances appropriate for testing as determined by the commission…”  is a definition that is essentially wide open, providing the IHRC staff the power to define or redefine a “biological sample.”

While there was discussion and temporary agreement to limit the use of biological samples to necropsy purposes, that limitation was removed from the final version of the bill that was signed into law and became effective July 1, 2019. Therefore, the Commission Staff is authorized and may elect to take muscle tissue, and other biological samples, from live animals as it deems and determines necessary and appropriate. This rule and its definition of biological sample establishes a new frontier of testing. 

Is This Risk Really Necessary?

One of the primary concerns and positions advanced in opposition to allowing biological samples to be taken from live animals is the risk of injury.

Taking saliva and hair samples from a Thoroughbred is painless and easy. And anyone who has ever been around horses knows that they are more than happy to provide all the urine you could ever want! Drawing blood from a horse is only slightly more difficult and rarely involves the use of a local anesthetic. 

However, taking “…any fluid, tissue or other substance… through an internal or external means…” is another matter entirely. It opens the door to far more invasive collection techniques that carry far greater risks for horses than blood, saliva, urine or hair sampling. To be clear, I am referring to biopsies. 

A biopsy is the removal and examination of cells or tissue from a living being for the purposes of testing and examination. Any biopsy carries risk of injury or infection. Taking a biopsy from a horse may be as simple as a skin sample from the withers or tissue from the lining of the mouth, or as difficult as removing material from the teeth or the interior of the eye; or from internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, intestine or colon. In the latter examples, a biopsy becomes a complex medical procedure. A procedure performed on a large, valuable animal requires sedation and may require general anesthesia to facilitate tissue collection. 

Sedating a horse is serious business. Sedatives and anesthetics carry significant risks, even when administered with care by skilled equine veterinary professionals. Those risks include allergic reactions, collapse, excitement, cardiac arrest, medical injury and post-anesthetic colic.








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Skin deep - overcoming barriers for effective transdermal drug delivery

By Professor Roger Smith

Ancient art, modern science

One shared medicinal practice among disparate ancient societies was the application of primitive ointments to the skin to treat almost all and any ailments. A vast plethora of poultices and plasters have been described, including in Babylonian and Greek medicine texts1 among others, suggesting that the magical health-restoring powers of ointments were well-recognized to traverse the skin. Thus, it was no coincidence that the skin was the preferred therapeutic route over surgical (and oral) intervention since the former method was likely to result in reduced mortality rates compared to the latter; undoubtedly an important consideration, given that the top ancient physicians were likely charged with the health of the royal courts.

Although the art of transdermal delivery of medicines dates back millennia, it is only in more recent times that the science of transdermal drug delivery in man has advanced significantly.  The choice of modern drugs for topical applications is, however, relatively limited compared to the seemingly infinite choice available for oral delivery. This is perhaps not surprising since the gut is an organ that has evolved with the main purpose of absorbing food (chemicals when it comes to it) whereas the skin, despite being the largest organ, has evolved primarily as a protective layer to prevent desiccation of underlying tissues and to keep out harmful environmental chemicals. As this includes medicinal drugs, the pursuit of transdermal administration would appear, at first sight, to be an illogical choice. However, there are several compelling reasons why transdermal delivery routes are an important alternative to pills, injections or inhalation routes:

  • It avoids poor absorption after oral ingestion—especially in animals, the absorption of a drug can vary between the omnivore (e.g., human) and herbivore (e.g., horse) stomach.  

  • It avoids first-pass effect where the blood circulation from the gut passes through the liver to remove absorbed drugs.

  • It can reduce systemic drug levels to minimize adverse effects.

  • The design of sustained release formulations overcomes the frequent dosing necessitated by oral and injectables to achieve constant drug levels.

  • It enables ease and efficacy of drug withdrawal.

  • Transdermal drug delivery is painless and non-invasive, thereby potentially allowing longer treatment when daily injection is unacceptable or impractical.

  • It has the potential to target local administration such as for the treatment of flexor tendon disease because the tendons are subcutaneous.

Challenges for transdermal drug applications

The skin is made up of three key layers: the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis and the water-attracting (hydrophilic) or water-repelling (hydrophobic) properties within each raise unique challenges for topical or transdermal drug applications.  

