Bacterial gut diversity - new research!

Words Alysen Miller

The link between a healthy gut and overall health in both humans and equines has long been promoted by scientists and veterinarians.

Now a new study by the University of Surrey provides the clearest link yet between gut health and athletic performance in Thoroughbred racehorses, and identifies a “critical window” for immunological development which may provide owners and trainers with a glimpse into a racehorse’s future success on the track.

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, found that the composition of gut bacteria at just one month old can predict future athletic performance – measured by BHA official ratings (OR), earnings and placings – with a greater diversity of gut bacteria associated with better performance metrics. The study also found that foals with lower bacterial diversity at just 28 days old had a significantly higher risk of respiratory diseases and even soft tissue injuries later in life.

The study’s lead, Professor Chris Proudman, has dedicated his career to equine gastrointestinal health; first as a veterinary surgeon specialising in the clinical management of colic cases and latterly as head of the University of Surrey’s School of Veterinary Medicine. Since stepping down as Head of School last year, he now devotes his time to horse gut research. “I’ve got a small group of people investigating various aspects of intestinal health in horses, particularly around bacterial populations associated with health and disease,” he tells Trainer Magazine. The latest study is the culmination of more than a decade’s worth of research into the influence of gut bacteria on the development of immunological competence and susceptibility to disease. “I was aware of emerging evidence in the human field to suggest that these early life gut bacteria are really important in priming the immunological system and effectively setting up humans or animals for a healthy life in the future,” he says. “So with funding from ALBORADA Trust [the study’s sponsor], this was an opportunity to look in more detail at the impact of early life experiences in foals.”

So how does gut bacterial community structure in the first few months of life predict the risk of specific diseases and athletic performance in racehorses? To answer that question, Professor Proudman and his team performed DNA sequencing on faecal samples from 52 Thoroughbred foals born across five stud farms in 2018. These samples were collected at nine sample points within the first year of the foals’ lives: at 2, 8, 14, 28, 60, 90, 180, 272 and 365 days old. In addition, weekly written or verbal health updates were obtained for all horses reporting any veterinary investigation or treatment for orthopaedic, soft tissue, respiratory or gastrointestinal disease or injury. The researchers then compared this with the horses’ athletic performances at 2 and 3 years old: finishing position and OR were obtained after every race start, while total prize money earnings and cumulative performance metrics (total starts, total placings, total wins) were collected for all race starts until the end of December 2021.

The findings were striking. Not only did researchers observe that the athletic performance of the foals was positively associated with higher faecal bacterial diversity at just one month old, they also identified that a higher abundance of the bacteria Anaeroplasmataceae was associated with a higher OR, and increased levels of the bacteria Bacillaceae at 28 days old were linked to higher race placings. “We weren’t necessarily expecting to see [a correlation between gut health and performance], so the fact that early life gut bacteria influenced athletic performance came as a bit of a surprise to us,” admits Professor Proudman. “But it is consistent with the whole picture around health,” he continues. Professor Proudman is hesitant to attribute too much importance to the precise identity of the bacteria that were present: “I think what is probably more important is what those bacteria are doing, the mechanism by which those bacteria are affecting the animal, and we don’t understand that at the moment,” he suggests. The two different bacteria identified “could potentially be doing the same thing or they could be doing different things,” he continues. “It’s just an indication that there are bacteria that have a beneficial effect.” Further study is planned to try to identify in more granular detail the precise bacteria that are important to a horse’s performance. Nevertheless, the findings are the best evidence to date of a causal link between gut health and athletic aptitude: “This is really hard science that there are measurable beneficial effects both in terms of health and in terms of performance associated with diversity of the gut bacteria, and also with species of bacteria if they are present at this very early stage in life,” says Professor Proudman.

The concept of a “critical window” for immunological development is not new. Many lines of evidence point to the existence of such a period, during which time the immune system can be “trained” to tolerate particular microbes, and thus avoid later destructive immunopathology associated with these same microbes. While the window has been demonstrated in laboratory animals, “humans studies haven’t really been able to nail down the time period,” says Professor Proudman. “Most of the human studies state that it’s somewhere between birth and weaning,” he continues. “That’s a window of about 6-8 months for a lot of human babies. Because we were able to sample our foals very frequently during the first six months of life, we’ve been able to identify with a reasonable degree of accuracy a critical window for performance that happens very, very early – the first 28 days,” says Professor Proudman. Again, Professor Proudman is cautious about drawing a hard line at the 28-day mark: “I wouldn’t obsess about 28 days exactly – I think this is just telling us there’s something really early in life, in the first few weeks, which is the critical period,” he says.

