Recurrent airway obstruction in racehorses

Recurrent AirwayObstruction inracehorsesR AO is the most recentlyadopted term and describeswhat happens to affectedhorses, namely that theyexperience intermittentepisodes of blockage (obstruction) of thesmaller airways deep in the lung. Thisobstruct…

The old name for it is “broken wind,” we used to call it COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), we refer to it more commonly as “heaves,” and the most recent term that was adopted by vets and scientists who were studying it is Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO). Many of these terms are still in common use, and different groups of people involved with horses will possibly recognize the different terms for what is exactly the same condition.

By Dr David Marlin

First Published (20 October 2010 - Issue 18)

Cancer in the racehorse

THE BIG ‘C’Racehorses can suffer from a nearly endless list of different types of cancer. Theterm ‘cancer’ is not actually a single disease but encompasses a group ofdiseases in which the normal mechanisms of cell growth and death are disturbed.It i…

Racehorses can suffer from a nearly endless list of different types of cancer. The term ‘cancer’ is not actually a single disease but encompasses a group of diseases in which the normal mechanisms of cell growth and death are disturbed. It is fortunate that the majority of common equine cancers are benign because the success rate of treating malignant cancers in horses is very low. This article will discuss the most common types of cancer in the racehorse.

By James Tate BVMS MRCVS

First Published (20 October 2010 - Issue 18)

Working the Kinesio tape therapy magic on equine athletes

Veterinarian Dr. Nancy Brennan(right) and chiropractorDr. Tracy BarnesWorking the Kinesiotape therapy magicIn a sport where everyone is looking for an edge, thelatest for Thoroughbreds may be Kinesio tape. It is thesame tape seen on tennis star Sere…

In a sport where everyone is looking for an edge, the latest for Thoroughbreds may be Kinesio tape. It is the same tape seen on tennis star Serena Williams, soccer player David Beckham, any number of University of Connecticut basketball players, and many others. It creates a lifting effect on the skin of humans and horses alike to improve circulation, relieve pain, and, depending on its application, relax or stimulate muscles.

By Ken Snyder

First Published (21 July 2010 - Issue Number: 17)

Tibial stress fractures - a more common injury in racehorses than you might think

Tibial stress fractures are generally perceived to be serious injuries that occurinfrequently and require lengthy recovery times. However, this article will suggestthat these injuries are in fact much more common than most people think and areoften …

Tibial stress fractures are generally perceived to be serious injuries that occur infrequently and require lengthy recovery times. However, this article will suggest that these injuries are in fact much more common than most people think and are often misdiagnosed as pulled muscles. In addition, they may not be as serious as previously thought and with the help of sequential x-rays monitoring the injury, young horses can be returned to training surprisingly quickly.

By James Tate BVMS MRCVS

First Published (21 July 2010 - Issue 17)