Topical applications, such as insect repellents and sunscreen creams, target the surface of the skin or deliver a drug locally such as for the control of inflammation (insect bite or reaction to an allergen). In contrast the aim of transdermal, or subcutaneous, applications are to deliver the drug deeper to either an adjacent organ, or, more commonly, to the blood circulation as an alternative to oral or needle routes to reach distant organs. The main barrier to local or transdermal delivery is the outermost layer of the skin, called the stratum corneum in the epidermis. This consists of dead skin cells, the corneocytes, that combine with lipid bilayers into a tightly packed “bricks-and-mortar” layer that form alternating hydrophilic (the water rich corneocytes) and hydrophobic (lipid bilayer) regions (figure 1). The stratum corneum therefore not only forms a mechanically robust layer but also presents a challenge in designing drugs with chemical properties that can negotiate their way into and through these contrasting hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments to reach the lower region of the epidermis. The epidermis consists of living skin cells but has no blood vessels for the drug to diffuse into, so instead the drug must penetrate further to the dermis where it can finally enter the bloodstream or the subcutaneous layers.

Routes for drugs through the skin

Most transdermal drugs are designed so that they diffuse through the skin in a passive fashion. The routes for drug can be through the skin cells (transcellular), around them (intercellular) or using the skin components—hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands (produce lipids)—to bypass the stratum corneum (so-called “appendageal” routes).

Transcellular route: Drugs pass through the corneocytes of the stratum corneum rather than the lipid ‘mortar’ that surrounds them. However, the drug has to exit the cell to enter the next corneocyte and therefore through the skin. It means that it has to encounter the external hydrophobic environment between the cells multiple times as it moves through the alternating cell and lipid layers of the epidermis. Drugs therefore have to have balanced hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties to enable this to happen. 

Intercellular route: The drug predominantly diffuses through the lipid rich “mortar” around the corneocytes of the epidermis. This lipid matrix can form a continuous route through the epidermis (avoiding entering the cells), but this route has been suggested to be less efficient because it increases the distance 50-fold3 compared to the direct route through the stratum corneum due to the interdigitating brick and mortar arrangement. Again, the chemical formulation used to carry the drug is important and drugs that more readily dissolve in lipids benefit from this route.

Appendageal route: The hair, sweat glands and sebaceous glands provide a direct channel to the deep layers of the skin circumventing the hazardous barriers of the epidermis and dermis. The main challenge for this relatively easy route is that the amount of drug that can be taken up is limited by the density of hair follicles and sweat glands, although in haired animals, such as the horse, the density can be as high as 1-5% of the skin surface area. Furthermore, sweat from an active sweat gland would be travelling against the direction of drug flow, washing out the drug and its carrier and severely limit drug uptake. It is likely that all skin applications use this appendageal route as it’s unavoidable but probably more efficient for drugs that are large molecules.










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Fungi - the invisible health risk

By Dr. Emmanuelle van Erck

Dr. Emmanuelle van Erck, DVM, PhD, ECEIM explains her work looking at the link between the presence of fungi and lower airway inflammation

Horses are incredible athletes. Their physiology—the way their body functions—is truly fascinating. They can adapt to training at a phenomenal rate, they have massive hearts that fuel their powerful muscles and pushes them to peak speeds. So what could stop them? Oxygen, or rather the lack of it. Horses experience hypoxemia during racing, which means they enter a state of deficiency in oxygen. The reason for this deficiency is a failure of the respiratory system to effectively ventilate and adequately fuel oxygen to the muscles. Horses are obligate nasal breathers and were endowed with particularly long and narrow upper airways in relation to their body size. These factors increase the resistance to breathing. They are also constrained by the fact that they ventilate at very high rates, which does not allow for effective and rapid renewal of oxygen in the lungs. Even the fittest, best Thoroughbreds crave oxygen from mid-race onwards. So maintaining horses in optimal respiratory health is absolutely essential for them to achieve an efficient sprint and optimal performance. 

Respiratory diseases are highly prevalent in horses. It is inherent to their living and working conditions. The mere fact that a horse is housed in a box increases his risk of developing airway inflammation. The content in fine dust is naturally high in a horse’s box. Closed or poorly ventilated barns further deteriorate air quality in the horse’s immediate environment. Several studies have shown that horses housed indoors are exposed not only to high amounts of organic dust and ammonia but also germs and endotoxin they produce that trigger a detrimental reaction from the immune system. The problem is that even low-grade respiratory diseases will directly affect the horse’s capacity to perform and recover from strenuous exercise. 