It is not only future athletic performance which is determined within this critical window; higher bacterial diversity at 28 days old was significantly associated with a reduced risk of respiratory diseases later in life. “It’s likely that what we’re looking at here is the process of immunological priming,” explains Professor Proudman. Immunological priming is the process by which a host improves its immune defences following an initial pathogenic exposure, leading to better protection after a subsequent infection with the same – or different – pathogens. Or to put it another way: “When the horse (or any animal) is first born, the body has to learn to recognise the difference between the ‘self’ and the ‘non-self’ – the potential organisms, bacteria and viruses that are trying to invade the animal. And then it learns to fight those off,” explains Professor Proudman. “But there’s an initial learning period – this so-called period of immunological priming – and it seems that bacterial composition of the gut is important because the gut is a really important interface between the animal and the external environment,” he continues. “And that’s where this immunological priming takes place.

“This is the area in which most of the human research has been done, particularly around respiratory disease. And there’s really good evidence in both human and animal models that the gut microbiota have a significant impact on the development of the early immune system very early in life. So it’s highly likely, although we didn’t look at it specifically in our study, that this is an immunological effect that we’re seeing.”

Researchers also identified a positive association between the abundance of the particular bacteria Streptococcaceae and Moraxellaceae and the risk of soft-tissue health events such as infected wounds, cellulitis and abscesses. “There are specific bacteria that we know cause soft tissue infections,” explains Professor Proudman. “And again, it’s that resistance to bacterial infection that is mediated by the immune system.”

But where do these bacteria come from, and what could the answer mean for the way racehorses are bred and reared? The answer appears to be partly nature and partly nurture. Your gut is full of trillions of bacteria and other microbes help you digest food and support immune, heart and brain health. These are known collectively as the microbiome. It has long been thought that foals (and humans) are first exposed to microbes when they pass through their mother’s birth canal. However, evidence from human studies suggests that babies may come into contact with some microbes while inside the womb. A follow-on study by Professor Proudman’s team, scheduled to commence in early 2025, aims to identify where exactly the bacteria come from by tracking pairs of mares and their foals. But for now, “it’s a question that we don’t currently have an answer to,” concedes Professor Proudman. “People have had theories and you can make plausible explanations of where they might come from. Extrapolating from humans, the suggestion is that a lot of those bacteria actually come from faecal contamination of the foal by the mother. But there’s some really intriguing evidence around breast milk, for example.”

Certainly, the gut microbiome continues to diversify as the foal matures, suggesting environmental factors play a role. This includes the food they eat as well as factors such as whether antibiotics are administered. Ah, antibiotics. The epidemiological elephant in the room. Any discussion around antibiotics inevitably leads back to antibiotic resistance. Also known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), antibiotic resistance is when bacteria change so antibiotic medicines can't kill them or stop their growth. This makes certain bacterial infections difficult to treat. AMR is caused by the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials in humans, animals and plants. The World Health Organisation has identified AMR as one of the top global public health and development threats. (It is estimated that bacterial AMR was directly responsible for 1.27 million global deaths in 2019 and contributed to 4.95 million deaths.) So what does this have to do with racehorses? Professor Proudman’s team also investigated the long-term impact of foals receiving antibiotics during the first month of life. It was found that these foals had significantly lower faecal bacterial diversity at 28 days old compared to other foals who did not receive such treatments. Further analysis revealed that these foals won significantly lower prize money earnings (an indicator of athletic performance) in their subsequent racing careers. In addition, foals who received antibiotics during their first 28 days of life had a significantly increased rate of developing a respiratory disease compared to their counterparts.

