The use of probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics to reduce resistance in the gut

Article by Kerrie Kavanagh

The use of probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics to reduce resistance in the gut

The leading causes of horse mortality can be attributed to gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, maintaining the balance of the gut microbiota and avoiding a shift in microbial populations can contribute to improved health status. The gut microbiota, however, can be influenced by countless dynamic events: diet, exercise, stress, illness, helminth infections, aging, environment and notably, antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics). These events can lead to gut dysbiosis—a fluctuation or disturbance in the population of microorganisms of the gut, which can contribute to a wide range of disease. The use of antibiotics in horses is thought to have one of the most notable effects on the gut microbiota (gut dysbiosis), which can lead to diseases such as colitis, colic and laminitis.

Antibiotics, which are antimicrobial agents active against bacteria, are important to equine medicine; and bacterial infections can be resolved quite successfully using antibiotics for antimicrobial therapy, but there are consequences to their use. An antimicrobial agent can be defined as a natural or synthetic substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae. One of the consequences of antibiotic use is that of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, which can contribute to poor performance in the horse and even mortality. In antimicrobial therapy, the target organism is not the only organism affected by the antimicrobial agent but also the commensal microbiota too (the normal flora of the equine gut). Antibiotics can promote fungal infections and resistant organisms and impede or even eliminate the more sensitive organisms; and they can have both short- and long-term consequences on the gut microbiota composition and function. 

Use of probiotics in racehorse diet to reduce antibiotic resistance

Research has indicated that antibiotic treatment may adversely affect metabolic function in the gut by decreasing protein expression responsible for biochemical pathways such as glycolysis, iron uptake, glutamate hydrolysis and possibly even more metabolic functions. The use of antimicrobial drugs directly impacts and possibly contributes to the most notable effect on the gut microbiota of the host, leading to gut dysbiosis; and certain antibiotics can have further-reaching consequences on the microbiota than others. The type of antibiotic and mode of action (bacteriostatic versus bactericidal) will differ in their influences on the gut microbiota composition, e.g., clindamycin operates a bacteriostatic mode of action by inhibiting protein synthesis and exerts a larger impact on the gut microbiota compared to other antimicrobials. These influential consequences that are imparted by the antimicrobial agent are relatively yet to be elucidated and may result in the manifestation of illness or conditions later in life. For example, the development of asthma in humans has been linked to antibiotic treatment in early childhood as a result of bacterial infections. It may yield interesting results if researchers were to examine the gut microbiome of horses suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic respiratory illnesses and to establish if there is indeed a link with antibiotic therapy used in horses from an early age. 

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic respiratory illnesses -  is there a link with antibiotic therapy used in horses

In comparison to the vast wealth of human studies conducted so far, the volume of equine studies falls disappointingly far behind, but that is changing as researchers focus their interest on developing and filling this gap of knowledge. One such study, which examined the effect of antibiotic use on the equine gastrointestinal tract, demonstrated a significant reduction in culturable cellulolytic bacteria (>99%) from equine feces during the administration period of trimethoprim sulfadiazine and ceftiofur in a study comparing responses to antibiotic challenge. That reduction was still evident at the end of the withdrawal period when compared to the control group. In other words, there was a significant reduction in the ‘normal’ bacteria of the gut. The ability of antibiotics to modulate the gut microbiota was evidenced by the proliferation of pathogenic Salmonella and Clostridia difficile (commonly associated with diarrhea in horses) in the antibiotic challenged horses. This trend of reduction in cellulolytic bacteria associated with antibiotic use was also mirrored in a relatively recent study conducted in 2019, where a short-term reduction in culturable cellulolytic bacteria was combined with a progressive increase in amylolytic bacteria. The heavy reliance on cellulolytic bacteria in the role of equine digestion (without these types of bacteria the horse cannot break down their food) may, therefore, adversely affect the dietary energy available from forage during antimicrobial therapy and may therefore impact performance.

Supplementing horses nutritional feed with probiotics

Another study that compared the effect of penicillin, ceftiofur and trimethoprim sulfadiazine (TMS) on the gut microbiota in horses using next-generation sequencing showed that TMS had the most profound impact on the microbiota, in particular the phylum verrucomicrobia. This same study also reported a significant decrease in bacterial richness and diversity of the fecal microbiota. A reduction in bacterial diversity is certainly a trend that is commonly seen in gastrointestinal disease in horses. The restoration of the normal gut microbiota after completion of antibiotic treatment can take up to 40 days, but the organizational structure of the bacterial populations can take many years to re-establish the original structure map that was laid out in treating the pre-antibiotic gut. 

Equine studies certainly show similarities to human studies, indicating the consequences of antibiotics that can be seen across more than one species. Human studies have reported long-term consequences of antibiotic treatment on the human microbiota. One such human study investigated a seven-day clindamycin treatment and monitored the patients for two years. The impact on the human microbiota remained evident two years post-treatment, where a reduction in bacterial diversity and detection of high-resistance to clindamycin were detected. 