With my colleagues, Dr. Dauviller and Dr. ter Woort, specialists in equine internal medicine, we have investigated the link between the presence of fungi and lower airway inflammation. In our ambulatory referral practice, we go out to the stables and have the opportunity not only to examine the horse but also attentively assess his environment. As we collected respiratory samples and analyzed them ourselves, we became aware that the presence of microscopic molds or fungal elements was frequently associated to lung issues. To investigate this further, we decided to systematically record clinical and environmental data and link it to our findings in the respiratory samples of the horses referred for investigation. 

We collected more than 700 cases; the horses included in the study were either referred routine examinations, unexplained poor performance or respiratory symptoms such as coughing or breathing heavily during exercise. All horses had a tracheal and a bronchoalveolar lavage done, which allowed us to evaluate their level of respiratory inflammation, as well as estimate the presence of fungi within the airways. We also looked at the state of activation of fungi: if they were inert particles or if they showed signs of active proliferation. Our results were without appeal; the presence of inhaled fungi significantly and negatively affected respiratory health in horses, causing inflammation and in some cases, infection. 

In this population, inflammatory airway disease (IAD) was diagnosed in 88% of cases, confirming that respiratory inflammation is very common and often under-diagnosed. Of these positive cases, 81% had evidence of fungi in their airways. The presence of fungi more than doubled the odds of having lung inflammation. 

“Soaking hay and the use of haylage also came out as detrimental. On the other hand, steaming hay at high temperatures was the only means to effectively reduce risks of IAD.”

The effects of inhaled fungi have been well described in human patients but not as extensively studied in horses. The fungi constitute very small dust particles that are easily inhaled into the deeper areas of the lung. The inhaled fungi can cause inflammation of the airways by their mere presence or trigger an allergic reaction in sensitized individuals. Some fungal species will produce toxins, which can exacerbate the damages caused to the respiratory system. Furthermore, when the immune system is overloaded, some fungi will start invading the airways and cause infection. In our study, the horses that had fungi were more frequently affected with poor performance. More obvious respiratory clinical signs such as nasal discharge or coughing were not systematically observed. Some specific fungal species, such as Aspergillus type molds, were more frequently associated with lung bleeding (exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage). 

When we looked at the link with environment, it was obvious that its hygienic quality was determinant. The use of certain types of bedding and forage were major risk factors. The use of straw bedding and dry hay constituted the highest risks of inhaling fungi and more than doubled the odds of having IAD. Soaking hay and the use of haylage also came out as detrimental. On the other hand, steaming hay at high temperatures (with a Haygain machine) was the only means to effectively reduce risks of IAD. Likewise, the use of wood shavings was protective against fungal inhalation and IAD. 

Where do these fungi come from, and how can we evict them? When straw and hay are harvested, they are left to dry for a couple of days on soil. If the summer is humid, fungal content in soil is higher and the risk of contamination of the harvested hay and straw by fungi is increased. Subsequent storage of hay and straw can further promote fungal growth if temperature and humidity are favorable. Soaking hay has been shown to increase bacterial and fungal growth, whereas steaming hay effectively kills any deleterious microorganisms present in the forage, fungi included. Only hay steamers that provided high temperature steaming, right to the core of the bale, were used in the study. 

Homemade incubators were exceptions but were unsafe as they did not steam at sufficiently high temperatures and served as incubators, multiplying microbial content instead of reducing it. Haylage did not come out as a protective factor probably because of the very variable quality of the bales that were used. In terms of bedding, wood shavings were the best option, as they are produced in a non-contaminated environment wrapped up in plastic. Wood also contains natural antiseptic compounds, which would prevent microbial growth. 

So reducing the introduction of fungi in the stables by choosing the right forage and bedding is key to ensuring respiratory health of our horses. The problem is that the fungi we are concerned with are microscopic, meaning invisible to the human eye. Unless you have overwhelming proliferation, such as black mold on your stable walls, or hard evidence by having the environment sampled by an expert, these fungi will remain undetectable by sight or smell. It is problematic for both the equine athlete and the persons working in the stables. Once introduced in the environment (storage areas and box), fungal spores can persist for hundreds of years. To eliminate them and avoid contamination of fungal-free bedding and forage, regular thorough disinfection of the facilities is mandatory. It needs to be carefully planned, as it requires the use of chemicals that can be irritating for the horse. Once the disinfection has been effectively made, adding specific probiotics to the environment can prolong its effects. We have tested products that effectively recreate a healthy ecosystem and prevent excessive growth of potentially harmful fungi and bacteria.

There are a variety of other environmental factors that can affect horses and foster airway inflammation. These include everything from external factors such as climate and seasonal changes to internal factors, such as temperature and humidity within the stable, building configuration and ventilation, number of horses being housed. Management practices to clean can be paradoxically problematic. Human activity such as cleaning out the boxes, sweeping or the use of blowers will stir up high amounts of dust.