While the study does not necessarily demonstrate causality, “we can demonstrate an association between an event, in this case the composition of the microbial community in the gut and a downstream outcome which is either a health related event, or performance,” explains Professor Proudman. “We go to pains in the paper to say we can’t prove that it’s causal,” he emphasises. “However, as we say in the paper, we do believe that a causal association is a credible interpretation of our data. And one of the strongest reasons for this is simply the timeline. We’ve got something happening early in the animal’s life that is then leading to something that happens much later on in the animal’s life. A plausible explanation is that the antibiotics are hitting the gut bacterial population, disrupting it, and then that, in turn, is disrupting immunological development, which leads to an animal that is more susceptible to respiratory disease.”

While it is recognised that antibiotics play a vital role in treating infections and protecting the long-term health of foals, Professor Proudman is clear that they need to be used responsibly: “[AMR] can develop in animals and then transfer to humans and vice versa. So it helps everybody to minimise the use of antibiotics. Even accepting that some foals need to have antibiotics for medical reasons, if there’s something we can do to minimise the damage that those antibiotics do to gut bacteria, that's the question we’re asking.”

So what are the implications of this research for the racing and breeding industries? “I suspect the gut microbiome is only part of the story,” says Professor Proudman. “There are lots of other factors [that contribute to a horse’s health and performance], such as genetics, environment, and its response to training. I don’t think we are anywhere near a situation yet where we’ll be able to screen horses for potential on the basis of their bacterial communities,” he says. “However, I think there are some really simple things that the racing industry and, in particular, the breeding industry could take on board which could help them.” To that end, a follow-on study, funded by the Horserace Betting Levy Board, will look for potential probiotic bacteria that can be fed to foals in the form of feed supplements that will then colonise their intestine and produce beneficial effects. “In the same way that you could go to the supermarket and get yoghurt with probiotic bacteria in them, we’re identifying bacteria which might do the same thing for horses; in particular, for foals,” explains Professor Proudman. His team is already working with various players in the feed and supplement industries. “There might be some new products in development within the next few years directly arising from this research,” he hints.

“The Thoroughbred breeding industry is very traditional,” Professor Proudman continues. “And I think there probably has been an under-recognition of the genetic contribution of gut bacteria to foals’ health and ultimately their performance. It’s quite theoretical at the moment and we need to explore it in more detail. But certainly I think in the future, if stud farms have mares that have good, healthy gut bacteria, we think that’s going to be passed on to foals. So, it’s another aspect of racehorse genetics that has value as a commercial proposition.”

The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures 2023

The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures 2023

The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures, is an annual  gathering devoted to the racing industry and the health and wellbeing of the horses involved.  

This year, equine veterinarians, researchers, students and industry professionals from around the world attended the event, held June 8, 2023, at the historic Tattersalls Sales in Newmarket, England.  

There were insightful and informative lectures that educated the attendants but also instigated a healthy, lively debate on the health and welfare of the training and competing of horses. The underlying theme that was present during the whole event was all members of the conference had a deep passion and commitment to continuously progress and improve on managing the welfare and wellbeing of the horses in the industry, both on and off of the track.  

Two very special guest speakers, Sir Mark Prescott and Luca Cumani, wonderfully illustrated these sentiments as they described their reflections on the improvement and enhancement of horse safety.  

Horse racing may be regarded as an elite sport, and all activities involving horses have an element of risk. All stakeholders in the racing industry must continuously work to ensure that the risks are minimised in order to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities that may occur in training and on the racecourse.  There are now well-publicised concerns regarding the acceptability of exposing horses to risk in racing.  These lectures and all of the attendees embraced the values of the public will so that there can be continued acceptance of horse sports.   

Reducing the incidence of fractures in racing 

Christopher Riggs of The Hong Kong Jockey Club clearly outlined the various strategies to reduce the risk of fractures in racehorses. There are two principal strategies that may used to reduce the incidence of severe fractures in horses while racing and training:

The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures 2023 - fracture risks in racing
  1. Identifying extrinsic factors that increase risk and take action to minimise them. 

An example would be investigating different racing surfaces in order to determine which may provide the safest racing surface. However, studies have provided limited evidence and support for subtle extrinsic factors.

2. Identifying individuals that are at increased risk and prevent them from racing or minimise that risk until the risk has subsided.  