Interestingly, no resistant clones were detected in the control group over the two-year sampling period. Another study focusing on the effects of antibiotic treatment for Helicobacter pylori showed findings mirrored in similar studies of that field. The findings demonstrated the rapidly reducing bacterial diversity (one week) after antibiotic treatment and found that disturbances in the microbiota and high levels of macrolide resistance were evident four years post-treatment. Human studies may predict that equine studies will find similar trends with equine antimicrobial therapy. These studies highlight the impact of antibiotic use and the long-term persistence of antibiotic resistance remaining in the intestinal microbiome, which is a concern for both humans and animals. 

Antibiotics can lead to the selectivity and proliferation of resistant bacteria, which is evidenced by the long-term effects observed on the gut microbiota harboring drug-resistant encoded genes. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) commonly occurs in the gut (can be up to 25 times more likely to occur in the gut than in other environments). HGT can be attributed to the close proximity of the microbiota in the gut, allowing the transfer of genetic material via routes such as plasmids and conjugation; in other words, the bacteria in the gut have developed a pathway to transfer antibiotic-resistant genes from one generation to another. Resistance to antibiotics is now a global issue for the treatment of many diseases. 

Antibiotic resistance testing in laboratories

With the unfavorable association tied to Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) and the onset of colitis, particularly in mature horses treated with β-lactam antibiotics (commonly used for equine infections), the incidences in which antimicrobial therapy is considered should be minimized and only used if entirely necessary. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in recurrent presentations of symptoms of disease such as urinary tract infections in humans or diarrhea as a result of CDI in both humans and horses is promoting drug resistance. The antibiotics, by disrupting the gut microbiota (which act as a defense against the establishment and proliferation of such pathogenic bacteria) are allowing the opportunity of growth for these multi-resistant microorganisms such as C. difficile, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The organism C. difficile and its antibiotic resistance has been demonstrated in the treatment of CDI for both humans and animals. The introduction of vancomycin (a glycopeptide antibiotic) in 1959 for the control of CDI remained effective until the 1990s when a more virulent form of C. difficile emerged. This new form of C. difficile with reported broad-spectrum antibiotic resistance resulted in chronic conditions and increased human mortality. C. difficile is most noted with human hospital-acquired infections. C. difficile BI/NAP1/027 has been shown to have resistance to fluoroquinolone antibiotics, moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin, which was not seen in historical genotypes. As C. difficile infections are found to cause gastrointestinal disease in horses as well as humans, this is certainly of concern.

Alternative therapies to antibiotic therapy to restore or modulate the gut microbiome after a gut dysbiosis event could be considered in certain circumstances where antibiotics are no longer effective (e.g., CDI), if they’re not the best course (presence of extended-spectrum -β-lactamase (ESBL) producing  organisms) or if they’re not essential for example, when the diagnosis of the bacterial cause is uncertain. The rationale to using probiotic treatment along with antimicrobial treatment is that the antibiotic will target the pathogenic bacteria (e.g., C. difficile) and also the commensal microbiota of the gut, but the probiotic bacteria will help to re-establish the intestinal microbiota, and in turn, prevent the re-growth of the pathogenic bacteria in the case or residual spores of C. difficile surviving the antibiotic treatment. Alternative therapies such as fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) or probiotic solutions can reduce the risk of proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and also have fewer implications on the gut microbiome as evidenced by antibiotic use. 

Supplementing horses feed with probiotics

Probiotics have been defined by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as “live non-pathogenic microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” The word probiotic is Greek in origin, meaning, “for life”; and the term was coined by Ferdinand Vergin in 1954. While the mechanisms of action of probiotics are complex and require a deeper knowledge of the modulations of the gastrointestinal microbiota, and the health benefits due to their use are the subject of some debate, there is no doubt that probiotics are considered by many as a vital resource to human and animal health.   

The use of probiotics in animal production, particularly in intensive swine and poultry production, has increased in recent years, primarily as an alternative to the use of antimicrobials in the prevention of disease. The problem of antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial residues in food-producing animals (the horse is considered a food-producing animal), as a result of historical antibiotic use with the corresponding reduction in antibiotic efficacy in humans, leads to having to look at more sustainable options, such as probiotic use, to combat disease. Probiotics in horses are predominantly used as a treatment modality in the gastrointestinal microbial populations to combat illnesses such as diarrhea—to prevent diarrhea (particularly in foals) or help improve digestibility.  Shifts or fluctuations in the microbial populations of the equine gastrointestinal tract have been associated with diseases such as laminitis and colic.  

Gut dysbiosis, as mentioned previously, is a fluctuation or disturbance in the population of microorganisms of the gut. It is now being recognized as a cause of a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases; and in horses, it is one of the leading causes of mortality. The ability of probiotics in conferring health benefits to the host can occur via several different mechanisms: 1) inhibiting pathogen colonization in the gut by producing antimicrobial metabolites or by competitive exclusion by adhering to the intestinal mucosa, preventing pathogenic bacteria attachment by improving the function and structure; 2) protecting or restabilizing the commensal gut microbiota; 3) protecting the intestinal epithelial barrier; 4) inducing an immune response.