Our study has enabled us to prove how fungi can promote respiratory disease in horses. Horses with unexplained poor performance should be investigated for the possible implication of the respiratory system. Lung sampling can help determine if the horses have inhaled fungi and what level of inflammation is present. In addition to medical treatment, there are more global solutions that can be implemented to help affected horses through better management of the environment. Regular disinfection and the choice of adequate bedding and forage treatment can make a huge, long-term difference for the horses’ health and performance.










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Australian EIPH report - new research on the impact of EIPH from an Australian perspective but with worldwide implications

By Guy Lester and Ellie Crispe

Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) is a common disease of racehorses. The precise cause of EIPH is yet to be fully determined, but a well-accepted theory is that lung blood vessels rupture in response to the extremely high blood pressure and low airway pressure experienced during strenuous exercise. The barrier that separates the airway from the blood vessels is ultra-thin to facilitate the efficient exchange of gases, but this predisposes to breakage. The condition is most frequently described in Thoroughbred and Standardbred racehorses, but it has also been identified in racing Appaloosas and Quarter Horses, as well as horses involved in other high-intensity athletic activities, including showjumpers, 3-day eventers, barrel racers, steeplechasers and polo horses.

EIPH is not unique to horses and has been reported in human athletes, as well as racing greyhounds and camels. Our group at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia has had an interest in EIPH, which has led to three recent publications in the Equine Veterinary Journal.1-3

How common is EIPH?

Blood from both nostrils—also known as epistaxis—is the most obvious manifestation of EIPH and occurs between 1.5 and 8.4/1000 race starts, varying with racing jurisdiction. Epistaxis represents a severe manifestation of EIPH, and basing surveys on its presence vastly underestimates the true prevalence of lung hemorrhage. There are several techniques used to diagnose EIPH, but endoscopy of the trachea 30-120 minutes after racing or galloping is a common and reliable method. Occurrence and severity of pulmonary hemorrhage is typically graded using a 0-4 scale. Using endoscopy, we reported a prevalence of EIPH post-race in Australian Thoroughbreds racing on turf tracks of around 55%, with most positive horses having low to moderate volumes of blood in the trachea. EIPH is less common if horses are examined after trialing and reduced further if examined after track gallops. The prevalence of EIPH increases when horses are examined on multiple occasions after racing; and in fact, all horses in our research population that had seven monitored race-starts experienced EIPH on at least one occasion.

What is the effect of EIPH on race-day performance?

It is generally considered that EIPH has a negative impact on racing performance, but evidence for this assertion is surprisingly lacking. We performed 3,794 post-race endoscopy exams on over 1,500 Australian horses and reported that inferior race-day performance was limited to horses with severe EIPH (grades 3 and 4); this reflected only 6.3% of all examinations. Horses with the highest grades of EIPH (grade 4) were less likely to finish in the first three, finished further from the winner, were less likely to collect race earnings, were slower over the final stages of the race, and were more likely to be overtaken by other competitors in the home straight than horses without EIPH. Interestingly, horses with EIPH grade 1 or 2 were more likely to overtake others in the home straight, compared to horses without EIPH (grade 0). It is highly unlikely that low-grade EIPH (grade 1 or 2) confers an athletic advantage; a plausible explanation is that horses that are ridden competitively to the finish are functioning at their maximal physiological limit, compared to horses that are eased up and overtaken during the finishing stages of the race because they are not in prize contention or are affected by interference in the home straight. Another interesting finding was that horses with moderate to severe EIPH (grades 3 or 4) raced the early and mid-sections of the race faster than horses without EIPH. It is possible that these horses reach the breaking threshold of the small lung blood vessels at an earlier stage in the race compared to horses that start the race slower, compounding the severity thereafter. A study of barrel racing horses reported that horses with the most severe grade of EIPH were faster than horses without EIPH, a finding which may also reflect this rapid acceleration increasing the risk of EIPH. It may be wise for trainers to instruct jockeys riding horses with a history of moderate to severe EIPH to refrain from racing in this manner.  

What is the effect of a one-off diagnosis of EIPH over a horse’s career?

A pattern of increasing endoscopic EIPH severity over a racehorse’s career is suspected but has not been proven. Another Australian research group examined 744 Thoroughbreds post-race with endoscopy, looked back 12 years later and compared EIPH score to their career performance. There was no association between any grade of EIPH and career duration, lifetime earnings, or the number of wins or places. These observations led to the conclusion that a one-off diagnosis of EIPH is an unreliable predictor of overall career performance.