There are many research routes that are being undertaken to identify those horses that may be at a higher risk of fractures. There are investigations involving heritability and molecular studies that may provide evidence of genetic predisposition to fracture. However, Dr. Riggs explained that further understanding of the relationship between genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors is required before genetic screening is likely to be of practical use.  

Pre-race screening of horses by diligent clinical examination is poor at reducing the incidence of fracture. Dr. Riggs described another strategy that may assist with a clinical examination that is the use of biomarkers in blood and urine.  

Unfortunately, the precision to be of practical value has so far remained relatively unrewarding.  Wearable technology that records biometric parameters, including stride characteristics, has shown some promise in identifying horses that are at increased risk of fracture; although Dr. Riggs explained that this work requires further development.  

Finally, Dr. Riggs described both the use and current limitations of  diagnostic imaging in identifying pre-fracture pathology in order to identify a horse at imminent risk of fracture.  He conceded that further knowledge of the significance of the range of abnormalities that can be detected by imaging is incomplete.

Dr. Riggs concluded his lecture by expressing that the implementation of  diagnostic imaging to screen  “high-risk” horses identified through genetic, epidemiology, biomarkers and/or biometrics may be the best hope to reduce the incidence of racing fractures. This field can be advanced with further studies, especially of a longitudinal nature.

Professor Tim Parkin of Bristol Veterinary School discussed the need for further investment in welfare research and education. One avenue of investment that should be seriously considered is the analysis of data related to (fatal) injuries in Thoroughbred racing over the last 25 years.  

Fracture risk on racecourses

It was expressed, with the abundance of data that has been collected, that some risk factors would be relatively simple to identify. An encouraging example in the collection and use of data to develop models in predicting and potentially preventing injury has been conducted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Equine Welfare Research Foundation. This may provide an opportunity to pilot the use of risk profiling to contribute to decision-making about race entries.  In addition, the results of the pilot study combined with other sources of data may encourage race authorities to mandate the collection of veterinary and training data in order to help in risk mitigation.

Horse racing is an international sport, and there are different governing bodies that ensure racing integrity. However, the concept of social licence equestrian sports and Thoroughbred horse racing continues to gain significant public attention.  Therefore, racing governing bodies are increasingly aiming to provide societal assurances on equine welfare. 

Dr. Ramzan of Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons provided an eloquent and clear message during his lecture that race yard veterinarians and trainers are instrumental in ensuring good horse health and welfare and reducing serious injury of the horse both while training or racing, which will provide sufficient trust and legitimacy from the public and society.  This feasible goal can be reached with good awareness of members involved in the care and training of each individual horse and conveying this information and any concerns to their veterinarian.  The veterinarian can also contribute by honing their knowledge and skills and working closely with yard staff in order to make appropriate and better targeted veterinary intervention.   

In the last two decades, there has been an incredible evolution and exciting developments in diagnostic imaging in the veterinary profession. It is believed that these technologies can provide a significant contribution to helping in mitigating fracture risks to racehorses on the course and in training.  

Professor Mathieu Spriet of University of California, Davis, described how these improvements in diagnostic imaging has led to the detection of early lesions as well as allowing the monitoring of the lesions’ evolution.  

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scanning

He continued by explaining the strengths and limitations of different imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET).  Being one of the leaders in the use of PET in equine veterinary medicine, he presented further insight on how this particular modality provides high-resolution 3-D bone scans while being very sensitive to the identification of bone turn-over prior to the development of structural changes and allowing one to distinguish between active and inactive processes when structural changes are present.  

He concluded his impressive lecture by providing evidence with amazing PET images that the role of imaging is not merely for diagnostic purposes to characterise clinical abnormalities, but can also be used as a screening tool in certain horse populations for fracture risk assessment or for the monitoring of lesions to provide clearance for racing. 

Fractures, due to bone overloading rather than direct trauma occur commonly in Thoroughbred racehorses and are the leading cause of euthanasia on the racecourse. Despite many changes to race conditions, the number of catastrophic fractures has remained relatively static, with approximately 60 horses a year having a fatal fracture during a race in the UK.  

Against this backdrop, there have been great developments in the diagnosis and treatment of fractures in the last 40 years. Prevention of racecourse and training fractures would be ideal so the development of efficacious techniques to screen horses at risk may reduce the incidence and preserve social licensing.  

