Spring 2025 - issue 75
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Contents in this issue include:
Jennifer Kelly profiles the Chicago native Larry Rivelli, a third-generation horseman where lessons learned by his grandfather’s and uncle’s sides have informed his approach to his work and his relationships with owners as he takes his career to a new level.
Ken Snyder provides our annual guide to the different incentives for owners and breeders across North America.
Dr Katie Williams explains how early research results are showing that more fiber and less starch doesn’t necessarily equal a reduced performance for the equine athlete.
Jennifer Kelly profiles Cynthia McKee with her Fiber Sonde - Holy Pow Wow horses while giving her late husband his due credit for what they built together.
Adam Jackson MRCVS helps us understand the workings of the equine eye and why it is so important to be aware of different eye conditions.
Jackie Bellamy-Zions interviews Wendy Pearson and Dr. Nadia Golestani on how Spirulina could offer a promising tool for promoting health and performance in horses.
Ken Snyder looks at the role Santa Anita played in supporting those affected by the devastating Los Angeles fires.
Kate Dugher gives a veterinary perspective on dealing with hormonal behaviors in breeding stock.
Bill Heller profiles the back stories behind owners who enjoyed Stakes success with; Coal Battle (Smarty Jones St), Guns Loaded (Mucho Macho Man St), Cyclone State (Jerome St), Raging Torrent (Malibu St).
Cindy Deubler looks at the new PA Bred stallions come to the Keystone State.
Bill Heller asks what advice have you given or would you give your assistant if he or she decides to go out on his or her own?
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