Is EIPH a progressive disease?

EIPH is typically described as a progressive disease, but again, evidence is lacking. In our Australian Thoroughbred population, EIPH scores were often erratic from one race start to the next, especially as the EIPH severity increases. We were able to identify factors which were associated with change in EIPH score from one race start to another and which might help manage horses that are prone to EIPH. Increasing the number of days between races was associated with a transition from a higher to a lower grade of EIPH and racing in cooler weather was associated with a transition from a lower to a higher EIPH grade at the next observation. There are also likely to be unmeasured intra-horse and race factors that could also account for the variation in EIPH scores from one race start to another. Although in individual horses, EIPH severity can differ from race to race, from a population perspective, we concluded that EIPH is a mildly progressive condition.

What are the risk factors for EIPH?

Several investigators have found an association between temperature and EIPH. Cold weather on race day increases the chances of diagnosing EIPH and increases the chances of diagnosing more severe grades of EIPH. Furthermore, for horses that previously had no or only mild EIPH, racing in colder weather was more likely to be associated with a worsening of EIPH grade at the next observation. The reason that EIPH worsens with cold weather is unknown, but this phenomenon could mimic cold-induced pulmonary hypertension reported in other species. It may reflect the ambient temperature during training rather than specifically the temperature at the time of the race. Avoiding cold weather during training or racing may reduce the risk of EIPH in horses with a history of moderate to severe EIPH.



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Wobbler Syndrome and the thoroughbred

By Celia M. Marr

Wobbler syndrome, or spinal ataxia, affects around 2% of young Thoroughbreds. In Europe, the most common cause relates to narrowing of the cervical vertebral canal in combination with malformation of the cervical vertebrae. Narrowing in medical terminology is “stenosis,” and “myelopathy” implies pathology of the nervous tissue, hence the other name often used for this condition is cervical vertebral stenotic myelopathy (CVSM).

Wobbler syndrome was the topic of this summer’s Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures, an event held at Palace House, Newmarket. Gerald Leigh was a very successful owner/breeder, and these annual lectures, now in their second year, honor Mr. Leigh's passion for the Thoroughbred and its health and welfare. The lectures are attended by vets, breeders and trainers, and this year because of the importance and impact of wobbler syndrome on Thoroughbred health, several individuals involved in Thoroughbred insurance were also able to participate.

Dr. Steve Reed, of Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, Kentucky and international leader in the field of equine neurology gave an overview of wobbler syndrome. Affected horses are ataxic, which means that they have lost the unconscious mechanisms that control their limb position and movement. Young horses with CVSM will generally present for acute onset of ataxia or gait abnormalities, however, mild ataxia and clumsiness may often go unnoticed. Trainers often report affected horses are growing rapidly, well-fed, and large for their age. It is common for riders to describe an ataxic horse as weak or clumsy. Sometimes, a horse that has been training normally will suddenly become profoundly affected, losing coordination and walking as though they were drunk, or in the most severe cases stumbling and falling. Neurological deficits are present in all four limbs, and are usually, but not always more noticeable in the hindlimbs than the forelimbs. In horses with significant degenerative joint disease, lateral compression of the spinal cord may lead to asymmetry of the clinical signs.

When the horse is standing still, it may adopt an abnormal wide-based stance or have abnormal limb placement, and delayed positioning reflexes. At the walk, the CVSM horse’s forelimbs and hindlimbs may not be moving on the same track, and there can be exaggerated movement of the hindlimbs when the horse is circled. Detailed physical examination may reveal abrasions around the heels and inner aspect of the forelimbs due to interference and short, squared hooves due to toe-dragging. Many young horses affected with CVSM have concurrent signs of developmental orthopedic disease such as physitis or physeal enlargement of the long bones, joint effusion secondary to osteochondrosis, and flexural limb deformities.

Radiography is generally the first tool which is used to diagnose CVSM. Lateral radiographs of the cervical vertebrae, obtained in the standing horse, reveal some or all of five characteristic bony malformations of the cervical vertebrae: (1) “flare” of the caudal vertebral epiphysis of the vertebral body, (2) abnormal ossification of the articular processes, (3) malalignment between adjacent vertebrae, (4) extension of the dorsal laminae, and (5) degenerative joint disease of the articular processes. Radiographs are also measured to document the ratio between the spinal canal and the adjacent bones and identify sites where the spinal canal is narrowed.