One technique discussed by Dr. Ian Wright of Newmarket Equine Referrals was to help mitigate the impact of racecourse fractures, which would be acute immobilisation of racecourse fractures, thus, reducing associated pain and anxiety while optimising clinical outcome and reducing on course fatality rates. Because of our increased understanding of fracture pathogenesis and their associated biomechanics, effective fracture immobilisation has been made possible. The majority of fractures that occur in flat racing and between obstacles in jump racing, are a result of stress or fatigue failure of the bone and not associated with trauma.  

In addition, fractures seen on the racecourse are often found in the same specific sites (i.e., metacarpal/metatarsal condyles and the proximal sesamoid bones of the fetlock) and have repeatable configurations. With this understanding and knowledge, racecourse veterinarians can optimally immobilise a fracture in a logical and pre-planned manner.  

As Dr. Wright expressed, this allows the fracture patient to have reduced pain and anxiety and enable the horse to be moved from the course comfortably so that it can be further examined. Ultimately, this allows the veterinarian and all stakeholders to make effective and judicious decisions for the sake of the horse’s welfare and wellbeing. As Dr. Wright concluded, this benefits both horses and racing.

Dr. Debbie Guest of the Royal Veterinary College discussed a different approach in mitigating the risk of fractures during training and racing by developing novel tools to reduce catastrophic fractures Thoroughbreds. Because it has been found that some horses are more inherently predisposed to fractures than other horses, Dr. Guest and her team have developed a genome-wide polygenic risk score so that one can potentially calculate an individual horse’s risk of fracturing during training or racing compared to the population as a whole.  

This strategy may contribute in identifying genetically high-risk horses so that additional monitoring of the patients can be exercised during their careers and also leading to fracture risk, which are found to be the cause of approximately half of these incidents.  

The system of using DNA testing to identify biological processes that may or may not be present ultimately leading to fracture risk may be a powerful tool in lowering the risk of catastrophic fracture and requires further research and application.

Cardiac events & sudden cardiac death in training and racing

In racehorses, sudden death that is associated with exercise on the racetrack or during training is a serious risk to jockeys and adversely affects horse welfare and the public perception of the sport. It is believed 75% of race day fatalities result from euthanasia following a catastrophic injury. The other 25% of fatalities is due to sudden deaths and cardiac arrhythmias are found to be the cause of approximately half of these incidents. The lectures focused on this area of concern by providing three interesting lectures on cardiac issues in the racehorse industry.  

Dr. Laura Nath of the University of Adelaide, explained the difficulties in identifying horses that are at risk of sudden cardiac death. It is believed that part of the solution to this difficult issue is the further development and use of wearable devices including ECG and heart rate monitors.  

computational ECG analysis

With the use of these technologies, the goal would be to recognise those horses that are not progressing appropriately through their training and screen these horses for further evaluation. This course of action has been seen in human athletes that develop irregular rhythms that are known to cause sudden cardiac death with the use of computational ECG analysis, even when the ECGs appear normal on initial visual inspection.  

Knowing that ECGs and particularly P-waves are used as a non-invasive electrocardiographic marker for atrial remodelling in humans, Dr. Nath recently completed a study on the analysis variations in the P-wave seen on ECGs in athletic horses and found that increases of P-waves in racehorses are associated with structural and electrical remodelling in the heart and may increase the risk of atrial fibrillation (cardiac event).

Dr. Celia Marr of Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons continued the discussion of cardiac disease in both the training and racing of horses. Unfortunately, cardiac disease knowledge does lag compared to musculoskeletal and respiratory diseases when considering the causes of poor performance in racehorses. Due to the fact that cardiac rhythm disturbances are fairly common, occurring in around 5–10% of training sessions in healthy horses in Newmarket and over 50% of horses investigated for poor performance, Dr. Marr expressed the need for further research and investigation in this area.  

In addition, this research needs to determine if there is indeed a link between heart rhythm disturbances and repeated episodes of poor performance and sudden cardiac arrest. ECGs and associated technologies are helpful, but there are limitations such as the fact that rhythm disturbances do not always occur every time the horse is exercised.  Therefore, it would be of great value that a robust criterion is established when evaluating ECGs in racehorses. The Horserace Betting Levy Board has provided funding for investigation by initially exploring the natural history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (self-correcting form) to understand risk factors and predict outcomes for affected horses.