It is known that there are a wealth of factors that will adversely affect the gut microbiome: antibiotics, disease, diet, stress, age and environment are some of these compounding contributors. To mirror one researcher’s words, echoing from an era where antibiotics were used as growth promoters in the animal industry, “The use of probiotic supplements seeks to repair these deficiencies. It is, therefore, not creating anything that would not be present under natural conditions, but it is merely restoring the flora to its full protective capacity.” In the case of using concurrent antibiotic and probiotic treatment, this strategic tweaking of the microbiota could be used as a tool to prevent further disease consequences and perhaps help improve performance in the horse.

The benefits of probiotic use in horses have not been investigated extensively, but as mentioned previously, they are now being focused upon by researchers in the equine field. The most common bacterial strains used in equine probiotic products are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Bacillus and yeast strains of Saccharomyces. Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Enterococcus strains typically account for less than 1% of the microbiota’s large gastrointestinal populations. Regulation is lacking regarding labeling of probiotic products, often not displaying content with clarification and quality control (such as confirmed viability of strain[s]) not excised with over-the-counter probiotic products. There is evidence to suggest that host-adapted strains of bacteria and fungi enjoy a fitness advantage in the gut of humans and animals.  Therefore, there may be an advantage in using the individual animal’s own bacteria as potential probiotics. Probiotics and antibiotics used concurrently could be the way to minimize the introduction of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains in the gut, and in turn, protect future antibiotic efficacy. 

Why are gastric ulcers still a significant concern for horses in training?

With the advances in scoping and increased awareness of gastric ulcers, along with the high prevalence found in horses in training, one may wonder, Why is this condition still such a problem? Do we not know enough to prevent this condition from recurring? 

The short answer is that much is known, and for certain, there are effective medications and many feeds and supplements designed to manage the condition. The underlying problem is that the factors leading to ulceration, at least the most significant ones, are fundamental to the routine and management of a horse in training. Quite simply, the environment and exercise required are conducive to development of ulcers. Horses in training will always be at risk from this condition, and it is important to manage our expectation of how much influence we can have on ulcers developing, and our ability to prevent recurrence. 

Clarifying Gastric Ulceration

Before considering how and why ulcers are a recurrent problem, it is helpful to understand the different types of gastric ulceration as the term most commonly used, Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS), is an umbrella term which represents two distinct conditions. 

The term EGUS came into use in 1999 and represented ulceration of the two separate locations in the stomach where ulcers are found: the squamous and glandular regions. The two regions are functionally different, and ulceration in either location has different causative factors. This is important when considering what can be managed from a risk point of view at a racing yard. The term EGUS is now split into two categories: Equine Squamous Gastric Disease (ESGD) and Equine Glandular Gastric Disease (EGGD). 


ESGD is the most commonly occurring form and the focus of dietary and management interventions. The majority of horses in training have the primary form of ESGD where the stomach functions normally. There is a secondary form that relates to a physical abnormality which causes delayed emptying of the stomach.

The condition ESGD is influenced by the training environment and time spent in training as noted by researchers looking at prevalence of horses out of training compared to those within training. In this case, 37% of untrained thoroughbred racehorses had ESGD and this progressed to 80-100% of horses within two to three months of training. This effect is not unique to thoroughbreds and is seen in other breeds with an ‘active workload’; for example, standardbreds progress from an average of 44% ESGD in the population to 87% when in training. Such research is helpful in understanding two things: firstly, that ulcers in the squamous section can occur outside of training, and that the influence of exercise and dietary changes have a significant effect regardless of breed. Even horses in the leisure category, which are thought of as low risk or at almost no risk at all, can return surprising results in terms of prevalence.

There are multiple risk factors associated with development of ESGD, some of which are better evidenced than others, and some of which are more influential. These include:

  • Pasture turnout

  • Having a diet high in fibre/provision of ‘free choice’ fibre

  • Choice of alfalfa over other forages

  • Provision of straw as the only forage source

  • Restricted access to water

  • Exceeding 2g of starch per kilogram of body weight 

  • Greater than 6 hours between meals (forage/feed)

  • Frequency and intensity of exercise 

  • Duration of time spent in a stabled environment combined with exercise

Of these factors, the stabled environment—which influences feeding behaviour—and exercise are the most significant factors. The influence of diet in the unexercised horse can be significant, however once removed from pasture, and a training program is entered into, ulceration will occur as these factors are more dominant. An Australian study of horses in training noted the effect of time spent in training, with an increase in risk factor of 1.7 fold for every week spent in training. 

Once in training, there is some debate as to whether provision of pasture, either alone or in company, has a significant effect. Some studies report a lower risk of ESGD when pasture in company is provided for horses in training, whereas others have found no significant effect. The duration of access and quality of pasture involved may be part of the differences in results found. There is a distinct difference between turnout in a paddock that offers a pick of grass and a leg stretch and a paddock rich in well managed pasture. Ultimately a period of turnout whilst in a training program is not enough of a counter-balance to the risks of frequent and intense exercise, coupled with a need for stabled periods and higher rates of compound feeding.

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CATHERINE DUNNETT BSc, PhD, R.Nutr (18 October 2011 - Issue 22)