Dr. Reed also highlighted myelography as the currently most definitive tool to confirm diagnosis of focal spinal cord compression and to identify the location and number of lesions. The experts presenting at the Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures agreed that myelography is essential if surgical treatment is pursued. However, an important difference between the U.S. and Europe was highlighted by Prof. Richard Piercy of the Royal Veterinary College, University of London. In Europe, protozoal infection is very rare, whereas in U.S., equine protozoal myeloencephalitis can cause similar clinical signs to CVSM. Protozoal myeloencephalitis is diagnosed by laboratory testing of the cerebral spinal fluid, but there is also a need to rule out CVSM. Therefore, spinal fluid analysis and myelography tends to be performed more often in the U.S. Prof. Piercy pointed out that in the absence of this condition, vets in Europe are often more confident to reach a definitive diagnosis of CVSM based on clinical signs and standing lateral radiographs.

Figure 4

Dr. Reed went on to discuss medical therapy in horses with CVSM, which is aimed at reducing cell swelling and edema formation with subsequent reduction of the compression on the spinal cord. In the immediate period following an acute onset of neurologic disease, anti-inflammatory therapy is important. Thereafter, depending on the type of CVSM and the age of the horse, different therapeutic options exist. A diet that is aimed at reducing protein and carbohydrate intake and, thus, reducing growth will allow the vertebral canal to “catch up”. The three most important nutritional factors appear to be excessive dietary digestible energy, excessive dietary phosphorus, and dietary copper deficiency. However, it is important that restricted diets are carefully managed with professional supervision. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E/selenium is also recommended. In adult horses, the options for medical therapy are restricted to stabilizing a horse with acute neurological deterioration and injecting the articular joints in an attempt to reduce soft tissue swelling and stabilize or prevent further bony proliferation.

The aim of surgical treatment is to stop the repetitive trauma to the spinal cord, which is caused by narrowing of the vertebral canal, and thereby, to allow the inflammation in and around the spinal cord to resolve. Surgical treatment of CVSM is controversial, mainly due to concerns regarding safety of the horse after surgery and potential heritability of the disease. Ventral interbody fusion through the use of a stainless steel “basket” is currently the most commonly used surgery for CVSM. The prognosis of horses following surgical treatment depends on the age of the horse, the grade of neurological deficits that were present prior to surgery, the time the horse has demonstrated neurologic disease for, the number of compressed sites, the severity of the lesions, and the post-operative complications encountered. Following surgery, an improvement of 1-2 out of 5 grades is expected, although some affected horses improve more than 3 grades.

Whether horses are treated medically, surgically or not treated (i.e., just turned out), the response and the prognosis depend on the age of the horse, the severity of the neurological deficits, the duration of neurological signs, and what level of performance is expected from the horse. Without treatment the prognosis in all types of CVSM is poor, as there is continued damage to the cervical spinal cord with an increasing chance of severe cord damage.



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Ulcer medication: are the products different?

By Celia M. Marr

Stomach Ulcers Are Not All the Same

Racehorse trainers and their vets first began to be aware of stomach ulcers over 20 years ago. The reasons why we became aware of ulcers are related to technological advances, which produced endoscopes long enough to get into the equine stomach. At that time, scopes were typically about eight feet long and were most effective in examining the upper area of the stomach, which is called the squamous portion. Once this technology became available, it was quickly appreciated that it is very common for racehorses to have ulcers in the squamous portion of the stomach.

Figure 1

The equine stomach has two main areas: the squamous portion and the glandular portion. The stomach sits more or less in the middle of the horse, immediately behind the diaphragm and in front of and above the large colon. Imagine the stomach as a large balloon with the esophagus—the gullet—entering halfway up the front side and slightly to the left of the balloon-shaped stomach and the exit point also coming out the front side but slightly lower and to the right side. The tissue around the exit—the pylorus—and the lower one-third, the glandular portion, has a completely different lining to the top two-thirds, the squamous portion.

The stomach produces acid to start the digestive process. Ulceration of the squamous portion is caused by this acid. Like the human esophagus, the lining of the squamous portion has very limited defenses against acid.  But, the acid is actually produced in the lower, glandular portion. The position of the stomach is between the diaphragm, which moves backwards as the horse breathes in and the heavy large intestine which tends to push forwards as the horse moves. During exercise, liquid acid produced at the bottom of the stomach is squeezed upwards onto the vulnerable squamous lining. It makes sense then that the medications used to treat squamous ulcers are aimed at blocking acid production.