Continuing the theme of the lectures on irregular heart rhythms and associated sudden cardiac death (SCD) in training and racing, Professor Kamalan Jeevaratnam described his exciting research in using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify horses at increased risk of developing irregular rhythms that may cause SCD.  

AI is an exciting and rapidly expanding field of computer science that is beginning to be implemented in veterinary medicine. With funding by the Horserace Betting Levy Board and the Grayson Jockey Club Research Foundation, Professor Jeevaratnam of the University of Surrey, has piloted three novel algorithms that help predict horses with rhythm abnormalities through the analysis of horses’ ECGs.  

It was acknowledged that further research is required to develop this technology by using data collected from multiple sources, but the initial results are promising in the development of an useful AI tool to identify horses at risk of SCD and prevent catastrophic events, thus, ensuring the welfare of the horse in racing.


The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures was a thoroughly successful and enjoyable event attended by a variety of different members of the horse racing industry. Not only did the lecturers provide interesting and valuable information but also excitement for the future of racing.  It was very clear that all the lecturers and attendees were passionate and committed to the racehorse welfare and wellbeing as well as retaining the social licence for an exciting sport. 

International Codes of Practice on equine disease for 2023

Article by Victoria Colgate and Richard Newton

Horses are one of the most internationally travelled species, second only after humans, and this mobility, both between and within countries, means that the spread of equine infectious diseases is a very real and ever-present threat.

Indeed, infectious disease outbreaks are often related to new arrivals at, or movement of animals on and off premises, such as to competitions and race meetings. As well as having a negative impact on horse health and welfare, disease outbreaks can have further reaching consequences in terms of treatment costs, economic losses due to movement restrictions and an inability to compete, as well as disruption to the breeding schedule, which may have effects in racing in future years. Additionally, restrictions imposed in the face of the diagnosis of certain diseases can prevent the free export of horses between countries, impacting trade and equestrian sport. Infectious diseases are truly trans-boundary, and such a problem necessitates global cooperation and communication, echoing the mantra that ‘prevention is better than cure’. 

The origins and evolution of the Codes of Practice

International codes of practice 2023

figure 1

In 1977 in Newmarket, UK, there was widespread development of vulval discharge in thoroughbred mares post-covering that adversely affected their fertility and to an extent that caused temporary closure of stallion barns and stud farms. Initially unknown, the cause of this outbreak was later identified as the bacterium Tayorella equigenitalis, the causative agent of contagious equine metritis (CEM) and often referred to as the CEM organism, or CEMO. 

The impact on the 1977 breeding season was significant enough for the Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) to consider a serious need to control CEM in future years and in reaction to this, the Codes of Practice (CoP) were created. First developed by HBLB committee discussion in the summer of 1977 and then formally published in 1978, the HBLB CoP outlined swabbing protocols in the weeks prior to covering in an attempt to prevent the venereal transmission of CEM. 

Despite the perceived draconian nature of these first codes, compliance was high and overall were highly successful—with CEM cases drastically falling following their introduction. In subsequent years, the CEM CoP was extended to include control measures on reproductive disease caused by the other venereal bacterial pathogens: Klebsiella pneumoniae (capsule types 1, 2 and 5) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Codes on the prevention and management of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) and equine viral arteritis (EVA) were also added following disease outbreaks of significant concern to the thoroughbred breeding industry in subsequent years. 

Today the CoP are referred to as the ‘HBLB International Codes of Practice’, with the 2020 CoP being the inaugural internationally branded edition and representing a comprehensive manual outlining a series of voluntary standards (codes) and advisories (guidelines), with accompanying appendices. They are intended to assist breeders, trainers and horse owners (in collaboration with their veterinary surgeons) to control and prevent a range of important infectious diseases in equids. The CoP have a broad application among thoroughbred breeders; and the UK, Ireland, France, Germany and Italy are all signatories. Additionally, in a translated form, they have formed the basis of written equine infectious disease advice in many other countries. The initial reduction and then sustained maintenance of low levels of infectious disease outbreaks experienced after the CoP’s introduction is testament to the document’s effectiveness and importance.  

The HBLB International Codes of Practice for the 2023 breeding season

The CoP are reviewed annually by a group of international veterinary breeding and infectious disease experts and stakeholder representatives. This review ensures that all advice is as current as possible regarding the latest scientific evidence and global disease situation. The CoP convey practical recommendations gained considering recent experiences with the occurrence and control of relevant outbreaks. 

The 2023 edition of ‘The CoP Manual’ (title cover, above Fig 1 and table of contents, below Fig 2) comprises:

The 2023 edition of ‘The CoP Manual’

figure 2

  • Six Codes on the following diseases: CEM (covering CEMO, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), EVA, EHV-1, equine coital exanthema (ECE, caused by EHV-3), equine infectious anaemia (EIA) and dourine 

  • Five Guidelines on equine influenza (EI), piroplasmosis, strangles, West Nile Fever (WNF) and artificial insemination (AI) 

  • Eleven Appendices with a range of  supporting information and guidance 

The CoP are published on the HBLB website (; a PDF download  ( is also available. In Great Britain, the Thoroughbred Breeders Association (TBA) produces a spiral-bound printed hard copy for its members. 

The CoP outline each disease sequentially, using a standardised format of sections which include information on notification procedures, clinical signs, transmission, prevention, diagnosis, control, treatment, freedom from disease and export requirements. It is a document that continues to evolve over time in terms of both the diseases included and the expert advice imparted. 

Why ‘codes’ and ‘guidelines’?

Although the logic behind the distinction as to why specific diseases in the CoP are covered by a guideline rather than a code is not necessarily immediately initiative. It is worth remembering that a Code of Practice may be defined as ‘A documented set of recommended or preferred processes, actions or organisational structures to be applied in a given setting’, whereas a guideline is: ‘A general rule, principle or piece of advice’.  Therefore, the diseases applied as codes are those that directly relate to, and have an impact on, breeding and that necessitate particular actions either to prevent or control disease, should they occur. The guidelines, in contrast, are merely advisory measures to those involved in thoroughbred breeding businesses, but cover diseases and practices that are also highly applicable to other populations of horses. The remainder of the article outlines several of the important codes and guidelines.


Strangles, caused by the bacterium Streptococcus equi, is a disease affecting the lymph nodes of the upper respiratory tract. Although endemic within the UK horse population, it only occasionally affects thoroughbred stud farms. Accordingly, it was first included in the CoP as an advisory guideline in 2004 and has since been periodically updated in line with developments in diagnostic testing and vaccination. Due to the ability of Streptococcus equi to develop persistent infection, remaining within material (pus/chondroids) in the guttural pouches long after resolution of clinical signs, one of the key elements in prevention and control is identification and treatment of these carrier animals. This involves performing guttural pouch endoscopy and lavage of strangles cases around 30 days after clinical recovery from infection, and also of any new arrivals at a premises during the quarantine period, before they are allowed to mix with the resident herd. 

Equine infectious anaemia (EIA)

Equine infectious anaemia (EIA) code of practice 2006

figure 3

EIA, also known as swamp fever, is caused by the equine infectious anaemia virus (EIAV) and is transmitted between horses by the transfer of infected blood, either by insect vectors or contaminated veterinary equipment or through administration of infected blood products (e.g., plasma or whole blood transfusion). It is found in thoroughbred and non-thoroughbred populations worldwide, including parts of mainland Europe; but it is currently not present in Great Britain, where any suspicion of disease is notifiable by law to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and would result in compulsory slaughter of the affected animal. Following an outbreak in Ireland in 2006, a CoP for EIA was developed by Defra in the UK in August that year and was included as an addendum for the 2007 breeding season (Figure 3) and subsequently as a full code from 2008 onwards. EIA has been included as a full CoP since 2008, and it recommends pre-breeding testing of all mares and stallions prior to commencement of the covering season as the best way to establish and maintain freedom from infection. 