Lesions in the glandular portion of the stomach are less common than squamous ulcers. The acid-producing glandular portion has natural defenses against acid damage including a layer of mucus and local production of buffering compounds. At this point, we actually know relatively little about the causes of glandular disease, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that disease in the glandular portion is very different from squamous disease. Often, it is more difficult to treat.

Figure 2

Stomach ulcers can cause a wide range of clinical signs. Some horses seem relatively unaffected by fairly severe ulcers, but other horses will often been off their feed, lose weight, and have poor coat quality. Some will show signs of abdominal discomfort, particularly shortly after eating. Other horses may be irritable—they can grind their teeth or they may resent being girthed. Additional signs of pain include an anxious facial expression, with ears back and clenching of the jaw and facial muscles and a tendency to stand with their head carried a little low.

Assessing Ulcers

Ulcers can only be diagnosed with endoscopy. A grading system has been established for squamous ulcers, which is useful in making an initial assessment and in documenting response to treatment.

Grade 0 = normal intact squamous lining

Grade 1 = mild patches of reddening

Grade 2 = small single or multiple ulcers

Grade 3 = large single or multiple ulcers

Grade 4 = extensive, often merging with areas of deep ulceration

Although it is used for research purposes, this grading system does not translate very well to glandular ulcers where typically, lesions are described in terms of their severity (mild, moderate or severe), distribution (focal, multifocal or diffuse), thickness (flat, depressed, raised or nodular) and appearance (reddening, hemorrhagic or fibrinosuppurative). Fibrinosuppurative suggests that inflammatory cells or pus has formed in the area. Focal reddening can be quite common in the absence of any clinical signs. Nodular and fibrinosuppurative lesions may be more difficult to treat than flat or reddened lesions. Where the significance of lesions is questionable, it can be helpful to treat the ulcers and repeat the endoscopic examination to determine whether the clinical signs resolve along with the ulcers.

Medications for Squamous Ulcers

Because of the prevalence and importance of gastric ulcers, Equine Veterinary Journal publishes numerous research articles seeking to optimize treatment. The most commonly used drug for treatment of squamous ulcers is omeprazole. A key feature of products for horses is that the drug must be buffered in order to reach the small intestine, from where it is absorbed into the bloodstream in order to be effective. Until recently only one brand was available, but there are now several preparations on the market and researchers have been seeking to show whether new medicines are as effective as the original brand. There is limited information comparing the new products, and this information is essential to determine whether the new, and often cheaper, products should be used. A team of researchers formed from Charles Sturt University in Australia and Louisiana State University has compared two omeprazole products given orally. A study reported by Dr. Raidal and her colleagues, showed that not only were plasma concentrations of omeprazole similar with both products, but importantly, the research also showed that gastric pH was similar with both products, and both products reduced summed squamous ulcer scores. Both the products tested in this trial are available in Australia and, although products on the market in other regions have been shown to achieve similar plasma concentrations and it is therefore reasonable to assume that they will be beneficial, as yet, not all of them have been tested to show whether products are equally effective in reducing ulcer scores in large-scale clinical trials. Trainers should discuss this issue with their vets when deciding which specific ulcer product they plan to use in their horses.

Avoiding drugs altogether and replacing this with a natural remedy is appealing. There is a plethora of nutraceuticals around and anecdotally, horse owners believe they may be effective. One such option is aloe vera that has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and mucus stimulatory effects, which might be beneficial in a horse’s stomach. Another research group from Australia, this time based in Adelaide, has looked at the effectiveness of aloe vera in treating squamous ulcers and found that, although 56% of horses treated with aloe vera improved and 17% resolved after 28 days, this is compared to 85% improvement and 75% resolution in horses given omeprazole. Therefore, Dr. Bush and her colleagues from Adelaide concluded treatment with aloe vera was inferior to treatment with omeprazole.

Medications for Glandular Ulcers….



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An introduction to the functional aspects of conformation

By Judy Wardrope

The first in a series of articles which set out different ways to examine a horse’s conformation affects their running style.


Lady Eli

Unnamed horse

Why is one horse a sprinter and another a stayer? Why is one sibling a star and another a disappointment? Why does one horse stay sound and another does not? Over the course of the next few issues, we will delve into the mechanics of the racehorse to discern the answer to these questions and others. We will be learning by example, and we will be using objective terminology as well as repeatable measures. This knowledge can be applied to the selection of racing prospects, to the consideration of distance or surface preferences and, of course, to mating choices.

Introducing a different way of looking at things requires some forethought. Questions need to be addressed in order to provide educational value for the audience. How does one organize the information, and how does one back up the information? In the case of equine functionality in racing, which horses will provide the best corroborative visuals?

After considerable thought, these three horses were selected: Tiznow (Horse #1) twice won the Breeders’ Cup Classic (1¼ miles) ; Lady Eli (Horse #2) won the Juvenile Fillies Turf and was twice second in the Filly and Mare Turf (13/8 miles); while our third example (Horse #3) did not earn enough to pay his way on the track. Let’s see if we can explain the commonalities and the differences so that we can apply that knowledge in the future.

Factors for Athleticism

If we consider the horse’s hindquarters to be the motor, then we should consider the connection between hindquarters and body to be the horse’s transmission. Like in a vehicle, if the motor is strong, but the transmission is weak, the horse will either have to protect the transmission or damage it.

According to Dr. Hilary M. Clayton (BVMS, PhD, MRCVS), the hind limb rotates around the hip joint in the walk and trot and around the lumbosacral joint in the canter and gallop. “The lumbosacral joint is the only part of the vertebral column between the base of the neck and the tail that allows a significant amount of flexion [rounding] and extension [hollowing] of the back. At all the other vertebral joints, the amount of motion is much smaller. Moving the point of rotation from the hip joint to the lumbosacral joint increases the effective length of the hind limbs and, therefore, increases stride length.” From a functional perspective, that explains why a canter or gallop is loftier in the forehand than the walk or the trot.

In order to establish an objective measure, I use the lumbosacral (LS) gap, which is located just in front of the high point of the croup. This is where the articulation of the spine changes just in front of the sacrum, and it is where the majority of the up and down motion along the spine occurs. The closer a line drawn from the top point of one hip to the top point of the other hip comes to bisecting this palpable gap, the stronger the horse’s transmission. In other words, the stronger the horse’s coupling.

We can see that the first two horses have an LS gap (just in front of the high point of the croup as indicated) that is essentially in line with a line drawn from the top of one hip to the top of the opposing hip. This gives them the ability to transfer their power both upward (lifting of the forehand) and forward (allowing for full extension of the forehand and the hindquarters). Horse #3 shows an LS gap considerably rearward of the top of his hip, making him less able to transfer his power and setting him up for a sore back.

You may also notice that all three of these sample horses display an ilium side (point of hip to point of buttock), which is the same length as the femur side (point of buttock to stifle protrusion)—meaning that they produce similar types of power from the rear spring as it coils and releases when in stride. We can examine the variances in these measures in more detail in future articles, when we start to delve into various ranges of motion as well as other factors for soundness or injury.

Factors for Distance Preferences

The hindquarters of Horse #1 and Horse #2 also differ from that of Horse #3 based on the location of the stifle protrusion (not the actual patella, but the visible protrusion that one can watch go through its range of motion as the horse moves). The differences in stifle placement equate with range of motion of the hind leg, stride length and, to some degree, stride rate.

When it comes to the stifle placement for a champion at classic distances, we can see just how far below sheath level Tiznow’s stifle protrusion is and we can equate that to Lady Eli’s as well, even though she doesn’t have a sheath. Horse #3 has a stifle placement that is higher than the other two horses, more in keeping with the placement of a miler (at the bottom of or just below the bottom of the sheath). Sprinters tend to have stifle placement that is above that of milers.

The most efficient racehorses have a range of motion of the forehand that corresponds to the range of motion of the hindquarters. That may seem like stating the obvious, but not all horses have strides that match fore and aft. We have seen those horses that “climb” in the front as well as those that seem to “bounce” higher in the rump. In both cases, a mismatch of strides is often the cause.

For simplicity, let’s say the horse has to generate power from his hindquarters, transfer that power upward and forward through the spine as well as extend his front end at the same stride rate created by the hindquarters for efficiency. He/she has to maintain the same rate in the forequarters and the hindquarters.

One of the things we seldom think about is that horses have to move the front quarters at the same stride rate created by the hindquarters, but they do not necessarily have to be built to have the same stride lengths and turnover rates front and back.

If a horse has to significantly adjust the stride length fore or aft, he/she is likely not going to win in top company, especially racing. And for those horses that can adapt to slight discrepancies, a strong LS placement is paramount.

A car with different sized tires in the front than in the back will travel at a constant speed, but the smaller tires will rotate faster than the larger ones. A horse can’t do that, though; he/she has to compensate to bring the front and rear into the same stride rate.



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