A new code on dourine was added in 2012, following its re-identification in Sicily and the Italian mainland during 2011, which necessitated pre-import screening of horses arriving from this area. A notifiable venereal disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypansoma equiperdum, once widespread, had largely undergone eradication and of late had only been reported in Asia, Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, Mexico and Russia. There is no cure for dourine, and euthanasia is usually the advised treatment option on the grounds of animal welfare and population health. As investigations into the 2011 Italian outbreak indicated subclinical seropositivity to dourine in many regions of Italy, it was evident that the disease was closer to our shores than anticipated. That led to its addition to the CoP in order to keep all owners/breeders informed and appropriately advised. 

Equine influenza (EI)

EI was added to the CoP in 2020 as an advisory guideline following the 2019 European epidemic, which saw a major outbreak in the UK (Figure 4), including cases of clinical disease in vaccinated thoroughbreds. This led to the cancellation of British horseracing for six days in February 2019 as a pre-emptive control measure, but still at significant economic cost to the industry. 

Equine influenza (EI) major outbreak in the UK graph

Figure 4

Although clinical EI is usually fairly mild and self-limiting, the resulting damage to the respiratory epithelium can impact performance for up to six months and leaves the horse vulnerable to secondary bacterial infections and potential pneumonia. Appropriate vaccination, biosecurity protocols and effective quarantining of new arrivals are outlined in the Code as the cornerstone to EI control. With such a highly contagious virus capable of spreading over large distances and with great speed, especially in the immunologically naïve, awareness and prevention are key.

West Nile fever (WNF)

WNF, caused by West Nile virus (WNV), is an infectious but non-contagious disease transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Although the natural host-vector cycle is between birds and mosquitoes, horses and indeed humans can become infected but act as so-called incidental or ‘dead-end’ hosts; importantly, not presenting is a risk for onward transmission as there is insufficient WNV in their bloodstream. Many horses infected with WNV remain without signs, but approximately 10% will develop neurological disease, which can be fatal. Historically confined to Africa and the East, it entered North America in 1999 leading to widespread infection with many equine and human fatalities. Since then it has become endemic in the USA and continues to spread further into northern Europe as climate change alters vector habitats and life cycles. After the development of equine cases in Germany in 2018 and evidence of human and bird cases in the Netherlands in 2020, WNV was considered to pose an increasing threat to the UK horse population, especially animals that travelled overseas for competition and breeding purposes. WNF was therefore added as a guideline to the CoP in 2021. 


The latest disease addition to the CoP was an advisory guideline on piroplasmosis in 2022, following concern that the disease was becoming increasingly important among the international equine population. Piroplasmosis is a tick-borne disease caused by the intracellular parasites Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. Although the UK is currently considered to be free from locally acquired endemic disease (referred to as ‘autochthonous’), cases have occasionally been confirmed in the UK and are endemic in other European countries. With no formal requirements for pre-import screening, infection could re-enter the UK through importation of infected horses. The code gives informative background information to raise awareness among thoroughbred breeders and owners/keepers of other horse populations.  

Improving accessibility and applicability of the CoP

Another way in which the CoP have more recently evolved is through the mechanisms of delivery to stakeholders. In July 2016, the accessibility and reach of the CoP took a further leap with the generation of the smartphone EquiBioSafe app ( With the HBLB Codes of Practice and National Trainers Federation Codes of Practice précised into key elements for the control and prevention of infectious diseases, the app allows interactive and stable-side access to advice, as well as assisting trainers to comply with sporting authority vaccine regulations and disease notification procedures. With the ability to send emergency notifications in the event of heightened disease threats in a particular area, the app provides real-time relevant information to assist with implementation of proactive biosecurity measures. This helps safeguard horse health and the socioeconomic livelihoods of all those involved in equestrian sport. Like the CoP, the EquiBiosafe app has mainly been targeted to a European audience, but downloads recorded from North America, Asia and Latin America demonstrate its international application. 

The HBLB International Codes of Practice act as broad, minimum requirement recommendations for the identification, treatment, prevention and control of a range of important equine infectious diseases—equally relevant across international borders and from pleasure to elite competition horses. They are also dynamic, evolving over time in line with the ever-changing disease situation, and therefore acting as a vital education and reference resource to all those involved in the equestrian industry. They form a user-friendly instruction manual of exactly ‘how (not) to’ allow infectious diseases to fulfil their devastating potential.